by Marcus Maurice
A new series on NGC uncovers lost footage shot during World War II.
Recently in Iran,
presidential elections were held, and within one hour of the
voting being over, the current president announced that he had won in a
landslide victory. These results were
disputed because the
ballots had to be counted by hand and many people believed that there was no possible way to get the correct vote totals that quickly. What seemed even more
questionable was that the president even won in the hometown of the
opposition leader by a wide
margin. Soon, people wearing green were gathering and
marching in the streets of Iran to
protest the results. The government became worried and tried to
conceal what was happening inside Iran from the rest of the world. But with new media
outlets like Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook, many images and videos were making it through the
This month, National Geographic Channel is showing
privately-captured videos of
shocking events—but not from modern times like those mentioned above. Instead, Apocalypse: The Second World War shows
stunning footage filmed by eight- and 16-millimeter cameras in the 1940s. Some
amateur filmmakers were there to
document the French
evacuating Paris as thousands
lined up on the roads with their families. Other footage was shot as Nazi soldiers made their way through the snow and
mud trying to get to Moscow. This shows the long journey not as news footage, but as a personal view of the realities of war from people on
the front lines.
The old saying "the more things change, the more they stay the same" is very true with this month's six-part series, Apocalypse: The Second World War. If we
turn on our TVs and computers, we can see everyday people filming the
newsworthy events that are happening around them. This was the same back in the 1940s even though the footage was
stashed away and forgotten for nearly 70 years.
1. In the article, why were Iranians upset?
(A) The government used too much force to
crack down on the
(B) They didn't believe the results of the election.
(C) The police stopped people from voting in the opposition's hometown.
(D) They were forced to wear a color they didn't like.
2. What are the
parallels of the footage in Iran now and the footage from the 1940s?
(A) The amount of people that have died protesting.
(B) Police
banned the footage.
(C) It was filmed by
(D) It took years for the footage from Iran to be
released to the general public.
3. What will NOT be
featured in Apocalypse: The Second World War?
(A) The Iranian leader's victory celebration.
(B) A personal look at the lives of Nazi soldiers.
(C) Many people leaving Paris because of the war.
(D) Video footage that has been kept out of the public eye for years.
4. Another way to say "the more things change, the more they stay the same" is _____.
(A) change is good for everyone
(B) doing the same things all the time makes people feel bored with life
(C) even though it seems like things are different, they really aren't
(D) changing things just a little is not really changing things