Vespa  偉士牌機車的復古風

The Vespa craze that has been sweeping the globe may leave some wondering what all the hype is about. For some, the Vespa is just a bicycle with a motor, but for _(1)_, the Vespa is a symbol of hip, urban design.

The history of the Vespa _(2)_ just after World War II, when the Italian economy was in shambles. Engineer Enrico Piaggio was looking to create a new, inexpensive vehicle for the _(3)_. He didn't like big motorcycles because they were uncomfortable, dangerous, and required a lot of maintenance. Piaggio set his designers to work and they _(4)_ produced the world's first motorbike. Its flared rear and slim middle section made the body _(5)_ a wasp. So, the bike was named "Vespa," the Italian word for wasp.

_(6)_ its early days, the Vespa has, despite its small engine, been here, there, and everywhere. The Vespa cruised through scenes of Hollywood classics _(7)_ Roman Holiday and La Dolce Vita. In 1960s England, the Vespa shuttled around the sharp, suit-wearing hipster group _(8)_ the Mods. Recently, a Vespa traveled from Alaska to the tip of South America with the help of driver Giorgio Bettinelli.

Although Vespa importation to the United States was _(9)_ in 1985 because of emission problems, in 2000 they made a grand return. _(10)_ their convenience in crowded cities and a fashionable appearance, their popularity has soared. This wasp definitely isn't flying away any time soon.
——by Julia Koprak

(A) Since (B) masses (C) such as (D) resemble (E) banned
(F) others (G) With (H) eventually (I) known as (J) dates back to

1. 第一題空格應選 (F) others

a. 空格前的句子中有 For some(對一些人來說),可知此處應置入 others,以形成下列固定用法:
For some,...for others,...

例: For some, the game of Go is fun but for others, it is boring.

b. 根據上述,可知 (F) 應為正選。

2. 第二題空格應選 (J) dates back to

a. 本句尚缺動詞,且此處乃描述常態,故動詞應用現在式。

b. 由於主詞為第三人稱單數,選項中唯 dates back to 置入後符合語意、用法,故 (J) 為正選。

c. date back to...  追溯到……

例: This Chinese vase dates back to the Ching dynasty.

3. 第三題空格應選 (B) masses

a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,可知此處應置入名詞。

b. 選項中的 masses 置入後,形成 the masses 之固定用法,且符合語意,故選 (B)。
the masses  大眾,群眾

4. 第四題空格應選 (H) eventually

a. 本句結構已完整,故在動詞前只能置入副詞來修飾。

b. eventually 為副詞,且置入後符合語意,故 (H) 為正選。
eventually adv. 最終

5. 第五題空格應選 (D) resemble

a. 空格前有使役動詞 made 加受詞 the body,其後則有名詞 a wasp,可知此處應置入原形及物動詞,以形成不定詞片語作受詞補語。

b. resemble 為原形及物動詞,且置入後符合語意、用法,故 (D) 為正選。

c. resemble vt. 與……相似

例: It's weird that Steve doesn't resemble any of his family members.

6. 第六題空格應選 (A) Since

a. 空格後有一明確時間 its early days,而其後子句又為現在完成式,可知此處可置入 since 。

b. since 在此作介詞,表『自從……』,之後接名詞形成副詞片語,修飾現在完成式的主要子句,故 (A) 為正選。

7. 第七題空格應選 (C) such as

a. 空格前為完整子句,且其後有名詞,可知此處應置入介詞。

b. such as 為片語介詞,表『像/諸如……』,置入後符合語意、用法,故 (C) 為正選。

8. 第八題空格應選 (I) known as

a. 本句實等於:
...shuttled around the sharp, suit-wearing hipster group which was known as the Mods.
= ...shuttled around the sharp, suit-wearing hipster group known as the Mods.

b. be known as...  以……(身分)著稱

c. 根據上述,可知 (I) 應為正選。

9. 第九題空格應選 (E) banned

a. 空格前有 be 動詞的過去式 was,可知此處可置入形容詞、現在分詞或過去分詞。

b. banned 為過去分詞,置入後形成被動語態,表 importation(進口)這件事『被禁止』,符合語意、用法,故 (E) 為正選。

c. ban vt. 禁止

例: The film is banned in several countries.

10. 第十題空格應選 (G) With

a. 空格後為名詞,其前可置入介詞,形成介詞片語,修飾其後的子句。

b. With 置入後形成介詞片語,譯為『有了……』,符合語意、用法,故 (G) 為正選


1. sweep vt. 席捲;掃除
例: My mom asked me to sweep the floor in the living room.

2. be a symbol of...  是……的象徵
例: Jenny thinks having a designer purse is a symbol of wealth.

3. in shambles  一團糟;雜亂無章
shambles n. 一團糟;混亂場面(單複數同形)
例: After the Christmas party, the house was in shambles.


4. cruise vi. 行駛
例: Johnny was cruising down the street without a specific destination in mind.

5. shuttle vi. 穿梭往返
例: The train is shuttling between Taipei and Taoyuan.

6. emission n. 排放(物)
emit vt. 發出;排放
例: The machine emits a high-pitched sound when you press this button.

7. soar vi. 攀升,升高
例: Economic growth soars when there are low levels of unemployment.

1. hype n. 大肆宣傳

2. motor n. 馬達

3. urban a. 都市的

4. maintenance n. 保養

5. flared a. 成喇叭狀的

6. rear n. 後面,後部

7. slim a. 苗條的,纖細的

8. wasp n. 大黃蜂

9. despite prep. 儘管,不管

10. sharp a.(衣著)時髦的

11. hipster n. 時髦的人

12. importation n. 進口

13. fashionable a. 流行的,

14. definitely adv. 肯定地,必然


  偉士牌的歷史可追溯到第二次世界大戰後,當時的義大利經濟萎靡,技師 Enrico Piaggio 想設計出一種對大眾而言經濟實惠的新車款。他不喜歡重型機車,因為騎起來不舒服,而且危險,又需要經常保養。Piaggio 要求他的設計團隊著手進行,終於生產出世界上第一部摩托車。喇叭狀的尾端設計和纖細的腹腰造型使車體看起來就像隻大黃蜂。因此,這部機車就被稱做 Vespa,也就是大黃蜂(wasp)的義大利文。

  儘管引擎很小,偉士牌問世沒多久便常穿梭在大街小巷中。在好萊塢經典名片,如《羅馬假期》和《甜蜜生活》當中,也可看到偉士牌機車馳騁的身影。1960年代的英國,偉士牌在一群西裝筆挺的時髦雅痞『摩登一族』間廣為流行。近來還有一名騎士 Giorgio Bettinelli 騎著偉士牌機車從阿拉斯加環遊到南美最南端。


標準答案: 1. (F) 2. (J) 3. (B) 4. (H) 5. (D) 6. (A) 7. (C) 8. (I) 9. (E) 10. (G


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