The 2012 London Games 2012倫敦奧運開賽

  Every four years, the world stops what it is doing and turns its attention to an event so spectacular that billions of people tune in to see what happens. If you guessed that this is the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, then you are right. This summer, the Olympic Games will be held in London, England from July 27 to August 12. Athletes from 205 nations around the world will be competing in feats of strength, speed, and accuracy. Overall, there will be 300 events at the Olympics this year, with women's boxing making its debut.

  London is the only city ever to host the games three times. It is home to many famous sporting venues like Wimbledon, Wembley Stadium, Lord's Cricket Ground, Millennium Stadium, and Hyde Park, which will all be hosting events. The newly built Olympic Stadium will also feature many of the events, along with the opening and closing ceremonies that will be watched by billions worldwide. The Olympic organizers are making a big effort to go green this year. Everything is designed to have low carbon emissions, produce little waste, and involve green technology wherever possible.


  每隔四年,全世界都會停下手邊工作,改而注意一項讓數十億人都轉台關注的精彩 盛事。若您猜想的是奧運的開幕典禮,那您就猜對了。今年夏天從七月二十七到八月十二日,英國倫敦將會成為奧運的舉辦地。來自全球兩百零五個國家的運動員將 在考驗力量、速度及精準度的各項賽事中互相較勁。今年的奧運總共會有三百個比賽項目,當中包括了首次登場的女子拳擊。

  倫敦是唯一一個三度主辦奧運的城市。它同時也是溫布頓、溫布利球場、洛德板球場、千禧球場和海德公園等眾多著名運動會場的所在地,而上述所提的所有場 館也都會主辦賽事。至於新落成的倫敦奧林匹克體育場也將進行多項比賽,以及全世界數十億人口都會收看的開幕和閉幕典禮。今年奧運的主辦單位也致力落實環 保。各個環節的設計重點都以低排碳量、製造少量的廢棄物、和盡可能使用環保科技為目標。
Words & Phrases 

1. spectacular a. 引人注目的,精彩的
There are spectacular fireworks displays every year on the Fourth of July.

2. overall adv. 總共,整體而言
The cost for installing six new windows is NT$12,000 overall.

3. make + 所有格 + debut  (某物∕人)首次出現∕登台
Country music singer Taylor Swift made her debut with her self-titled album in 2006.

4. host vt. 主辦;主持
The organization hosted a fundraiser to help those who lost their homes in the earthquake.

5. feature vt. 以……為主要內容 & n. 特色,特徵
The suite features spacious bedrooms and gorgeous views from the hotel's top floor.

6. along with...  以及……;與……一起
Paula, along with her parents, traveled to France to visit her cousins.

7. worldwide adv. 遍及全世界地
The killing of Osama bin Laden made headlines worldwide last May.

8. make an effort to + 原形動詞  盡力做……
The parents are making every effort to give their children the best possible education.
Extra Words 

1. feat n. 壯舉
2. venue n. 舉行場所,舉辦地點
3. cricket n. 板球
4. millennium n. 一千年,千年期
5. organizer n. 籌辦者
6. carbon n. 碳
7. emission n. 排放
Tips In Use 

so + 形容詞∕副詞 + that + 主詞 + 動詞  如此……以致於……
such + a/an + 名詞 + that + 主詞 + 動詞  如此……以致於……
在上述句構中,so 為副詞,故其後須接形容詞或副詞以供修飾;而 such 為形容詞,因此其後要接名詞。
Nina is so rude that no one likes to be around her.
=Nina is such a rude person that no one likes to be around her.
all over the world  全世界,世界各地
= the world over
= worldwide
上述用法可作形容詞用,置於名詞後,修飾該名詞;亦可作副詞用,修飾句中動詞,且使用"the world over"時,其前不可再置介詞 in,即無 "in the world over"的用法。
People all over the world are against terrorism.
This kind of smartphone can be bought the world over.

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