Early to Bed, Early to Rise 早睡早起省能源?

Get the most out of sunshine in the summertime.

  Benjamin Franklin was in Paris in 1784 when he proposed what would eventually become known as daylight saving time (DST). He argued that by simply moving the clocks ahead an hour in the springtime, people could live by "sunshine rather than candles."
  DST was designed to make the most of the daylight hours in the summer, but it has achieved only marginal success. In 1916, Britain first attempted DST when Parliament passed an act that started British Summer Time (BST). _(1)_ At the beginning of World War I, the US adopted DST to conserve the fuel that was needed to produce electricity, and by 1918 it was law. Even so, the use of DST was very inconsistent in the US. _(2)_ In 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed the Uniform Time Act, which stated that clocks would "spring forward" at 2:00 AM on the last Sunday of April and "fall back" at 2:00 AM on the final Sunday in October. _(3)_
  Because of state laws, DST was only first instituted in Indiana in 2006. _(4)_ The study concluded that people used two to four percent more electricity during DST, costing consumers US$9 million in Indiana. Pollution emissions rose and cost the state an estimated US$5.5 million, mostly from the use of air conditioners. _(5)_ With US President Barack Obama promising to conserve resources, the sun may finally be setting for daylight saving time.

(A) This farming state then measured the impact of DST to see if it really worked.
(B) Now, the dates have been changed to the second Sunday in March and the first Sunday in November.
(C) Many states ignored the law altogether, causing confusion with train and plane schedules.
(D) While Benjamin Franklin was correct about candles, he had no way of knowing about air conditioning, which was invented many years after his death.
(E) The first day BST was put into operation, it caused mass confusion and a storm of opposition in Britain.

1. 第一題空格應選 (E)
a. 空格前提到,1916 年,英國在國會頒布了英國夏時制(BST)的法令後,首次嘗試採用日光節約時間。
b. (E) 選項提及,英國夏時制(BST)首日實行時,便引起國內極度的混亂和強烈的反對聲浪。前後兩句語意連貫,且皆有關鍵字 BST,故選之。
a. be put into operation  被付諸實行
= be put into action
= be put into practice
例: These ideas will be formalized before they can be put into operation.
b. mass a. 大量的,大規模的
c. confusion n. 混亂
d. a storm of opposition   一陣反對聲浪
opposition n. 反對

2. 第二題空格應選 (C)
a. 空格前提到,到了 1918 年,日光節約時間成為法令(law)。即使如此,日光節約時間在美國各地的運用還是很不一致(inconsistent)。
b. (C) 選項中進一步提到,許多州完全不理會這項法令(ignored the law),造成火車及飛機時刻表大亂,解釋了為何日光節約時間的運用會不一致,且前後皆有關鍵字 law,故選之。
a. ignore vt. 忽視,忽略
b. altogether adv. 完全地
= completely adv.
例: That restaurant didn't only change its name. It now has a new menu altogether.

3. 第三題空格應選 (B)
a. 空格前提到,1966 年,美國總統林登‧詹森簽署了統一時間法案,明訂 4 月最後一個星期天的凌晨兩點把時鐘往前調撥,直到 10 月最後一個星期天的凌晨兩點再往後調回來。
b. (B) 選項提到,時至今日,調撥的日期已改為 3 月的第二個星期天及 11 月的第一個星期天。前後兩句皆在說明日光節約時間的調撥日期,語意連貫,故選之。

4. 第四題空格應選 (A)
a. 空格前一句提到,因為州立法案的緣故,印第安納州(Indiana)到了 2006 年才首次實施日光節約時間(DST)。
b. (A) 選項接著說,於是這個農業州(This farming state)衡量日光節約時間的作用(the impact of DST),看看是否真能成功節能。此處的 farming state 指的就是前一句中的 Indiana,且前後亦有關鍵字 DST,故選之。
a. measure vt. 衡量
b. impact n. 影響,作用
have an impact on...  對……有影響
= have an influence on...
= have an effect on...
例: The economic climate has an impact on our company's policies.

