This month, National Geographic Channel's "Hometown Baghdad" shows rarely seen images of the homes and lives of regular people in Iraq. This two-part documentary1 series is about three college students who were living in a war zone2. In the summer of 2006, NGC
interviewed these students. They talked about their daily
struggles to stay alive in a place where "there is nothing fair..." and "
innocent people die every day."
Adel, Ausama, and Saif were attending schools in Baghdad, Iraq, when the documentary was made.
At the time, Adel was in engineering3 school. He shared with NGC the dangers of simply going to class because students were being killed just for being students. He also took a big risk to share the truth about his home country when he carried a hidden camera around his neighborhood4. Adel knew that if he was caught, he would be killed. However, this did not
hold him
back, nor did it stop him from
informing US troops
of who had weapons and who was doing the killings5.
Despite the
hardships, Adel still wants to help rebuild his country when peace returns.

本 月份,國家地理頻道的《我的家在巴格達》將呈現難得一見的伊拉克平民百姓的家庭和生活景象。這個分為兩集的紀錄片是關於住在戰區的三名大學生。國家地理頻 道在2006年夏天訪問了這些學生。他們談及身在一個『沒有什麼是公平的……』且『天天都有無辜的人們死去』的地方,每日掙扎求生的奮鬥歷程。
在記錄片拍攝之時,阿德爾,奧薩瑪,以及薩伊夫在伊拉克的巴格達就學。阿德爾當時於工學院就讀。他和國家地理頻道談到光是去上課就會遭到危險,因為學生僅 因身為學生之故就被殺害。他也冒險帶著隱藏式攝影機拍攝他的住家周圍,以告訴世人他祖國的真實面貌。阿德爾知道要是他被逮到,就會惹來殺身之禍。不過這並 沒有使他卻步,更沒有阻礙他通知美軍是誰握有武器和誰在屠殺生靈。儘管困難重重,阿德爾仍希望待和平重返之時能幫助重建他的國家。