Rent a Goat and Help the Environment 丟掉除草機,迎接羊咩咩

by Rebecca A. Fratzke
This eco-friendly weeding method is a win-win for everyone.

  These days, it is not uncommon to hear about environmentally-friendly choices that are far from the norm. We have hybrid cars that _(1)_ fossil fuel reliance and solar panels that harness energy from the sun. What about for little things like weeding the yard? Clever minds have found a green solution to this problem _(2)_ ruminant renting programs.
  Shepherds run programs that rent out goats and sheep in order to weed areas. This is an alternative to using _(3)_ chemical pesticides to get rid of weeds and other invasive plants. Most often, goats are used because of their amazing eating abilities. There is little that goats won't snack on; moreover, they work quietly and efficiently while organically fertilizing the land. _(4)_, a gas-powered lawn mower is noisy and emits carbon monoxide.
  Additionally, while weeding is labor-intensive work for humans, goats and sheep manage it with ease, clearing steep slopes and wetlands of bush that is up to two meters in height. There's another _(5)_ to animal weeding. Humans tend to pull weeds out from the roots or chop them down, causing the plants to release their seeds. Goats, on the other hand, eat the seeds first, which _(6)_ a lower recurrence of weed growth.
  Whether the job is a backyard or an airfield, ruminants always meet the challenge. _(7)_ more and more people taking advantage of these eager weeders, businesses may soon throw away the mower and call a sheep rental company to trim the grass. What's even better, they can cut their budget at the same time.

1. (A) put up with(B) cut down on    (C) make up for  (D) come down with
2. (A) at the cost of(B) at the risk of(C) in the event of(D) in the form of
3. (A) harmful    (B) comfortable    (C) stressful  (D) profitable
4. (A) Similarly(B) In short    (C) By contrast  (D) Otherwise
5. (A) response    (B) benefit    (C) warning  (D) symptom
6. (A) affords    (B) encourages    (C) launches  (D) guarantees
7. (A) As    (B) For        (C) With  (D) Upon

1. We have hybrid cars that cut down on fossil fuel reliance and solar panels that...
a. (A)put up with...  忍受……
= tolerate vt.
例: How can you put up with Jane's bad temper?
(B) cut down on...  減少……的量
例: The doctor advised Charles to cut down on drinking alcohol.
(C) make up for...  彌補……
= compensate for...
例: Diligence makes up for one's slowness.
(D) come down with...  因……而病倒
例: Catherine came down with a cold yesterday.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B),置入後表『減少』對化石燃料依賴的油電混合車,還有利用太陽能源的太陽能板。

2. ...have found a green solution to this problem in the form of ruminant renting programs.
a. (A) at the cost of...  以……的代價
例: The fire fighter rescued a baby at the cost of his own life.
(B) at the risk of...  冒著……的風險∕危險
例: At the risk of losing all his money, Matt invested in the project.
(C) in the event of...  要是∕萬一……
例: What number should we call in the event of a fire?
(D) in the form of...  以……的形式
例: This medicine only comes in the form of a pill.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D),置入後表『以』反芻動物出租方案『的形式』作為解決此問題的環保途徑。

3. This is an alternative to using harmful chemical pesticides to get rid of weeds and other invasive plants.
a. (A) harmful a. 有害的
例: Smoking is harmful to your health.
(B) comfortable a. 舒服的
(C) stressful a. 緊張的,壓力大的
(D) profitable a. 有利的,有益的
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A),harmful chemical pesticides 表『有害的』化學殺蟲劑。

4. By contrast, a gas-powered lawn mower is noisy and emits carbon monoxide.
a. (A) similarly adv. 相同地,相似地
例: In this restaurant, men must wear a shirt and tie. Similarly, women must wear a skirt or dress.
(B) In short, S + V  簡而言之,……
(C) By/In contrast, S + V  相較之下,……
例: Mary is beautiful. In contrast, her sister isn't very attractive.
(D) otherwise adv.否則
b. 空格前提到用山羊來除草的好處,故根據語意,可知應選 (C),表『相較之下』,用汽油提供動能的割草機既吵雜又會排放一氧化碳。

5. There's another benefit to animal weeding.
a. (A) response n. 回應,反應(與介詞 to 並用)
例: Please send a response to my inquiry as soon as possible.
(B) benefit n. 好處,利益
例: Drinking water has a lot of benefits over soft drinks.
(C) warnin n. 警告
(D) symptom n. 症狀
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B),置入後表動物除草還有另一項『好處』。

