A Century of Taiwan's Film Industry 台灣電影百年紀實


  For the past 100 years, films have touched the hearts of Taiwanese people. Films are not just pictures on a screen. They can record a moment in time, challenge social standards, and influence how people feel. The film industry in Taiwan has also helped Taiwan share its culture with the world. Films first came to Taiwan in 1901, and Taiwan's film industry has recently entered a modern wave of film-making. This wave has sparked people's interest in local movies and the history of film in Taiwan.

  The first films in Taiwan were made with Japanese influences. These silent films were shown with live narrators1 called benshi. The mood of a film was determined by how the benshi interpreted the film. After World War II, movies that had sound took the place of silent films, but this wasn't the only change. The new government also affected the types of films that were made. In the 1960s, the government promoted films that celebrated traditional moral values and used Mandarin. Therefore, films in Mandarin became the mainstream2.

  In the 1980s, Taiwanese films were competing hard with Hollywood's big budget films. To help local films, the Central Motion Picture3 Corporation4 started supporting young local directors. This led to Taiwan's New Wave of films. These films focused on the social changes and conflicts that Taiwanese people faced. They are also known for their slow pace5 and lack of dramatic climax6.

過 去的一百年來,電影已經觸動了許多台灣人的心。電影不只是螢幕上的圖片。它們能記載過去的某個時刻,挑戰社會常規,並且影響人們的感受。台灣的電影產業使 得台灣能與世界分享其文化。電影於1901年首度引進台灣,而如今台灣的影業已經邁入了電影製片的現代浪潮。這股潮流燃起了人們對國片以及台灣影史的興 趣。

台灣早期電影的製作受到了日本的影響。這些默片在播放時都配有稱為『辯士』的現場旁白。辯士如何闡述影片決定了這部片的氛圍。第二次世界大戰後,有聲電影 取代了默片,但這並非唯一的改變。新的政府也影響了拍片的類型。1960年代,政府大力推廣提倡傳統道德價值、並用國語發音的電影。國語片因而成為主流。

Building Your Vocabulary 

1. touch vt. 感動;使感到同情
This love story has touched many readers.
2. spark vt. 激發,鼓舞
The professor's words sparked Patrick's interest in space travel.
3. determine vt. 決定,支配
Our spending is determined by our budget.
4. interpret vt. 解釋,闡釋
You should interpret the poem from the poet's point of view.
5. affect vt. 影響
The policy mainly affected the middle class.
Phrases for Learning 

take the place of...  代替∕取代……
I took the place of Bill while he was away.
Extra Words 

1. narrator n. 旁白,解說人
2. mainstream n. 主流
3. motion picture n. 電影(本文中作形容詞用)
4. corporation n. 企業集團
5. pace n. 步調,速度
6. climax n. 高潮,頂點

For the past 100 years, films have touched...
for/over/during/in + the past/last +(few∕數字)+ week(s)/month(s)/year(s)
for/over/during/in + the past/last + few∕數字 + days
During the past few weeks, Dennis has been preparing for his exams.
Alicia has stayed at her friend's house over the last five days.

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