Bubbly - Colbie Caillat
歌詞 Lyrics
線上試聽:You Tube
  「一個不知名的歌手,帶給整個樂壇希望。」這是滾石雜誌為Colbie Caillat(蔻比凱蕾)下的標題。在這之前,網路歌手Colbie Caillat(蔻比凱蕾)的音樂已經連續四個月在美國網路點播蟬聯冠軍,也被6240個創作歌手部落格串聯推薦,再被13萬個網友加入好友名單;其中,前後共被點播超過2000萬次的單曲便是這首聽來如沐春風的"Bubbly"(引用環球音樂唱片公司宣傳內容)
就像 "Bubbly" 歌詞所說,聽 Colbie Caillat (蔻比凱蕾)唱歌,只消她清新的音樂本質,就足以讓聽者感到

It starts in my toes
It makes me crinkle my nose/
Wherever it goes I always know

Will you count me in?

You've got me feeling like a child now

Cause every time I see your bubbly face
I get the tingles in a silly place

歌名Bubbly一字,原是形容香檳酒的氣泡,也可引申描寫人的活潑個性,如: Coco is a girl of bubbly personality. (Coco個性活潑)。因此,嚐過香檳酒汽泡在舌尖跳舞的聽者便不難想像bubbly face會如何引起tingle(刺癢)的感覺;更有甚者,這感覺發自身上一個silly place(不明之處),其中的想像和接下來的發展過程愈是妙不可言:
It starts in my toes
And I crinkle my nose
Wherever it goes I always know
That you make me smile
What am I gonna say
When you make me feel this way
I just... Mmm
我只能說... 嗯...
It starts in my soul
And I lose all control
When you kiss my nose
The feeling shows
'Cause you make me smile
Baby just take your time now
Holding me tight
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go
Wherever, wherever, wherever you go
Wherever you go,
I always know
It's you that make me smile even just for a while
男女情愛之所以引人入勝,泰半來自其中無法言喻的幽幽愉悅和汨汨傷感,Colbie Caillat(蔻比凱蕾)用簡單的音韻和纖細的文字巧妙地傳達了這份情愫,也挑動了男女聽者心中莫名的共鳴。

“Bubbly” 的歌詞描寫情人帶給自己的感受,因而常用使役動詞make表達因果關係,典型的使役動詞句型便是:主詞+使役動詞+受詞+原形動詞,如歌詞中女子想起相處的快樂,她說:

You make me smile.(你逗我笑)


You've got me feeling like a child now. / 因為你,我像孩子似的




How to Solve Problems with Your Teens
Amanda Kowal, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Human Development & Family Studies, Human Environmental Sciences, University of Missouri
 Parents and teens usually don't see eye-to-eye about everything. Conflict is a normal part of life, but it can be hard for parents and teens to discuss problems. These discussions can be angry and frustrating for both parents and kids. How can parents communicate with teens about problems?
“I” Messages
When you try to solve problems with your kids, you can talk to them using “I” messages or “you” messages. “I” messages describe problems and let kids know that you trust them and believe they can help you solve the problem. “You” messages blame kids and can make them defensive or angry – so kids are less likely to be interested in solving the problem. For example, let's say that 17-year-old Judy comes home after curfew. Here's how her mom could respond:
  • You message: “You are late again! You should be home on time. What were you thinking? ”
    Judy's response: “Leave me alone Mom! You are always yelling at me!”
  • I message: “When you come home late I get worried because I'm afraid something has happened to you.”
    Judy's response: “I didn't realize how worried you get.”

Can you see how, with the “you” message, Judy may become defensive and angry? She is more likely to understand the importance of her curfew with the “I” message – and more likely to come up with possible solutions. Judy's mom may be angry that Judy didn't follow the rules, but her real emotion is concern about her daughter's safety. If she really wants to solve the problem of Judy coming in late, the “I” message has a better chance of working.