6. ..., eat the seeds first, which guarantees a lower recurrence of weed growth.
a. (A) afford vt. 負擔得起
afford 通常置於助動詞 can 或 cannot 之後,再接名詞或不定詞作受詞。
例: Barry rides a scooter to work because he can't afford a car.
(B) encourage vt. 鼓勵
encourage sb to V  鼓勵某人去……
例: The professor encouraged Lisa to become an engineer.
(C) launch vt. 發射;發起
例: The minister launched a campaign against corruption.
(D) guarantee vt. 擔保,保證
例: The salesman guaranteed that this device could be used to drive away mosquitoes.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (D)。

7. With more and more people taking advantage of these eager weeders, businesses may soon throw away...
a. 空格後有名詞詞組 more and more people taking advantage...(愈來愈多人利用……),可知空格內應置入介詞。
b. 四個選項皆為介詞,但 (A) As (身為……)、(B) For (為了……)及 (D) Upon (一……就……)置入後語意均不合,故皆不可選。
例: As a writer, Tim gathers inspiration from everyday life.
例: Upon hearing the news, Kate immediately cried out loudly.
c. 選項 (C) With 表『隨著……』,置入後符合語意,故選之。
例: With the creation of the Internet, people are more connected than ever before.

1. it is not uncommon to V  ……是常見的
= it is common to V
例: In Taipei, it is not uncommon to see scooters weaving in and out of traffic.

2. be far from + N/adj.  一點也不(是)……
例: Don't trust Albert. What he said is far from the truth.

3. harness vt. 利用
例: Solar cells harness the power of the sun to produce electricity.

4. alternative n. 選擇
例: If you don't like the suggestion, I could offer a couple of alternatives.

5. get rid of...  除去∕擺脫……
例: It took Lily two months to get rid of the weight she had gained while she was pregnant.

6. efficiently adv. 有效率地
例: Ed always finishes his work efficiently.

7. emit vt. 排放,散出
例: Cell phones may emit radiation that causes cancer.

8. additionally adv. 此外
= in addition
例: Mary is beautiful. Additionally, she is willing to help others.

9. with ease  輕易地(= easily)
例: David opened the wine bottle with ease.

10. meet the challenge  迎接挑戰
例: Our team was able to meet the challenge and finished the project in two days.

11. eager a. 熱切的,渴望的
be eager to V/for N  渴望(得到)……
例: Billy was eager to find out what he was getting for his birthday.

1. rent vt. 租用,出租
2. norm n. 規範,行為準則
3. hybrid a. 混合的
a hybrid car  油電混合車
4. fossil fuel n. 化石燃料
5. reliance n. 依賴
6. solar panel n. 太陽能板
7. weed vt. 除去雜草 & n. 雜草
weeder n. 除草者
8. ruminant n. 反芻動物
9. shepherd n. 牧羊人
10. pesticide n. 殺蟲劑
11. invasive a. 侵入的
12. organically adv. 有機地
13. fertilize vt. 施肥
14. lawn mower n. 割草機
= mower n.
15. carbon monoxide n. 一氧化碳
16. labor-intensive a. 勞動密集的
17. steep a. 陡峭的
18. slope n. 斜坡
19. wetland n. 溼地;沼地
20. seed n. 種子,籽
21. recurrence n. 復發,再發生
22. airfield n. 飛機場
23. rental a. 供出租的
24. trim vt. 修整,修剪
25. budget n. 預算

1. snack on...  吃……
2. clear A of B  將 B 自 A 中清除
3. height/length  高∕長……
4. tend to V  往往會……
5. chop...down/chop down...  將……砍下
6. on the other hand  另一方面
7. take advantage of...  利用……
8. throw away...  丟掉……
9. at the same time  同時

  牧羊人經營出租山羊或綿羊來除草的事業。除了使用有害的化學殺蟲劑來除去雜草和入侵性植物,這種方法提供了另一種選擇。山羊因為有驚人的進食能力,大 多時候都會被用來從事這項工作。很少有山羊不吃的草,而且牠們在對土地進行有機施肥時,仍然安靜且有效率的勞動。相較之下,用汽油提供動能的割草機既吵鬧 又會排放一氧化碳。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (B) 6. (D) 7. (C)

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