The Miniature World of Snow Globes 雪花水晶

by Rebecca A. Fratzke
Most people think of them as simple souvenirs, but some snow globes are works of art.

  The idea is not very complicated. It's just a small scene in a glass ball with a bunch of fake flakes _(1)_ around the water inside. There is something about snow globes, once called snowstorms, waterglobes, and snowdomes, that brings smiles to people's faces. These spherical objects that sometimes have built-in music boxes are so _(2)_ that everyone wants to pick them up and give them a gentle shake.
  It is hard to say whether anyone expected snow globes to be as popular today as when they were first _(3)_ to the world at the Paris Universal Expo in 1878. What is known, however, is that they were a huge _(4)_ then. Just one year later, five companies were hurriedly filling _(5)_ from all across Europe. It wasn't until the 1920s that snow globes became popular collectors' items in America.
  Although snow globes are said to have been _(6)_ in France during the early 19th century, it was the Expo and an unknown instrument technician that popularized them. This mystery man is Erwin Perzy, an Austrian. Perzy began testing his own design after failing in an experiment to _(7)_ light bulbs. Though he did not make rooms more illuminated, he did find his invention lovely to _(8)_. Soon after, a friend asked Perzy to create a miniature of a famous basilica in Austria. Perzy _(9)_ the miniature with his invention and created what would soon be the first patented snow globe design. The Perzy family is still in the snow globe business today. They also _(10)_ the Snow Globe Museum in Vienna. From toys to treasures, snow globes capture a magic that people of all ages can appreciate.

(A) combined(B) hit(C) floating(D) run(E) brighten
(F) appealing(G) around(H) look at(I) orders(J) introduced

1. It's just a small scene in a glass ball with a bunch of fake flakes floating around the water inside.
a. 此處空格之前有名詞詞組 a bunch of fake flakes(大量的人造雪花),後有介詞片語 around the water inside(在裡面的水中),可知空格應置入分詞,以形成分詞片語,作形容詞用,修飾 a bunch of fake flakes。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) combined(被結合)、(B) hit(被打擊)、(C) floating(漂浮)、(D) run(被經營)、(F) appealing(訴諸;吸引)和 (J) introduced(被引進;被介紹),惟 floating 置入後符合語意,故選 (C)。
c. float vi. 漂浮;飄浮
例: There are a lot of leaves floating on the surface of the lake.

2. These spherical objects...are so appealing that everyone wants to pick them up and give them a gentle shake.
a. 空格前有 be 動詞 are 和 副詞 so(如此地),後有 that 引導的副詞子句,可知空格內應置入可作補語的形容詞或可作形容詞用的分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (F) appealing(吸引人的),置入後亦符合語意,故選 (F)。
c. appealing a. 吸引人的
例: Many people find action movies like The Transformers appealing.

3. It is hard to say whether anyone expected snow globes to be as popular today as when they were first introduced to the world at the Paris Universal Expo in 1878.
a. 空格前有主詞 they(它們)和 be 動詞 were,後有介詞片語 to the world(到世界),可知空格內應置入及物動詞的過去分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) combined(被結合)以及 (J) introduced(被引進;被介紹),惟 introduced 置入後符合語意,並形成以下固定用法:
be introduced to + 地方  被引進某地
introduce vt. 引進;介紹
例: This type of cactus was introduced to the area in the 1970s.
(這種仙人掌在 1970 年代被引進該區。)
c. 根據上述,故選 (J)。

4. What is known, however, is that they were a huge hit then.
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a 和形容詞 huge(巨大的),可知空格內應置入單數形的可數名詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (B) hit(成功而風行一時的事物)和 (D) run(跑),惟 hit 置入後符合語意,故選 (B)。
c. a huge/big/smash hit  熱門∕受歡迎的事物
例: The new movie about superheroes is sure to be a huge hit.

5. Just one year later, five companies were hurriedly filling orders from all across Europe.
a. 空格前有及物動詞 fill(滿足;填滿)的現在分詞,後有介詞片語 from all across Europe(來自全歐洲),可知空格內應置入名詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (D) run(跑)以及 (I) orders(訂單),惟 orders 置入後符合語意,故選 (I)。
c. order n. 訂單
fill an order  供應訂單
例: We sped up our production line to fill the urgent orders.

6. Although snow globes are said to have been around in France during the early 19th century, it was the Expo and an unknown instrument technician that popularized them.
a. 空格前有表現在完成式的 be 動詞 have been,後有介詞片語 in France(在法國),可知空格內應置入形容詞、副詞或分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) combined(被結合)和 (G) around(存在著),惟 around 置入後符合語意,並形成以下固定用法:
have been around (for + 一段時間)  
= have been in existence (for + 一段時間)  已經存在(若干時間)
例: It is estimated that this kind of fish has been around for one million years.
(據估計這種魚已存在約 1 百萬年。)
c. 根據上述,故選 (G)。

7. Perzy began testing his own design after failing in an experiment to brighten light bulbs.
a. 空格前有不定詞 to,後有名詞 light bulbs(燈泡),可知空格內應置入原形的及物動詞或片語及物動詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (D) run(經營)、(E) brighten(使明亮)和 (H) look at(看),惟brighten 置入後符合語意,故選 (E)。
c. brighten vt. 使明亮
例: Molly lit some candles to brighten the house when the electricity went out.

8. Though he did not make rooms more illuminated, he did find his invention lovely to look at.
a. 空格之前有不完全及物動詞 find(發現)、名詞詞組 his invention(他的發明)、形容詞 lovely(美麗的)和不定詞 to,可知空格內應置入原形及物動詞或片語及物動詞,以形成副詞不定詞,修飾形容詞 lovely。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (D) run(經營)和 (H) look at(看),惟 look at 置入後符合語意,故選 (H)。
c. look at...  看∕注視……
例: Grace looked at the map, trying to find the location of that city.

