A Turn of the Deck  揭開塔羅牌的神秘面紗

Surrounded by mystery and magic, tarot cards have an unclear history that is the cause of much debate. Some say the tradition of tarot _(1)_ from ancient China, India, and Egypt. _(2)_ claim these theories are pure nonsense. _(3)_ we do know begins in 15th century Italy, in the court of Ferrara. Like playing cards of the time, the first tarot deck included number and face cards in four suits. The new deck added a set of queens as well as 22 special trump cards.

Although used _(4)_ entertainment, the cards themselves are quite interesting. Each of the special cards contains a _(5)_ and thought-provoking image. The Magician represents the conscious mind. The man on the card is _(6)_ various tools to tinker with reality. The Justice card depicts a figure holding a balance, showing us that every action has an effect _(7)_ that we must undo wrong actions of the past. The Hanged Man dangles upside down, reminding us that situations can always be turned around and everything isn't always as it appears to be.

Due _(8)_ their symbolic nature, tarot cards have more recently been used for fortune-telling _(9)_. Tarot readers will spread out the cards and find a certain meaning in the way different cards are placed together. They use these patterns to predict the _(10)_. Though the true meaning of tarot cards will continue to be debated, people will continue to look beneath the surface and attempt to unfold the mystery that lies within.
——by Julia Koprak

(A) Others(B) purposes(C) stems(D) unique(E) using
(F) to(G) as(H) and(I) What(J) future

1. 第一題空格應選 (C) stems

a. 空格前有單數主詞 the tradition(傳統),得知空格內應置入第三人稱單數動詞。

b. 選項中僅 (C) 為單數動詞,故應為正選。

c. stem vi. 起源於
stem from...  源自於……

例: Tom's love for photography stems from his years spent studying art in France.

2. 第二題空格應選 (A) Others

a. 空格位於句首,故應置入字首大寫的選項。

b. 選項中 (A) 與 (I) 均為大寫,但空格前一句的主詞為 Some(一些人),得知空格應置入 Others 以形成下列固定句型:
Some...Others...  有些……另一些……(用於非限定的兩個群體)

例: Some of the bikes are brand-new, while others are absolutely worthless.

3. 第三題空格應選 (I) What

a. 空格位於句首,故應置入字首大寫的選項。

b. 選項中 (A) 與 (I) 均為大寫,但此處應置入 (I) What,以形成名詞子句,作整句的主詞,故選之。

4. 第四題空格應選 (G) as

a. 空格前有被動式動詞 used(被用來),後有名詞entertainment(娛樂),得知應置入介詞 as,表『被用作為……』,故選 (G)。

b. 原句分析如下:
Although (being) used as entertainment, the cards themselves are quite interesting.
= Although the cards are used as entertainment, the cards themselves are quite interesting.

5. 第五題空格應選 (D) unique

a. 空格後有對等連接詞 and,及形容詞 thought-provoking(發人省思的),得知空格應置入形容詞,以和 thought-provoking 形成對等。

b. 選項中僅 (D) 為形容詞,填入後合乎語意、用法,故為正選。

c. unique a. 獨一的
例: Because of his unique ideas, he should be the manager of the marketing department.

6. 第六題空格應選 (E) using

a. 空格前有 be 動詞 is,其後有受詞 various tools(各式工具),得知空格應置入現在分詞,形成現在進行式。

b. 選項中僅 (E) 為現在分詞,填入後合乎語意、用法,故為正選。

7. 第七題空格應選 (H) and

a. 空格前有 that 引導的名詞子句 every action has an effect(一舉一動都有其影響),空格後也另有 that 引導的名詞子句 we must undo wrong actions of the past(我們必須挽回過去的錯誤行為),得知空格應置入對等連接詞,使兩個 that 子句同時作 showing 的直接受詞。

b. 選項中僅 (H) and 為對等連接詞,故為正選。

8. 第八題空格應選 (F) to

a. 本空格測試下列固定片語:
due to...  由於……
例: Due to the success of the last book fair, we'll have another one next year.

