Life in the Fast Lane 禁食之道
Fasting is abstaining from all food and drink, save for water, for a short period of time. While _(1)_ energy, food also introduces toxins into the body. By not eating, the body has time to heal itself naturally. The first day or two of a fast are _(2)_ painful because toxins are being pushed out of the body. Also, a person misses the _(3)_ of eating.
Twenty years ago, an Olympic ice-skating hopeful injured his leg in a car accident. After a year of tests, the man still could not walk. His doctor informed him his only hope of walking again was experimental surgery. The man angrily grabbed his _(4)_ and hobbled out of the hospital. As he _(5)_ to get home, he remembered his arthritic father, who had healed himself some years ago by fasting. He decided that this was his only chance to _(6)_. After fasting for a month, the man was able to walk again. Within three years, he _(7)_ third in the World Professional Figure Skating Championships.
Fasting is _(8)_ new. It was written about in the times of the great _(9)_, Plato and Aristotle, and even Jesus went into the woods and _(10)_ food for 40 days. If you have a nagging injury or are just interested in giving your body a natural tune-up, fasting might be for you.
──by Marcus Maurice
(A) gave up
(B) crutches
(C) placed
(D) nothing
(E) recover
(F) philosophers
(G) sensation
(H) struggled
(I) somewhat
(J) providing
1. fast a. 快速的 & vi. 禁食,齋戒
fasting n. 禁食,齋戒
2. toxin n. 毒素
3. hopeful n. 有成功希望的人
4. experimental a. 實驗的,試驗性的
5. arthritic a. 關節炎的
arthritis n. 關節炎
1. abstain from... 戒除斷絕……
abstain vi. 戒除;斷絕
例: John has decided to abstain from drinking and smoking for two months.
2. save for... 除……外(= except...)
例: Save for Wayne, no one else can fix this complex computer network.
3. introduce A into B 引進A到B
例: When the new fish were introduced into the river, there were many problems.
4. hobble vi. 跛行,蹣跚
例: Several people hobbled from the train wreck looking for friends and relatives.
5. nagging a. 使人不得安寧的
nag vt. 煩擾;嘮叨
例: Edna nags her husband so much that he's hoping he'll go deaf.
6. tune-up n. 調整
tune up... 調整……(使情況良好)
例: We'll have to tune up the car before we go on our trip down the coast.
1. 第一題空格應選 (J) providing
a. 空格前為副詞連接詞While,之後則無主詞和動詞,可知此為副詞子句化簡為副詞片語之句構。
例: While driving to his office, Mr. Smith nodded off and crashed into a pole.
b. 空格後為名詞 energy,得知應置入一及物現在分詞。選項中僅 (J) providing 為及物現在分詞,且置入後符合語意,故選之。
c. 本句解析如下:
While food provides energy, food also introduces toxins into the body.
→ While providing energy, food also introduces toxins into the body.
2. 第二題空格應選 (I) somewhat
a. 空格前為 be 動詞 are,空格後為形容詞 painful,得知空格應置入一副詞,修飾其後的 painful。
b. 選項中僅 somewhat 為副詞,故 (I) 應為正選。
c. somewhat [ `sVm:hwat ] adv. 稍微,有點
例: Though I'm somewhat hungry, I'm going to wait until this evening to eat.
3. 第三題空格應選 (G) sensation
a. 此處空格前為定冠詞 the,而其後是介詞片語 of eating,得知空格內應置入一名詞。
b. 選項中,(B)、(D)、(F)、(G)為名詞;但根據語意,僅 (G) sensation 為正選。
c. sensation n. 感覺
例: After the accident, Marvin lost all sensation below the waist.
4. 第四題空格應選 (B) crutches
a. 空格前為所有格 his,得知空格應置入一名詞。
b. 前面提到溜冰選手因車禍而無法行走,後面則說他一跛一跛走出醫院(hobbled out of the hospital),故應置入 crutches,說明不良於行的人得拄『拐杖』才能行走。
crutch [ krVtS ] n. 拐杖
c. 根據上述,(B)應為正選。
5. 第五題空格應選 (H) struggled
a. 空格前有代名詞 he 作主詞,其後為不定詞片語to get home,作副詞用,得知空格內應置入一不及物動詞。
b. 選項中,僅 (H) 為不及物動詞,置入後形成下列固定用法:
struggle to V 努力掙扎(做)……
例: During the boring CPR class, many of us struggled to stay awake.
c. 根據語意、用法,故 (H) 應為正選。
6. 第六題空格應選 (E) recover
a. 空格前為不定詞的 to,得知空格內應置入一原形動詞。
b. 選項中,僅 (E) recover 為原形動詞,故應為正選。
c. recover vi. 恢復健康
recover from... 從……復原
例: I'll stay home for a few days until I recover from the flu.
7. 第七題空格應選 (C) placed
a. 本句為缺少動詞之不完整句構,得知空格內應置入動詞。
b. 空格後為副詞 third(第三名),得知應置入 (C) placed,形成下列固定用法:
place + 名次 得到……(名次)
例: Gina placed last in the race but feels successful because she finished.
c. 根據上述,(C) 應為正選。
8. 第八題空格應選 (D) nothing
a. 空格前為 be 動詞 is,後為形容詞 new,故應置入 nothing,因形容詞修飾 nothing、something、everything、anything 等不定代名詞時,須使用後位修飾。
例: Did anything interesting happen on the company trip to Hualien?
b. 根據上述,(D) 應為正選。
9. 第九題空格應選 (F) philosophers
a. 空格前有定冠詞the及形容詞great,得知應置入一名詞。
b. 空格後有Plato(柏拉圖)及Aristotle(亞里斯多德)兩位偉大哲人的名字作同位語,得知應置入 (F) philosophers 方符合語意。
philosopher n. 哲學家
c. 根據上述,(F)應為正選。
10. 第十題空格應選 (A) gave up
a. 空格前為對等連接詞and,得知應置入過去式動詞,以與前面went into對等。
b. 空格後為名詞food,可知空格內應為及物動詞。選項(A) gave up為片語及物動詞,置入後合乎語意,說明耶穌進入森林絕食40天,故選之。
c. give up... 放棄停止……
例: Bill should give up smoking before it does permanent damage to his lungs.
1. (J) 2. (I) 3. (G) 4. (B) 5. (H) 6. (E) 7. (C) 8. (D) 9. (F) 10. (A)
from 常春藤解析英語雜誌