A Day for the Earth 世界地球日

  On April 22, students, adults, and families in many countries can be seen doing something for Mother Nature1. This year will mark the 40th anniversary of the first Earth Day celebration. Earth Day is about making environmental issues2 first on our lists and getting out into the communities so that everyone can help make a difference. Earth Day is also when many people take time to write letters or talk to government officials about environmental concerns. If this holiday sounds too serious, don't worry. It is about having fun together as well.

  The very first Earth Day was organized in 1970 by US Senator3 Gaylord Nelson from Wisconsin. However, the groundbreaking idea for the event took shape seven years earlier. In 1962, Nelson persuaded President Kennedy to go on a tour to talk to people about environmental conservation4. The tour took place during September 1963, lasting five days and traveling through 11 states in the US. However, the results weren't what Nelson had hoped for. He knew that the American people cared about environmental issues, but it seemed that the politicians5 didn't. Therefore, Nelson continued to speak on his own. Then, during one visit, he was inspired by Vietnam War protesters6. He was impressed by how everyday people could organize themselves so well. Their grass roots7 groups showed Nelson that if any changes were to be made in the US, it would have to start from the bottom up.

  四月二十二日這一天,我們可以看到許多國家的學生、成年人和家庭都在為大自然盡一份心力。今年將是世界地球日的四十週年紀念。世界地球日的目的是要我 們首重環境議題,並且讓每個人都走入社區來幫忙把世界變得更好。也有很多人會在世界地球日這天把對環境的憂慮寫信或告訴政府官員。如果您覺得這個節日太正 經八百,別擔心。它也是個能讓大家一起開心的日子。

  第一個世界地球日是在1970年由美國威斯康辛州的參議員蓋洛‧尼爾森所籌辦的。但這個十分創新的構想是在七年前就已成形的。1962年時,尼爾森說 服美國總統甘迺迪進行一趟巡迴之旅來跟民眾討論環保問題。這趟巡迴之旅在1963年九月間進行,為期五天並造訪了美國十一個州。然而結果並不如尼爾森所預 期。他知道美國民眾關心環境議題,但政治人物似乎不然。因此尼爾森繼續獨自為環保發聲。此後,在一次的拜訪行程中,參與越戰抗議活動的群眾給了他靈感。對 於一般的老百姓竟然能如此妥善地自我組織,他留下了深刻的印象。他們的這些民間基層團體讓尼爾森明白,如果美國要改變,就一定要從下往上做起。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. mark vt. 標誌,代表(重要的變化或發展)
The Industrial Revolution marked a major turning point in human history.
2. environmental a. 自然環境的
This report focuses on the importance of environmental protection.
3. concern n. 關切的事;擔心的事
My health is always my first concern.
4. organize vt. 籌辦;組織
Jill is organizing her family trip to Thailand.
5. groundbreaking a. 開創性的
The groundbreaking 3-D effects in that film are worth seeing.
6. persuade vt. 說服,勸服
I persuaded my dad to have a checkup.
Phrases for Learning 

1. take shape  成形
The plan took shape after a long discussion.
2. be impressed by/with...  對……印象深刻
I was impressed with Ian's good manners.
Extra Words 

1. Mother Nature n. 大自然
2. issue n. 議題
3. senator n. 參議員
4. conservation n. 保存,維護
5. politician n. 政治人物
6. protester n. 抗議者
7. grass roots a. 基層(民眾)的

...if any changes were to be made in the US, it would have to start from...
if + 主詞 + were to + 原形動詞, 主詞 + would/could/might/should/ought to + 原形動詞
上述句型為表與現在事實,或強烈與真理相反的假設語氣,be 動詞不論第幾人稱都要用 were。
If the sun were to rise in the west, I would marry you.

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