
With a 12-gun salute1 and the tapping2 of a keg3 by the mayor of Munich, Germany, Oktoberfest gets under way. This 16-day festival takes place in late September. It is one of the most important events in Germany and has become famous worldwide. More than six million Germans and tourists take part in Oktoberfest each year to eat, drink, and celebrate. Traditional German food, like sausages4, potatoes, and cheese, is consumed with many different kinds of beer.

  At Oktoberfest, many people drink too much beer and then pass out. These people are called "beer corpses5" and are often brought to a medical tent to receive help. But starting in 2005, special tents have been set up for "quiet Oktoberfest." This is mainly for families who do not drink or have young children. Altogether, Oktoberfest has 14 main tents with seating6 for 100,000 people on 103 acres7 of land. Women work in traditional clothing and can each deliver up to eight mugs of beer at a time to the guests. So whether you enjoy beer or simply want to experience the biggest festival in Germany, visit in late September for Oktoberfest.

1. Which of the following about Oktoberfest is NOT true?
(A) People enjoy German food such as sausages, potatoes, and cheese.
(B) Starting in 2005, some tents were set up for families who do not drink.
(C) During the festival, women work in modern clothing.
(D) Oktoberfest starts in late September and lasts 16 days.

2. According to the article, why are people who drink too much beer at Oktoberfest called "beer corpses"?
(A) They are going to die soon.
(B) They usually go crazy after drinking.
(C) They make others drink with them.
(D) They drink too much and fall asleep.
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. worldwide adv. 遍及全世界地
Nike is a famous sports brand worldwide.
2. consume vt. 吃;喝
I consumed the whole pizza in 10 minutes.
3. medical a. 醫學的,醫療的
Mike plans to return to medical school.
Phrases for Learning 

1. get under way  開始進行∕發生
The new construction has gotten under way.
2. take place  舉行;發生
The costume party took place last night.
3. take part in...  參與……
These performers will take part in the opening ceremony.
4. set...up/set up...  架設∕安裝……
Can you help Sam set up the equipment?
5. at a time  一次,每次
You can't take more than two pills at a time.
Extra Words 

1. salute n. 鳴禮炮;敬禮
2. tap vt. 為……裝上龍頭∕閥門
3. keg n.(用來裝酒的)桶
4. sausage n. 香腸,臘腸
5. corpse n. 屍體
6. seating n.(某處的全部)座位
7. acre n. 英畝
Tips In Use 

...can each deliver up to eight mugs of beer at a time to the guests.
1. 本句中的"up to..."表『多達∕高達……』。
Up to 600,000 tourists visited Mexico this month.
2. "be up to..."則表『做……(秘密的事或壞事)』。
Do you know what Ted is up to now?
3. "be up to..."亦表『勝任∕有資格做……』。
Eva is up to that role in the play.
4. "be up to + 人"又表『由某人作主』。
What we eat tonight is up to Mom.

在十二響禮炮,以及慕尼黑市長為啤酒桶裝上開關之後,德國啤酒節便正式展開。這個為期十六天的節慶是於九月下旬開始舉行。它是德國最重要的節慶之一,現已 舉世聞名。每年皆有超過六百萬的德國人和遊客參加啤酒節,一同吃喝玩樂並大肆慶祝。人們會享用各式各樣的啤酒,並且搭配傳統的德國食物,如香腸、馬鈴薯和 起司等。

在啤酒節時,許多人會因喝太多啤酒而昏睡不醒。這些人被戲稱為beer corpses,並且常被帶至醫療帳棚內接受協助。但自2005年起,現場則搭設了一些特別的帳棚以舉行『安靜的啤酒節』。這主要是為那些不喝酒及有年幼 孩童的家庭所安排的。啤酒節的場地裡總共有十四座主要帳棚及十萬個座位,其佔地面積廣達一百零三英畝(編按:此面積約為四十一公頃,也就是將近有五十一座 足球場的大小)。女服務生穿著傳統服飾工作,她們一個人一次可以為賓客們送上多達八杯啤酒。因此,不論您是喜歡喝啤酒,或只是單純想體驗德國最盛大的節 慶,都歡迎您在九月底到慕尼黑參加啤酒節。

. 以下哪些關於啤酒節的選項何者為非?
(A) 人們可以享用德國食物,像是香腸、馬鈴薯和起司。
(B) 從2005年開始,有一些帳棚是專為不喝酒的家庭所搭建的。
(C) 在這個節慶中,女服務生穿著現代服飾工作。
(D) 啤酒節於九月底開跑,為期十六天。

2. 根據本文,為何那些於啤酒節喝太多酒的人被稱作beer corpses?
(A) 他們即將死去。
(B) 他們通常在喝完之後會開始發瘋。
(C) 他們會叫別人跟他們一起喝。
(D) 他們喝太多而睡著了。

答案:1. (C) 2. (D)

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