Lost in the Bermuda Triangle 百慕達三角洲之謎

  East of Florida is a triangular1 area of ocean where many planes and ships are believed to have vanished into thin air. Some people believe that there is a mysterious force that pulls pilots off their safe flight courses2 and leaves sailors lost in the Bermuda Triangle. Since the early 1900s, no clues, bodies, and wreckage3 have ever been found after the mysterious disappearances4 of planes and ships. Bordered roughly by Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and Florida, the Bermuda Triangle has since become a modern legend, famous for its mysterious waters.

  The name Bermuda Triangle was made popular in 1964 when it was used in a magazine article. The article focused on Flight 19, a team of bomber planes that left Florida one sunny afternoon in 1945. The 14 men in the five planes were supposed to make a routine flight over the area. Then 15 minutes before their scheduled return, the flight leader radioed in to say they couldn't see any land and were completely lost. A rescue ship with a crew of 13 was sent out. However, neither the men of Flight 19 nor the crew5 of the rescue ship were ever found.

  The number of other disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle is surprising. Some people claim the equipment didn't work, while others suggest something more out of this world. Whether you believe it or not, the mystery6 of the Bermuda Triangle will pull you in.

  佛羅里達州以東是一塊三角海域,人們認為許多飛機和船隻都是在這裡憑空消失的。有些人認為在百慕達三角洲內有一股神祕的力量會使飛行員偏離安全航道, 並造成船員迷航。從1900年代早期開始,在發生神秘的飛機及船隻失蹤事件後,就再也找不到任何相關線索、屍體和殘骸。此後,以百慕達、波多黎各和佛羅里 達州為界所形成的百慕達三角洲便成為一個現代傳說,並以其神祕的海域著稱。

  百慕達三角洲這個名稱因於1964年出現在一篇雜誌文章中而變得出名。該篇文章主要在描述十九號機隊,也就是一批在1945年一個晴朗午后飛離佛羅里 達州的轟炸機群。五架飛機上的十四人照理應在該區上方做例行飛航。就在距離他們預定的回航時間還有十五分鐘時,航隊隊長透過無線電表示他們既看不到陸地, 也完全迷失了方向。一艘載有十三人的船艦被派出進行救援。然而,不論是十九號機隊的弟兄還是救難船的全體船員都再也未被尋獲。

Building Your Vocabulary 

1. vanish vi. 消失
Some islands might vanish in the future.
2. mysterious a. 神秘的,難以解釋的
There is a mysterious light in the sky.
3. border vt. 形成……的邊界;與……接壤
Spain borders Portugal and France.
4. roughly adv. 大致上,粗略地
There are roughly 150 guests at the party.
5. routine a. 例行的
Did you have a routine checkup this year?
6. radio vi. 用無線電發送(訊號、信息)
The captain radioed to the airport for help.
7. equipment n. 設備,用具
The store sells mountaineering equipment.
Phrases for Learning 

1. in...  (事件、演出等)吸引……
The famous opera pulled in many people.
Extra Words 

1. triangular a. 三角形的
 triangle n. 三角形
2. course n. 航線,航向
3. wreckage n. 殘骸
4. disappearance n. 消失
5. crew n. 全體船員;全體機組人員
6. mystery n. 謎,神秘的事物
Tips In Use 

...have vanished into thin air.
  "vanish into thin air"直譯為『消失在稀薄的大氣中』,引申有『憑空消失』之意。而類似的說法也同樣出現在本文第二天的文章裡,那就是"disappear without a trace",trace [ tres ] 表『痕跡』,因此可譯為『消失得無影無蹤』。
The ship disappeared without a trace.
...something more out of this world.
  "out of this world"字面上的意思是『在這個世界以外』,故在此引申為『超自然』之意。然而本片語尚有一固定用法,即表『(某事物)好得不得了』。例:
The natural scenery in Yellowstone National Park is out of this world.

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