by Joshua Samuel Brown Though Israel's Dead Sea is a place for relaxation, holes around it threaten to sink tourism.
Lying in a valley with Jordan
to the east and Israel and Palestine
to the west, the Dead Sea is
a body of water known for its extremely high salt
content. The
salinity of the Dead Sea is almost
nine times as high
as that of ocean water, making it impossible for most fish and sea creatures to live within its waters. The dry
desert surrounding the Dead Sea, though
prized for its beauty, is also a
harsh environment that does not invite animal life.
an unusual
twist of fate then that the Dead Sea attracts visitors interested
primarily in health. People from around the world
flock to the Dead Sea to
take advantage of the
purported properties of its water and the health benefits offered by the sunshine,
dryness, and higher
air pressure of the area itself. The water in the Dead Sea
is high in both salt and
minerals, and it is believed that this water has therapeutic value. People
suffering from various skin ailments
swear by the
restorative properties of a good
soak in the Dead Sea.
The area's health benefits aren't a new discovery—the ancient Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians all visited the area and returned home with tales of the
curative properties of the water in the Dead Sea. Even The Bible
speaks of the Dead Sea as a
retreat for ancient Hebrew kings. One other healthy fact about the Dead Sea is that the water's high salt content causes anyone lying in it to
float, making
drowning nearly impossible.