Since the world's
economy started having trouble, everyone has been looking for different ways to make money. For example, in the hills of California, people are
seeking treasure.
To be exact, they are searching for gold.
In 1848, gold was first found in California. By 1850, people from every part of the world were traveling to California to
make their fortune. Although the California Gold Rush1
came to an end by the mid-21850s, gold can still be found in mountain rivers and streams there today.
Gold deposits3 are originally found inside mountains. As snow on the mountains
melts, gold is washed down into local rivers and streams. It can then be found in the river beds4. The simplest way to look for gold is called panning5. A device which is called a gold pan is used to
scoop mud up from the river bed. It is then swirled6 around at the surface of the water. Gold and other heavier objects will be left at the bottom of the gold pan, while mud and such will be washed out.
Panning for gold is simple, and you don't need a
permit to do it. Today, many men, women, and even children can be seen panning for gold in the rivers of California. Although it is not difficult to find small bits of gold, getting enough to become rich is not very likely.