Take a Zen Break  片刻寧靜禪

The word Zen refers to a type of Buddhism. This form of Buddhism stresses meditation as a means to attain enlightenment about the world around you. Objects in your day-to-day life can even have a Zen feel to them. That is, the items _(1)_ can give you a sense of peace and tranquility when you look at them.
In today's hectic world, more and more people are looking for ways to relieve their stress and pressure. One _(2)_ technique both Buddhists and non-Buddhists use is enjoying a Zen garden. While typical gardens grow flowers or fruit, the goal of a Zen garden isn't to grow anything. Each item in the garden is there to _(3)_ nature. Rocks are especially important, as well as sand and, _(4)_ a lesser degree, plants and water. These earthly essentials allow the "gardener" to _(5)_ simple things in life and how they are connected to them.

For the most part, Zen gardens are fairly large. This doesn't mean that everyday people can't enjoy the benefits of having one. Instead, they can make or purchase miniature _(6)_ that will work just as well. A small box containing stones, sand, and a tiny rake make up a desktop Zen garden. When the gardener needs some time to himself or herself, all he or she has to _(7)_ is pick up the rake, and move it gently through the sand. For a moment of peace, it may be just what the doctor ordered.
——by Rachel A. Black

1. (A) in doubt (B) out of order (C) out of sight (D) in question
2. (A) stress-reducing (B) stress-reduced (C) reducing-stress (D) reduced-stress
3. (A) launch (B) bounce (C) flash (D) reflect
4. (A) by (B) to (C) for (D) with
5. (A) turn in (B) show off (C) focus on (D) wear out
6. (A) versions (B) voyages (C) visions (D) volumes
7. (A) act (B) practice (C) do (D) exercise

1. 第一題空格應選 (D) in question

a. (A) in doubt  懷疑的,不確定的
例: If you are in doubt about your ability, I'll find someone else to do the job.

(B) out of order  故障,壞了

(C) out of sight  看不見
例: After Dad got on the train, we waved at him until the train was out of sight.

(D) in question  目前正在談論中的
例:The information in question can be found on our website.

b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。

2. 第二題空格應選 (A) stress-reducing
a. 表主動狀態,用『名詞 + 現在分詞』,如:
a man who loves peace
= a peace-loving man

b. 表被動狀態,用『名詞 + 過去分詞』,如:
a man whose heart was broken
= a heart-broken man

c. 本空格用來修飾其後的名詞 techniques,根據上述,原句應該是:
techniques that reduce stress
= stress-reducing techniques
由此可知,(A) 為正選。

d. stress-reducing a. 減輕壓力的

3. 第三題空格應選 (D) reflect
a. (A) launch vt. 發射;發動
launch a rocket  發射火箭
launch a demonstration  發動示威

(B) bounce vt. & vi.(使)彈起
例: The girl threw the ball and it bounced down the stairs.

(C) flash vt. & n.(使)閃爍/閃光
in a flash  瞬間
= like a flash
例: An ambulance was on the scene in a flash.

(D) reflect vt. 反映;反射
例: The novel reflects the mood of that generation.

b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。

4. 第四題空格應選 (B) to
a. to a/an...degree  到達……程度
例: To a certain degree, I agree with Gordon's opinion about the politician.

b. 根據上述,可知應選 (B)。

5. 第五題空格應選 (C) focus on
a. (A) turn in...  繳交/交出……
= hand in...

(B) show off (...)  炫耀(……)

(C) focus on...  專注在/集中於……
= concentrate on...

(D) wear out...  磨損……
例: My shoes are worn out and I've got to replace them very soon.

b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。

6. 第六題空格應選 (A) versions
a. (A) version n. 版本
例: Your version of the story isn't exactly how I remember it.

(B) voyage n. 旅程

(C) vision n. 視野;視線

(D) volume n.(書的)冊;音量

b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A)。

7. 第七題空格應選 (C) do
a. All/what sb has to/should/can do is (to) + 原形動詞  
在此句構中,由於修飾主詞的形容詞子句中含有動詞 do,故 be 動詞 is 後應接不定詞片語 (to + 原形動詞)作主詞補語,但此不定詞片語中的 to 通常予以省略,而直接接原形動詞。
例: What Brad can do is wait and see if he gets into the college of his choice.

b. 此為固定用法,故選 (C)。

1. Zen n.

2. meditation n. 冥想

3. enlightenment n. 啟發,啟示

4. tranquility n. 寧靜

5. hectic a. 紛擾的

6. technique n. 技術,技巧

7. earthly a. 地球的;俗世

8. essential n. 要素;本質

9. miniature a. 小型的 & n. 縮小版

10. rake n. 耙子

11. desktop a. 書桌上用的 & n. 桌上型電腦


1. That is, S + V  也就是說,……
= That is to say, S + V  

2. for the most part  大體上

3. to oneself  只給自己,僅對自己

1. refer to...  指的是……;引用……
例: I was referring to the first edition of the book in my report.

2. as a means to V  作為……的方法
例: As a means to lose weight, Tammy took up jogging.

3. relieve vt. 減輕
relieve sb of sth  減輕某人某事物
例: The medicine can relieve you of your headache.

4. be connected to...  與……有關
例: The leader told the newspaper that he was not connected to the group who did the bombing.

5. make up...  組成……
be made up of...  由……所組成
= be composed of...
= consist of...
例: This book is made up of 15 separate short stories.
Muscle is composed of two different types of protein.

6. be just what the doctor ordered  
例: A day off from work is just what the doctor ordered.



標準答案: 1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (B) 5. (C) 6. (A) 7. (C)

from 常春藤解析英語雜誌



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