eading a good book has been compared to going scuba diving for the first time. Once a reader dives in, the brain swims in all kinds of new knowledge or interesting stories. This feels just like being at the bottom of the ocean and seeing all of the amazing creatures1 everywhere. Reading like this opens up the mind and leads the reader to a whole new world. Reading on the Internet is much different. It has been compared to riding a jet ski2. It is fun to do, but it is really just skimming3 across the top of the water.
Recent studies suggest that we are gradually changing our reading habits. Researchers have found that people read no more than two pages on the Internet before skipping to something else. Book lovers who used to read for hours at a time now have a problem. Because they use the Internet so much, they find it harder to concentrate for a long period of time.
With emails, blogs, and forums4, we are reading much more now than people did in the 1970s and 1980s. However, reading online is different from enjoying books. Apparently, what we have today is a case of quantity over quality. Skimming the surface of the water is nice, but diving in deep is something special.
閱讀一本好書被比作是初次體驗潛水。一旦讀者熱切投入,大腦便悠游暢泳在各種新知或有趣的故事中。這感覺就像是在海底觀賞俯拾皆是的奇異生物。像這樣的閱 讀方式能開拓心胸,並且帶領讀者進入一個嶄新世界。在網路上閱讀可就大不相同了。這種閱讀被比作是騎乘水上摩托車。這樣做雖然好玩,但只不過是快速地掠過 水面而已。
1. gradually adv. 逐漸地,逐步地
Ray is gradually recovering from his illness.
2. concentrate vi. 專注,專心
Dan could hardly concentrate during class.
3. apparently adv. 顯然;看來
Apparently, Andy has lied to you.
1. compare A to B 將 A 比作 B
John compared Bella's eyes to the shining stars in the night sky.
2. dive in 熱切地開始做某事
The scientists all dove in to the research.
3. open up... 開拓……
This job might open up some valuable opportunities for you.
1. creature n. 生物;動物
2. jet ski n. 水上摩托車
3. skim vt. 飛快掠過;略讀,瀏覽
4. forum n.(網路)討論區
Once a reader dives in, the brain swims in...
Once + 主詞 + 動詞, 主詞 + 動詞 一……就……
= As soon as + 主詞 + 動詞, 主詞 + 動詞
= The instant + 主詞 + 動詞, 主詞 + 動詞
= The moment + 主詞 + 動詞, 主詞 + 動詞
Once Kyle fell down, he cried.
= The moment Kyle fell down, he cried.
1. the instant/moment 為名詞片語,在此作副詞連接詞用,引導副詞子句,修飾主要子句。
2. 在上述句型中,表過去狀態時,主要子句與副詞子句皆用過去式;表未來狀態時,主要子句要用未來式,副詞子句則用現在式。
Once you read this letter, you'll know the truth.
from 常春藤生活英語 ( HTML 圖文版 )