 Portugal, with its miles of coastline and historic cities, is fast becoming a top tourist destination in Europe. The capital, Lisbon, is the largest tourist city in Portugal. The combination of beautiful seaside cliffs1, splendid old castles, and quiet villages appeal to millions of tourists who visit the country every year. The biggest attraction is perhaps Portugal's beaches, which face the Atlantic Ocean. There, tourists and locals alike enjoy popular activities like surfing, kite flying, and scuba diving.

  Portugal has also developed a reputation for great golf vacations with more than 10 Portuguese courses ranked in Europe's Top 100 Golf Courses. What's more, Portugal is perhaps best known for having the best deep-sea fishing in the world. Although visitors can experience exciting big game fishing along the coast of the Portuguese mainland2, the best fishing is found off the islands of Azores and Madeira. Far in the Atlantic Ocean, both islands offer visitors access to blue marlin3, yellowfin tuna, and shark. With its classic cities, beautiful coastline, and fantastic waters, Portugal brings out the best in Europe in one perfect package.

  擁有綿延百哩的海岸線以及歷史古城的葡萄牙,正迅速成為歐洲的頂尖旅遊勝地。首都里斯本是葡萄牙最大的觀光城市。該國境內的壯麗濱海懸崖、雄偉古堡及 恬靜村莊等種種景色的絕妙組合,每年都吸引了上百萬名觀光客到此一遊。葡萄牙最引人入勝之處大概就是濱臨大西洋的眾多海灘。在這些海灘上,觀光客和當地民 眾皆一同享受著諸如衝浪、放風箏及潛水等熱門活動。

  葡萄牙境內座落著十幾個名列歐洲百大的高爾夫球場,也因此打響了該國擁有優質高球假期的名聲。此外,葡萄牙最為享譽國際的大概就是其深海釣魚了。雖然 遊客可以在葡萄牙本土沿岸體驗到放長線釣大魚的刺激感,但最棒的釣點其實是在亞述群島及馬德拉群島的外海處。遠在大西洋上的這兩座島嶼讓遊客得以更容易捕 到藍馬林魚、黃鰭鮪魚及鯊魚。集典雅城市風貌、瑰麗海岸景色與壯觀浪潮於一身的葡萄牙,完美地呈現出歐洲精彩絕倫的一面。
Building Your Vocabulary 

《Building Your Vocabulary》
1. historic a. 有重大歷史意義的,歷史性的
We must preserve this historic building.
2. combination n. 結合,混合
Milk and cookies are a perfect combination.
3. attraction n. 吸引人之物
The nightlife is the main attraction in Taipei.
4. reputation n. 名聲;名望
Wulai has a reputation for great hot springs.
5. experience vt. 經歷,體驗
Have you experienced bungee jumping?
6. access n. 接近的機會(常與介詞 to 並用)
I have easy access to many shops from my apartment downtown.

《Phrases for Learning》
1. appeal to...  吸引……
The ad mainly appealed to male shoppers.
2. bring out the best/worst in...  
Wars bring out the worst in human nature.
Tips In Use 

...tourists and locals alike enjoy the top activities...
1. 此處的 alike 作副詞用,表『同樣地,一樣地』。
The dessert can be enjoyed by children and adults alike.
2. alike 也常作形容詞用,表『相同的,相像的』,通常置於 be 動詞後作主詞補語,而不可置於名詞前修飾。表『相似的,相像的』時,其前不可用 very 修飾,而應用 much。
Jenny's new and previous jobs are very much alike.

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