Every day, many of us trust that the machines which take us up and down tall buildings will be safe. Elevators are a big part of the modern world. So what is the history of this amazingly useful invention1? Just like many other machines in our daily lives, it goes all the way back to
ancient times. It seems that the famous Greek mathematician2 Archimedes built the earliest elevator in 236 BC.
Needless to say, the first elevators didn't have electricity3 to make them work. They were
powered by hand or by animals. Elevators didn't change much until the 1800s, when the designs got more
complicated. Power elevators were introduced to New York in the mid-19th century. After that, the greatest advancement4 in elevator technology was probably first made by Elisha Otis. In 1853, Otis
announced that he produced an elevator that had a "safety mechanism5." His design made sure elevators could not suddenly drop to the ground and
injure or kill the passengers inside.
Thanks to these and other developments, you can now get to the 50th floor quickly and without worry.

每天,我們許多人都信任載著我們上下高樓大廈的機器是安全的。升降機是現代世界很重要的一部分。這個超級實用的發明究竟有著什麼樣的歷史呢?就如同我們日 常生活中的其它許多機器一樣,升降機的歷史可以回溯到遙遠的古代。最早的升降機似乎是在西元前236年時,由大名鼎鼎的希臘數學家阿基米德所建。
不用說,最早期的升降機並沒有電力來讓它們運作。它們是靠人的雙手或獸力所驅動。升降機在1800年代前都未有太大改變,直到那時候起的設計才變得較為複 雜。電梯在十九世紀中被引進紐約。在那之後,電梯科技中最大的進展可能是由艾利莎‧奧的斯所首創的。1853年時,奧的斯宣佈他製造了一種設有『安全裝 置』的電梯。他的設計確保電梯不會突然墜落地面而使裡頭的乘客受傷或喪命。多虧了這些發展及其它方面的進步,您現在才能毫無後顧之憂、快速地抵達第五十 樓。