5. 第五題空格應選 (D)
a. 空格前提到,污染排放量上升,使整個州付出約 5 百 50 萬美金的費用,而污染排放來源大多是因為使用冷氣機(the use of air conditioners)。
b. (D) 選項提及,雖然班傑明‧富蘭克林對減少蠟燭用量的看法是正確的,但他卻沒辦法預知冷氣空調(air conditioning)的使用,畢竟那是在他死後多年才發明的東西,語意連貫,且前後兩句有關鍵字 air conditioners 和 air conditioning,故選之。
a. have/get no way of + V-ing  沒辦法(做)……
例:The shopkeeper had no way of knowing that his milk was spoiled because the dates on the cartons were wrong.
b. air conditioning n. 空調系統

1. propose vt. 提議,提出
例: The government proposed a new plan for water rationing.

2. make the most of...  充分利用……
= make the best use of...
例: You won't get another chance like this, so make the most of it.

3. marginal a. 微小的
例: The teacher noticed marginal improvements in his students' grades.

4. attempt vt. 嘗試;試圖(做)
attempt to V  企圖∕試圖(做)……
例: Willy likes to attempt new tasks.
例: The pilot attempted to land the burning plane in a field.

5. conserve vt. 節約使用(能源)
preserve vt. 儲存(食物)
例: Scientists are trying to find new ways to conserve energy.
例: All the food should be preserved in the refrigerator or it will go bad.

6. inconsistent a. 不一致的
consistent a. 一致的
be inconsistent with...  與……不一致
be consistent with...  與……一致
例: I don't trust Bill because his words are always inconsistent with his actions.

7. an estimated + 數字  估計有……(數字)
例: An estimated 100 students will participate in the singing contest.
= It is estimated that 100 students will participate in the singing contest.
(估計有 100 名學生將參加這次的歌唱比賽。)

1. daylight saving time  日光節約時間(= DST)
2. Parliament n. 英國國會
3. institute vt. 制定(法律、制度等)
4. emission n. 排放
5. air conditioner n. 冷氣

1784 年,班傑明‧富蘭克林在巴黎時,提出了後人所謂的日光節約時間(DST)。他提出的理論是只要在春季將時鐘往前撥快一個小時,人們就能夠日出而作、日落而息,不用倚賴蠟燭。
日光節約時間的設計是為了要充分利用夏季的日光時間,但成效不彰。1916 年,英國在國會頒布了英國夏時制(BST)的法令後,首次嘗試採用日光節約時間。英國夏時制首日實行時,便引起了國內極度的混亂和強烈的反對聲浪。第一次 世界大戰初期,美國採用了日光節約時間以節省需要用來產生電力的燃料,到了1918 年,日光節約時間成為法令。即使如此,日光節約時間在美國各地的運用還是很不一致。許多州完全不理會這項法令,造成火車及飛機時刻表大亂。1966 年,美國總統林登‧詹森簽署了統一時間法案,明訂 4 月最後一個星期天的凌晨兩點把時鐘往前調撥,直到 10 月最後一個星期天的凌晨兩點再往後調回來。時至今日,調撥的日期已改為 3 月的第二個星期天及 11 月的第一個星期天。
因為州立法案的緣故,印第安納州到了 2006 年才首次實施日光節約時間。於是這個農業州衡量日光節約時間的作用,看看是否真能成功節能。研究結論是在日光節約時間的期間,人們多使用了百分之二到百分 之四的電力,花了印第安納州的用戶們 9 百萬美金,而且造成污染排放量上升,使整個州付出約 5 百 50 萬美金的費用,而污染排放來源大多是因為使用冷氣機。雖然班傑明‧富蘭克林對減少蠟燭用量的看法是正確的,但他卻沒辦法預知冷氣空調的使用,畢竟那是在他 死後多年才發明的東西。隨著美國總統巴拉克‧歐巴馬承諾要節約能源,日光節約時間可能終將逐漸式微。

標準答案: 1. (E) 2. (C) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (D)

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