  1. What is this reading passage mainly about?

    A)Increase of problems between parents and teenagers. (親子問題增多)
    B)Reasons why children are late for home. (子女晚歸原因)
    C)An effective way for parent-child communication. (親子有效溝通方式)

  2. What situation can best explain the word “conflict”?
    (以下那一個狀況最能解釋“conflict” 的意思?)

    A)Parents and children take care of each other. (親子互相照顧)
    B)Parents and children argue with each other. (親子互相爭執)
    C)Parents and children discuss with each other. (親子互相討論)

  3. What does “curfew” probably mean?
    (“curfew” 意思為何?)

    A)Allowance for children. 零用錢
    B)Housework. 家事
    C)Time to return home. 回家時間

  4. What does the word “working” mean in the last sentence?
    (最後一句中 “working” 意思為何?)

    A)Doing a job. 工作
    B)Being successful. 成?#92;
    C)Becoming a piece of art. 成為藝術品

  5. According to the author, what is the best way for communication between parents and kids? (根據作者,何者為親子溝通最佳方式?)

    A)Parents should use I messages.
    B)Parents should use You messages.
    C)Children should use You messages.


  1. frustrating adj. 令人沮喪的
  2. defensive adj. 防衛的
  3. likely adj. 可能的
  4. response n. 回答,反應
1.(C) 2.(B) 3.(C) 4.(B) 5.(A)

Vocabulary List

[go back to the article]

forge: to counterfeit偽造
martial law: a rule taking effects when the military takes control of the normal administration of justice 戒嚴令
one-sided: to appear only one side 片面的
ascertain: to make certain, find out 查明
vigilance: caution警覺
statesman: a person skilled in public affairs and government 政治家

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Lantern Festival: a Chinese festival 元宵節
riddle: a puzzling question謎語
glutinous: sticky 黏的
sesame sauce: a dressing 芝麻醬

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abolish: put an end to廢除
promotion: encourage提倡
pitcher: in baseball, the one throws the ball投手
unfamiliarity: unknown, strange 陌生

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affectionately: having or expressing love有感情地
ethnic group: race種族
aboriginal: inhabitant that has been in a place from the earliest times原住民
steamed bun: a type of dessert; bread-like小籠包
oyster: any of several other bivalve mollusks 牡蠣
pearl milk tea: a beverage珍珠奶茶

[go back to the article]

perseverance: constant effort 毅力
diligence: hard-working 勤奮
fatigue: physical exhaustion 疲勞
nitro-powder: one kind of powder 硝化火藥
engrave: to carve 刻
well: to flow 湧出
blur: not clear 使模糊不清
dynamite: one kind of powder 炸藥
willful: stubborn 任性的
deviate: to turn aside 脫軌




look after:照顧、管理
look around:到處看看
look at:仔細看
look back:回顧,回想
look down on(=despise):輕視
look for:找尋
look forward to Ving (=expect to V):期待做某件事情
look into:檢查
look up:查閱(資料、單字)
look up to(= respect):尊重


expect是由ex(out )和pect(look)合成的字,有「期盼」的意味,類似中文說的「引頸期盼」,look forward to 也有「期盼」的意思,這個片語更是很清楚讓我們感受到「期待」、「引頸期盼」的意味。

你不鳥某個人,不削某個人,連看都懶得看他。相反的,當你很尊重某人,甚至很景仰對方,自然會多看看對方的言談舉止,尊敬自然就是respect(再次看)。尊敬轉成片語就變成了 look up to,跟中文說的「仰望」某人的成就或者舉止很像。

把觀念往反向推,如果輕視某人,自然就是look down on,也跟中文的「狗眼看人低」有異曲同工之處。

現在我們以look為準,只要隨著後頭的介係詞/ 介副詞轉換,就可以學到很多不同的片語。

當look遇上了afte r,在某人某事後頭仔細瞧瞧,自然就有「照顧」、「管理」的涵義;如果是look撞上了aroun d,就有著「到處看看」的意思;遇上back呢?不用想也知道,look back是「回顧」。

為了某人事物大費周章睜眼看阿看的,look for自然就有「尋找」的意思;現在你不僅看,還看到事情的骨子裡,look into當然就是「檢查」了。在茫茫書海中,「看上」你想找的資料,look up也就順理成章有「查閱」的意思了。


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