b. 根據上述固定用法,(F) 應為正選。

9. 第九題空格應選 (B) purposes

a. 本空格測試下列固定用法:
for + adj. + purposes  為了……目的
= for (the) purposes of N
例: We saved money for the purposes of our children's education and buying a house.

b. 根據上述固定用法,(B) 應為正選。

10. 第十題空格應選 (J) future

a. 空格前有及物動詞 predict(預測),及定冠詞 the,得知空格應置入名詞。

b. 選項中僅剩 (J) future(未來)為名詞,且置入後合乎語意,故為正選。


  一副完整的塔羅牌共有78張牌,其中包含22張大阿爾克那(Major Arcana )及56張小阿爾克那(Minor Arcana)。
  大阿爾克那以中世紀時期的人物、自然現象,以及具象徵意義的牌為主。共計有愚者(The Fool)、魔術師(The Magician)、女祭司(The High Priestess)、皇后(The Empress)、皇帝(The Emperor)、教皇(The Hierophant)、戀人(The Lovers)、戰車(The Chariot)、力量(Strength)、隱者(The Hermit)、命運之輪(Wheel of Fortune)、正義(Justice)、吊人(The Hanged Man )、死神(The Death )、節制(Temperance )、惡魔(The Devil )、塔(The Tower)、星星(The Star)、月亮(The Moon)、太陽(The Sun)、審判(Judgement)、世界(The World)等22種 牌。這22張大阿爾克那被視為是『人生之旅』。從『愚人』為起點到達『世界』的終點,完整呈現人類靈魂進化中必須經歷的各種階段。


1. surround vt. 包圍
例: A lot of mystery surrounds the case and I won't sleep until it's solved.

2. tinker with...  笨拙地修理/擺弄……
例: Please don't tinker with my computer while I'm away.

3. undo vt. 使恢復原狀;取消
例: Jen tried to undo the mistakes of her past, but found out that it was too late.

4. dangle vi. 懸吊(常與 from 並用)
例: A single light bulb was dangling in the center of the living room.

5. upside down  上下顛倒
例: We were thrown upside down when the plane rolled over.

6. remind sb + that 子句  提醒某人……

remind vt. 提醒;使想起

remind sb to V  提醒某人(做)……

remind sb of N  使某人(聯)想起……
例: If you hadn't reminded me to feed the fish, they would have starved to death.
Doesn't that girl remind you of the woman that lived next door to us?

7. symbolic a. 象徵的
be symbolic of...  象徵……
例: The gift that I gave you is symbolic of my feelings for you.

8. unfold vt. 揭開,揭露 & vi. 展開
例: As the story unfolded, I discovered that Richard was actually a spy.

1. deck n. 一副牌;船的甲板

2. mystery n. 神祕(的事物)

3. tarot cards n. 塔羅牌

4. nonsense n. 無稽之談

5. suit n. 同花色的一組紙牌

6. trump n.(紙牌的)王牌

7. thought-provoking a. 引人深思的

8. depict vt. 描述

9. balance n. 天秤

10. pattern n. 模式

1. A as well as B  A 以及 B

2. spread out...  攤開……

3. attempt to V  企圖做……

  塔羅牌向來離不開神秘與魔法,因其由來不明,而引起了許多爭論。有些人說塔羅牌的傳統始於古中國、印度和埃及。另一些人則聲稱這些理論純粹是無稽之 談。而我們目前確切知道的是,塔羅牌源起於十五世紀義大利藝術之都費拉拉的宮廷之中。就像當時的紙牌,第一副塔羅牌包含了四組同花色的號碼牌和人頭牌。而 新的塔羅牌則增加了一組女王牌以及二十二張王牌。

  雖然作為娛樂之用,但這些牌本身也非常有趣。每張特別的牌上都包含獨特且發人省思的圖案。魔術師代表意識。牌上的人物使用各式工具修補現實。正義牌上 描繪一個人手握天秤,表示一舉一動都會產生影響,而我們必須挽回過去的錯誤行為。吊人牌上下倒吊,提醒我們不管什麼情況都可能逆轉,而每件事也不一定像表 面那般。


標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (I) 4. (G) 5. (D) 6. (E) 7. (H) 8. (F) 9. (B) 10. (J)

from 常春藤解析英語雜誌

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