The Best Medicine 笑出健康人生

Laughter is the best medicine. One Indian doctor believes this so strongly that he developed a club devoted to laughter. Dr. Madan Kataria, a physician1 from Mumbai, has created a social club, which he calls Laughter Yoga. The idea is simple—get together with other people and laugh for your health. To prevent chest and stomach pain caused from laughing too much, Laughter Yoga involves deep-breathing techniques used in yoga.

  The groups do not use jokes or funny things to make people laugh. Instead, a laughter coach begins the laughing and spreads it by using different techniques like clapping, movement, and talking gibberish2. The members are encouraged to develop childlike playfulness3 so that they can laugh without any reason.

  The body cannot tell the difference between real and fake laughter, so the benefits are identical. Laughter has been shown in studies to relieve stress, increase energy levels, and strengthen the body's natural defenses4 against diseases. Laughter Yoga is bringing this message to people with its over 6,000 social clubs in more than 60 countries. Why not join one and have a good laugh for your health?


歡笑是最好的藥方。一位印度醫師對這點深感認同,因此便創辦一個致力於令人歡笑的俱樂部。馬丹‧卡塔利這位來自孟買的內科醫師創立了這個他稱之為愛笑瑜珈 的社交俱樂部。其背後的發想很簡單,就是和其他人共聚一堂,為自己的健康好好大笑一場。為了預防因為笑得太過頭而產生的胸痛及胃痛,愛笑瑜珈遂將瑜珈中所 使用的深層呼吸技巧納入其中。



1.Which of the following is true about Laughter Yoga?
(A)It was created by an Indian physician named Mumbai.
(B)Breathing methods from yoga are combined with laughter.
(C)Members get the chance to share jokes with the group.
(D)The benefits of a real laugh are greater than a fake one.


2.Which is NOT a benefit of Laughter Yoga?
(A)The body's natural defenses against diseases are improved.
(B)It helps reduce stress and increase energy levels.
(C)It strengthens a person's social skills.
(D)Members can get in touch with the child inside them.


答案:1. (B) 2. (C)
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. clap vi. & vt. 拍手,鼓掌
Peggy clapped her hands in excitement after her father promised to buy her a doll.
2. fake a. 假的;冒充的;偽造的
Angie bought a fake LV purse at the night market.
3. benefit n. 好處,益處
The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the small town.
4. identical a. 完全相同的
James and his wife are wearing identical T-shirts.
5. relieve vt. 減輕,減緩
Taking a hot bath helps relieve muscle tension.
Phrases for Learning 

1. be devoted to + 名詞∕動名詞  致力於(做)……
These volunteers are devoted to helping the poor.
2. get together with + 人  與某人相聚
I often get together with my friends on Sundays.
3. encourage + 人 + to + 原形動詞  鼓勵某人做……
It was Lily who encouraged me to take up dancing.
Extra Words 

1. physician n. 內科醫生
2. gibberish n. 胡言亂語,胡扯
3. playfulness n. 嬉鬧,玩笑
4. defense n.(人體對疾病的)抵抗力
Tips In Use 

...believes this so strongly that he...
(……對這點深感認同,因此便……) that they can laugh...
(……發展出……如此一來他們……可以盡情歡笑。) + 副詞∕形容詞 + that + 主詞 + 動詞
在上述句構中,so 為副詞,故其後須接副詞或形容詞以供修飾;而 that 則為副詞連接詞,引導副詞子句以修飾其前的 so,且 that 在此用法中可予以省略,用逗號來取代,或甚至連逗號也不用。
I was so upset, I couldn't stop crying.
(我難過到無法停止哭泣。) order that...  如此∕以便……
"so that"、"in order that"為表『目的』的副詞連接詞,引導副詞子句以修飾主要子句,其所引導的副詞子句中,通常要有助動詞 can, may 或 will。在"so that"用法中,可省略 that 而單獨用 so,但"in order that"中的 that 則不可省。
The teacher used a microphone in order that every student could hear her.

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