Known Universe 3 浩瀚宇宙

  Scientists already have a wealth of information about the universe. They believe a powerful explosion1 created the universe nearly 14 billion years ago. They know that nothing moves faster than the speed of light, which is around 300,000 kilometers per second. They have also discovered that our Milky Way galaxy2 is just one of hundreds of billions of others in the entire universe. However, all of this knowledge barely scratches the surface.

  Space is extremely vast, and scientists are out to explore every corner of it. They are looking into how the vacuum3 of space and its near zero pressure can kill a person within seconds. Once this is understood, there might be a possibility of people surviving in outer space4. In the meantime, experts are also hunting for treasure in space. Asteroids5 have been found to contain more precious metals6 than Earth. In addition, planets like Neptune may have huge quantities of diamonds and possibly even water. This month, the science and engineering7 behind space exploration8 is presented on National Geographic Channel. Catch "Known Universe 3" to discover what is new.



  太空廣闊無垠,因此科學家正致力於探索它的每一個角落。他們正在研究太空裡的真空狀態以及近乎無壓力的環境是如何在短短數秒內置人於死。一旦知道箇中 原因,人類在外太空生存就不無可能。同一時間,專家們也在太空中尋寶。他們發現小行星所蘊含的貴金屬比地球還多。此外,像海王星這類的行星也可能蘊藏著大 量的鑽石甚或是水份。本月份,國家地理頻道將要呈現太空探測背後所涉及的科學與工程學。敬請收看《浩瀚宇宙3》來發現新知識。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. vast a. 廣闊的;(量)很大的
The government plans on putting vast amounts of money into the country's education system.
2. precious a. 珍貴的
Sandra's precious necklace caught everyone's eye at the party.
3. quantity n. 量,數量
It is quality not quantity that really matters.
4. present vt. 呈現,展現
Tom used a chart to present the figures more clearly.
Phrases for Learning 

1. a wealth of...  豐富的……
Taiwan has a wealth of natural beauty, which attracts many travelers.
2. scratch the surface  僅觸及事物表面
With only one week in New York City, they merely scratched the surface of all it has to offer.
3. be out to + 原形動詞  試圖∕力圖(做)……
The mayor is out to lower the city's unemployment rate.
4. in the meantime  在此期間
Julie is preparing dinner. In the meantime, her son is watching TV in the living room.
Extra Words 

1. explosion n. 爆炸
2. galaxy n. 星系
3. vacuum n. 真空
4. outer space n. 外太空
5. asteroid n. 小行星
6. precious metal n. 貴金屬
7. engineering n. 工程學
8. exploration n. 探測;探險
More to Know 

More about the Space
太空中由於沒有大氣層的保護,氣溫變化劇烈,還存在著危險的宇宙軸射,以及隨時可能遭到隕石的撞擊,所以太空中的維生系統就極其重要。維生系統是太空船裡 的一種特殊裝置,它可以供應與地球空氣類似的混合氣體,並且維持正常的海平面氣壓,還可維持空氣的清新和調節濕度,為太空人提供舒適的環境。

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