A Fool's Errand傻瓜的差事

Dialogue A
Milly and Stan are camping in the woods.
Milly: Camping is such fun! Here, catch this Frisbee1.
Stan: We shouldn't fool around until things are set up.
Milly: OK. I'll set up the tent while you go get some firewood2.
Stan: No problem. I can do that.
(Stan returns with a load of firewood.)
Stan: Oh my goodness! What happened to the tent?
Milly: The instructions3 didn't make any sense. I couldn't figure them out.
Stan: Any fool can set up this tent! Here, I'll help you.

Dialogue B
Milly: Where can we get some more water?
Stan: There's a pump down the road. Take the container4 hooked on the back of the truck with you.
Milly: his job will be a snap. I'll show you that I'm nobody's fool.
(Milly returns from fetching the water.)
Milly: I'm back.
Stan: What were you doing on the way back? The container is half empty.
Milly: What? Hey! You sent me on a fool's errand. This container has a hole in the bottom!
Stan: Sorry about that. I hope your shoes aren't soaked5.

米 莉:露營好好玩喔!來,接住這個飛盤。
史 丹:我們在搞定所有事情之前不該閒晃。
米 莉:好吧。我來搭帳篷,你去找些木柴來。
史 丹:沒問題。這我辦得到。
史 丹:我的天啊!帳篷怎麼啦?
米 莉:這個說明書根本就不合理。我看不懂啦。
史 丹:隨便誰來都會搭這個帳篷!來吧,讓我幫妳。

Dialogue B
米 莉:我們可以去哪多提些水來?
史 丹:這條路直走下去會有一個幫浦。妳拿卡車後頭掛的那個容器去裝。
米 莉:這工作很容易嘛。我會向你證明我精明的很。
米 莉:我回來了。
史 丹:妳在回來的路上做了些什麼啊?容器裡的水都流掉一半了。
米 莉:什麼?嘿!你派我去做白工。這個容器的底部有破洞!
史 丹:真抱歉。希望妳的鞋沒溼透。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. hook vt. 吊,掛;把……固定住
Could you hook the calendar on that nail?
2. fetch vt. 拿來;找來
Dad asked me to fetch him a drink.
Phrases for Learning 

1. fool around  閒蕩,遊手好閒
Fred did nothing but fool around all day.
2. a load of...  很多∕大量……
Maria has a load of clothes to wash.
3. any fool can...  任何人都會……
Any fool can tell this fruit has gone bad.
4. be a snap  輕而易舉
Cooking is a snap for Rebecca.
5. be nobody's fool  不是傻瓜;為人精明
Jack is nobody's fool when shopping for deals.
6. (send + 人 + on) a fool's errand  (派某人去做)徒勞無益的事
It is a fool's errand to try to get him out of bed.
Extra Words 

1. Frisbee n. 飛盤
2. firewood n. 柴火,木柴
3. instructions n. 操作指南;使用說明(恆為複數)
4. container n. 容器
5. soaked a. 溼透的
Tips In Use 

Camping is such fun!
such 可視為形容詞,表『如此的』,須與名詞並用。
與不可數名詞並用時,such 之後無須加上冠詞;與單數可數名詞並用時,要置於不定冠詞(a/an)之前;such 與名詞並用,且其前有 one 或 no 時,則 such 之後不可再加冠詞,否則將造成冠詞重複。
Gordon is such a gentleman!
There is no such man called Al here.

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