Making a Difference One Shoe at a Time


With every pair of shoes they sell, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need

  In every country, there are people who could use extra help. They may end up in bad situations for different reasons, but their concerns are always the same—how can I give my children everything they need? These stories of sadness usually lack information on how to help. However, TOMS has a simple yet revolutionary solution to change all that. For every pair of shoes they sell, TOMS will donate a pair to a child in need.

  TOMS is a company with a mission. It was founded in 2006, when Blake Mycoskie traveled to Argentina and saw extreme poverty and poor living conditions. He befriended the children he met and noticed many were barefoot1. When he returned home, he created a plan to help better children's lives. Shoes may not seem like a big deal, but they actually are. Many diseases and injuries are caused by not wearing shoes. Also, many children cannot attend school without shoes. Later that same year, Mycoskie returned to Argentina with 10,000 pairs of shoes for the children. Imagine how amazing that must have made everyone involved feel. If you also want to help, consider doing it one shoe at a time.


  每個國家都有特別需要幫助的人。導致他們陷入困境的原因或許不盡相同,但他們卻都有著同樣的憂慮──我要如何給我的孩子他們所需的一切?這些令人難過 的故事通常都不會告訴我們要如何伸出援手。不過TOMS卻提供一個簡單又創新的辦法來改變這一切。他們每賣出一雙鞋,就會捐出一雙鞋子給有需要的孩童。

  TOMS是一家肩負使命的公司。它成立於2006年,當時布萊克‧麥可斯基到阿根廷旅遊,並在當地看到了極度貧窮的生活情況以及惡劣的居住環境。他發 現他在那裡結識的小朋友當中,有許多人都光著腳丫子。當他回國以後,他便創辦了一項計畫來幫忙改善這些孩子們的生活。鞋子看起來可能沒有那麼重要,但它們 其實是不可或缺的。有許多疾病和創傷都是因為沒穿鞋子所造成的。再者,還有許多孩童因為沒有鞋子穿而無法上學。隨後在當年,麥可斯基便帶著一萬雙鞋子回到 阿根廷送給孩子們。想像一下,這肯定讓所有與這項計畫有關的人感到多麼喜悅啊。如果您也想要盡一己之力,那麼考慮一次用一雙鞋來做公益吧。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. revolutionary a. 創新的,革命性的
The scientist's concept is quite revolutionary, but it would be hard to put into practice.
2. found vt. 創立,創辦
The man founded a clinic that treats patients with no health insurance.
3. poverty n. 貧窮,貧困
Many areas in Africa are dealing with poverty and disease.
4. sponsor vt. 資助,贊助
The company has sponsored the baseball team for more than 10 years.
5. needy a. 貧困的
The organization helps needy families get back on their feet.
Phrases for Learning 

1. end up...  結果∕到頭來……
You'd better be careful, or you'll end up getting hurt.
2. supply A with B  提供∕供應 B 給 A
The power plant supplies the city with electricity.
3. aim to + 原形動詞  目標是(做)……
Vanessa aims to travel around the world, so she is working hard to save money.
Extra Words 

1. barefoot a. 赤腳的
2. second-hand a. 用過的,二手的
Tips In Use 

It was founded in 2006...
  found 這個字在此並不當作 find 的過去式或過去分詞使用,而是一及物動詞,表『創立,創辦』,其三態為 found, founded, founded。found 除了用於創立組織或公司,亦可用在創辦學校或醫院等,而創辦以上這些事物的『創辦人』則用 founder 一字來表之。
此外,由 found 形成的"founding father"(創辦人)亦是英文中常用的詞語,特別是中文在提到某國的國父時,英文則是要用"the founding father(s) of + 國家"。因此當您用英文提到『國父』一詞時,可別說成"country father"或"national father",以免貽笑大方喔!
Steve founded the band 10 years ago.

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