Taiwan to the World 4 綻放真台灣

Experts are working to unlock the secrets and the potential of creatures found on this beautiful Island

  Known as the Beautiful Island, Taiwan is filled with spectacular landscapes, unique wildlife, and also amazing people. There are roughly 70 species of mammals1, 90 species of reptiles2, 400 species of butterflies, 500 species of birds, and more. Some of these incredible creatures can only be found in Taiwan. These consist of the Formosan black bear, the Formosan landlocked salmon3, and the Mikado pheasant4. However, it is the unexpected creatures that are presenting some unexpected benefits to the world.

  National Geographic Channel's "Taiwan to the World 4: Taiwan's Amazing Creatures" changes our view of the world. It shows experts working to unlock the secrets and the potential of creatures commonly found in Taiwan like cockroaches and horseshoe crabs5.

  Not only is Taiwan's wildlife amazing, but so are its people. In the episode "Star Trackers6", NGC's cameras follow two stargazers7 chasing their dreams in the night sky. One is attempting to discover a new comet, while the other is working on building the world's most powerful radio telescope. Produced by Taiwanese filmmakers, NGC's "Taiwan to the World 4" will open your hearts and minds to all that is Taiwan.


  台灣以寶島的美名著稱,島上充滿了美不勝收的景致、獨特的野生生物,以及傑出 優秀的人民。這些野生物種大約包含七十種哺乳動物、九十種爬蟲類、四百種蝴蝶、五百種鳥類以及更多不同種類的生物。在這些奇妙的生物之中,有一些是只有在 台灣才找得到的。這些生物包括了台灣黑熊、櫻花鉤吻鮭和台灣帝雉。不過帶給世界一些意想不到的益處的,反倒是那些令人預料不到的生物。


  台灣令人驚豔的可不是只有野生動物而已,台灣人也是很優秀的。在《星空搜捕手》這集節目中,國家地理頻道的鏡頭將會跟著兩位在夜空中追尋夢想的天文觀 測家。其中一位試圖要發現新的慧星,而另一位則在全力打造世界上威力最強的電波望遠鏡。由台灣製片家所製作的國家地理頻道《綻放真台灣》系列節目,將會打 開您對台灣的新視野。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. spectacular a. 精彩的,奪目的
Many people visit Yellowstone National Park for its spectacular scenery.
2. roughly adv. 粗略地,大致上
Jason and I have roughly the same opinions even though we come from different backgrounds.
3. unexpected a. 想不到的,意外的
Susan's resignation was quite unexpected because we thought she loved her job.
4. unlock vt. 揭開,揭發(……的秘密)
The psychologist unlocked Tim's inner feelings by analyzing his dreams.
5. potential n. 可能性,潛力
I think the young chess player has the potential to become a world-class champion.
Phrases for Learning 

1. consist of...  由……組成
This film consists of five touching stories that are all tied together by a red violin.
2. attempt to + 原形動詞  試圖∕嘗試(做)……
Ian attempted to cheer up his wife by telling jokes.
3. work on + 動名詞∕名詞  致力於……
The marketing department has been working on this project for a long time.
Extra Words 

1. mammal n. 哺乳類
2. reptile n. 爬蟲類
3. Formosan landlocked salmon n. 櫻花鉤吻鮭 
  landlocked a. 內陸的
  salmon n. 鮭魚
4. Mikado pheasant n. 帝雉
5. horseshoe crab n. 鱟(又名馬蹄蟹)
6. tracker n. 追蹤者,追捕者
7. targazer n. 觀星者;星象學家
More to Know 

Horseshoe Crab
  雖然鱟(馬蹄蟹)的名稱,會讓人誤以為這種生物和螃蟹有關,然而這兩者之間卻一點關係也沒有。鱟是一種節肢動物,和蜘蛛或蠍子的關係還比較親近。這種 生物已經存在四十億年了,具備著簡單卻強韌的免疫系統,是以牠的血液對航太科學來說極其珍貴,能夠偵測有機體及保護太空人免於疾病傷害。目前科學界除了以 鱟進行神經傳導與視覺系統的相關研究外,還廣用鱟的血液於檢測醫療用品或人體用注射品是否有細菌內毒素(endotoxin)的污染,此方法就稱為鱟試劑 檢驗法。

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