9. Perzy combined the miniature with his invention and created what would soon be the first patented snow globe design.
a. 空格前有主詞 Perzy(裴瑞茲),後有名詞 the miniature(這個微型物),且根據上下文時態,可知空格內應置入過去式的及物動詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (A) combined(使結合),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. combine vt. 使結合
combine A with/and B  結合 A 和 B
例: By combining learning with fun, our teacher made the class extremely interesting.

10. They also run the Snow Globe Museum in Vienna.
a. 空格前有主詞 They(他們)和副詞 also(也),後有名詞詞組 the Snow Globe Museum(雪花水晶球博物館),可知空格內應置入及物動詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (D) run(經營),置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. run vt. 經營
例: My brother runs a coffee shop near the night market.
Words&Phrases in Use 

1. miniature   a. 小型的,微型的 & n. 小型物,縮樣
例: The miniature building looked exactly like Taipei 101.
(這棟小型建築看起來和台北 101 大樓一模一樣。)

2. complicated a. 複雜的;難懂的
= complex a.
例: The book is complicated, so it's taking me a while to read it.

3. a bunch of...  一堆∕一群∕一束……
例: I had to mingle with a bunch of strangers at the party.

4. expect sb/sth to V  預期某人∕某事物……
例: Nobody expected Amy to make the cheerleading squad when she first tried out.

5. popularize vt. 使普及
例: The pop star popularized long fingernails covered in rhinestones.

6. experiment n. 實驗
例: Dr. Frankenstein is obsessed with his crazy experiments.

7. patented a. 擁有專利的
patent vt. 取得……的專利 & n. 專利
例: Laura patented a new device that cuts and styles hair at the same time.
(蘿拉取得 1 項能剪髮同時造型的新儀器專利。)

8. capture vt. 獲得,引起(注意);捕獲
例: The police officers on duty last night captured the fugitive.

9. appreciate vt. 欣賞;感激,感謝
appreciate 作『感激、感謝』時,不得以人作受詞。
例: Only a few students could appreciate the beautiful poem.
例: Bob really appreciated the gift you gave him for his birthday.
Words to Know 

1. globe n. 球,球狀物
2. flake n. 雪片;小薄片
3. spherical a. 球形的,球狀的
4. built-in a. 內建的
5. expo n. 博覽會
  exposition n.
6. hurriedly adv. 匆忙地
7. collector n. 收藏家
8. unknown a. 沒沒無聞的;未知的
9. instrument n. 儀器;樂器
10. technician n. 技師
11. mystery n. 神秘,秘密
12. light bulb n. 電燈泡
13. illuminated a.(用燈)照亮的
14. basilica n.(古羅馬)長方形大教堂

  玻璃球裡有個小景象,伴隨大量的人造雪花漂浮於球體內的水中,這樣的想法其實不會太複雜。雪花水晶球曾叫做 snowstorm、waterglobe 和 snowdome,它有種讓人們露出笑容的特質。這些有時內建音樂盒的球形物體是如此具吸引力,讓每個人都想拿起它們,輕輕地搖晃一下。
  很難說是否有人曾料到,雪花水晶球今日受歡迎的程度,會和它在 1878 年巴黎世界博覽會首次問世時一樣。然而,我們只知道它在當時相當風行。問世不過一年,就有 5 間公司忙於處理來自全歐洲的訂單。不過要到 1920 年代,雪花水晶球在美國才成為熱門的收藏家商品。
  雖說雪花水晶球在 19 世紀初期就存在於法國,不過是世界博覽會和一位沒沒無聞的儀器技師才讓它得已普及。這位神秘人士是名叫厄溫‧裴瑞茲的奧地利人。在使燈泡變得更加明亮的實 驗失敗之後,他開始測試自己的設計。雖然無法將房間變得更為明亮,他卻發現自己的發明看起來很美麗。不久之後,有位朋友請求裴瑞茲創作奧地利一間著名的長 方形教堂的模型。裴瑞茲結合此模型和自己的發明,創造出之後第 1 個擁有專利的雪花水晶球設計。裴瑞茲家族至今仍從事雪花水晶球的事業,他們也在維也納經營雪花水晶球博物館。不論是玩具或是珍品,雪花水晶球擁有一種各年 齡層的人都能欣賞的魔力。
答案:1. (C)2. (F)3. (J)4. (B)5. (I)6. (G)7. (E)8. (H)9. (A)10. (D)
For Your Information 

  1900 年,外科儀器修理師厄溫‧裴瑞茲(Erwin Perzy)決定把水和小麥麵粉放進玻璃球內,希望能改善開刀房的照明設備,讓房間更明亮。裴瑞茲孫子厄溫三世(Erwin III)笑著表示,房間照明雖仍未獲改善,但雪花水晶球卻因此『意外』誕生。111 年後的今天,裴瑞茲家族仍舊於維也納郊區的一間樸實工作坊,持續製造雪花水晶球。
  工作坊的 15 名員工,每年製造出 20 萬個雪花水晶球,遠從日本、美國至中東地區,都可見其熱銷足跡。這間最老牌的工作坊雖是一家規模不大的家族企業,但客戶群中,不乏有聲望顯赫者。前美國總 統雷根(Ronald Reagan)就委託此公司,以他的加州農場和最愛的紅色吉普車,特製 1 顆雪花水晶球。前美國總統柯林頓(Bill Clinton),也以他就職典禮時的五彩紙屑,特製了 1 顆雪花水晶球。(資料來源:奇摩新聞)

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