Having Fun with a Flying Disc 看我的飛盤!

Today, there are all kinds of games and events that involve Frisbees. One example is Ultimate1 Frisbee. This game is a combination of football, basketball, and soccer, but players use a Frisbee instead of a ball. Another traditional sport has been changed to include flying discs. In Frisbee golf, players play a round of 18 holes and try to win with the fewest throws. Other events test how well a player can perform trick throws with a Frisbee, along with how far or how accurate.

  There is also a special Frisbee competition. Half of the players have two legs while the other half has four. It is a game for dogs and their disc-throwing handlers2. In Frisbee dog competitions, the dogs are the star athletes. They compete to see which dog can catch the farthest thrown Frisbee as well as the most Frisbees. However, the main feature is the freestyle event. Dogs and their handlers perform routines3 that are filled with midair4 jumps and tricks. The most famous competition is named after the world's first Frisbee dog. It is the annual Ashley Whippet Invitational5 World Championship. So grab a friend or your dog and start having fun by tossing a Frisbee around.


如今有各式各樣的比賽和活動都用到了飛盤。其中的一個例子就是一種稱為極限飛盤的競賽。這個比賽是美式足球、籃球以及足球的綜合體,但是選手使用的不是 球,而是飛盤。另外一項傳統運動也被人改用飛盤來進行。在飛盤高爾夫裡,選手一回合要打十八洞,而且他們要試著以最少的扔擲次數來贏得比賽。其它的活動則 測試選手所表演的飛盤花式手法有多精彩,以及他們能將飛盤扔得多遠或多精準。

  還有一種飛盤比賽也很特別。當中一半的選手有兩隻腳,而另一半的選手則有四條腿。這是一項給狗兒以及牠們投擲飛盤的訓練員所參加的比賽。在飛盤狗的競 賽中,狗兒才是明星運動選手。牠們要相互競爭,看哪一隻狗能接住擲得最遠以及最多的飛盤。不過最主要也最特別的競賽項目是花式比賽。狗兒和牠們的訓練員要 表演一套含括各種空中跳躍和特技的固定動作。而當中最有名的比賽則是以世界第一的飛盤狗所命名的賽事。這就是一年一度的Ashley Whippet世界冠軍邀請賽。因此快點呼朋引伴或是帶著您的狗兒四處投擲飛盤,開始從中找到樂趣吧。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. involve vt. 包含,需要
Kyle's marketing plan involves hiring models.
2. combination n. 結合,混合
Fire and gas are a dangerous combination.
3. accurate a. 精確的,準確的
Ed gave an accurate report of the situation.
4. farthest adv. 最遠地(此為far的最高級,其比較級則為farther [ `farTK ]。)
Of all the athletes, Billy jumped the farthest.
5. feature n. 特點;特徵
Each room in this hotel has special features.
6. annual a. 一年一度的,每年的
We usually have our annual family trip in July.
7. toss vt. 扔,擲,拋
The naughty boy tossed a rock and broke my window.
Phrases for Learning 

along with...  與……一起
We sent Rebecca a card, along with a gift.
Extra Words 

1. ultimate a. 極限的,終極的
2. handler n. 馴獸師(尤指馴狗師)
3. routine n. 一套固定動作
4. midair n. 半空中(本文中作形容詞用)
5. invitational n. 邀請賽
Tips In Use 

...a delicious snack while studying.
...have two legs while the other half has four.
  上述兩句皆使用了連接詞 while,但意思及用法卻有所不同,以下便為各位介紹:
1. 上列第一句、也就是第一天文章裡的 while 表『當
……時』,此時 while 為副詞連接詞,其所引導的副詞子句可置於主要子句之前或之後,通常用來表示持續的動作或狀態。
While I was sleeping, the phone rang.
2. 第二句的 while 表『(然)而』,此時 while 為從屬連接詞,引導的主要子句通常置於另一主要子句之後,其前可加逗點,即等於 whereas 或 but。
I got a hamburger for dinner, whereas Rick bought fried rice.

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