Working Up a Sweat揮灑汗水向前跑

Dialogue A
Fred and Kelly are driving to the countryside.
Fred: Thanks for giving me a ride to meet up with the running club.
Kelly: No sweat. I just feel bad that the air conditioning in my car doesn't work.
Fred: Don't sweat it. I like riding around with the windows open.
Kelly: You'll likely change your mind when you start sweating like a pig, though.
Fred: It's fine. How far will the run be today?
Kelly: According to the schedule, we're doing 12 kilometers.
Fred: That shouldn't be too bad.
Kelly: I'm glad you feel that way, but I'm not looking forward to it.

Dialogue B
Fred: Why not? I thought you'd be excited.
Kelly: I had a terrible dream last night and woke up in a cold sweat.
Fred: I guess you didn't get much sleep after that.
Kelly: Nope. So I'll probably be dragging my feet today.
Fred: I can stay back and run with you.
Kelly: You're so sweet, but you should try to improve on your time.
Fred: I don't really care about that. I just like running because I can easily work up a sweat.
Kelly: Well, with the hot weather today, we'll all be sweating in no time.

Dialogue A
凱 莉:小事一樁。只是很不好意思我車子的冷氣壞了。
凱 莉:不過等你汗流浹背的時候,你很可能就會改變心意了。
凱 莉:根據表定計畫,我們要跑十二公里。
凱 莉:我很高興你那麼想,但我可不太期待。

Dialogue B
凱 莉:我昨晚做了一個惡夢,醒來時冒了一身冷汗。
凱 莉:對啊。所以我今天很可能會跑得很慢。
凱 莉:你真貼心,不過你應該試著跑出更好的時間。
凱 莉:嗯,今天那麼熱,我們馬上就會跑得滿身汗了。
Phrases for Learning 

1. no sweat  一點也不難,毫不費力
A: Can you finish this project on time?
B: No sweat!
甲:你能準時完成這項企劃案嗎?  乙:簡單啦!
2. don't sweat it  別擔心,別著急
Don't sweat it. I'll give you a hand.
3. sweat like a pig  汗流浹背,渾身臭汗
It's so hot in here that I'm sweating like a pig.
4. a cold sweat  (因緊張或害怕而出的)一身冷汗
Ian was in a cold sweat when the policeman questioned him.
5. drag + 所有格 + feet  (某人)拖著腳步;做事拖拉
Stop dragging your feet and get back to work!
6. improve on/upon...  改善(以前的)……
Sam hopes to improve upon his last record.
7. work up a sweat  因鍛鍊(辛苦工作)而流汗
The runner worked up a sweat while training.
8. in no time  立刻,馬上
Tim solved this complex puzzle in no time.
Tips In Use 

You'll likely change your mind...
So I'll probably be dragging my feet today.
1. likely, probably, possibly 均為副詞,表『可能地』。但以可能性高低而言,likely 和 probably 均表『很可能』,而 possibly 則表『有可能(但不確定)』。likely 作副詞時,之前亦可用 very 或 most 加以修飾。
2. likely 亦可作形容詞用,常見句構為"It is likely + that 子句"或"主詞 + be likely to + 原形動詞"。
Rich will probably/likely go broke.
= It is likely that Rich will go broke.

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