Pumpkins are a big part of North American culture. As food, they are used in pies, soups, and other dishes. Today, people don't eat as much pumpkin as they used to, but this fruit is still a part of two important holidays—Thanksgiving and Halloween. Pumpkins are
harvested in autumn, around the times when Halloween and Thanksgiving are celebrated. This is the reason they are used for fun events and activities during these times. The most popular pumpkin activity that
crosses everyone's mind i
nstantly is of course pumpkin
At Halloween time, many people carve faces into pumpkins. A carved pumpkin is called a jack-o-lantern1. Traditionally,
lit candles are placed inside pumpkins so that the faces
glow. However, if carving or eating pumpkins isn't for you, there are still other ways to enjoy them.
For instance, in Delaware, US, there is a three-day festival called World Punkin' Chunkin' Championships2. The goal of the event is to throw a pumpkin as far as possible. This competition has nothing to do with people's arm strength, though. Competitors build machines that throw the pumpkins into the air. The machines that people build are both bizarre3 and amazing. Pumpkin chucking4 is very popular, with regular championships being held in the US and Europe. One of the few rules is that the pumpkin has to stay whole until it
lands. If it explodes in mid-air5, it is called "pumpkin pie in the sky."
南瓜在北美洲的文化裡佔有很重要的地位。它們作為食物時,可以用來製成派、濃湯、以及其它料理。現今的人們不像以往會吃那麼多南瓜,但這種蔬果仍舊是 兩大節日--感恩節與萬聖節的一部份。南瓜於秋天收成,也就大約是慶祝萬聖節和感恩節的時節。這就是為什麼每年在這些時刻的許多趣味活動中都會運用到南 瓜。一提到最受歡迎的南瓜活動時,每個人腦海中立即浮現的則非雕刻南瓜莫屬。
萬聖節時期,許多人會在南瓜上頭雕刻臉孔。一顆雕刻好的南瓜稱為南瓜燈籠(或稱傑克南瓜燈)。傳統上,南瓜裡會放置點燃的蠟燭好讓臉孔發光。但如果您 不太喜歡雕刻或吃南瓜,仍有其它方式可以享受它們帶來的樂趣。舉例來說,在美國德拉瓦州,有一個為期三天的節慶叫做World Punkin' Chunkin' Championships。此活動的目標是要把南瓜扔得越遠越好。不過這個競賽和人們的臂力倒沒什麼關聯。競賽者而是得建造機器來把南瓜扔向空中。人們 建造的機器可說是無奇不有、驚人無比。投擲南瓜的活動相當盛行,美國與歐洲各地都固定會舉行這類的錦標賽。比賽的少數規則之一就是在南瓜落地前都要保持完 整無缺。如果南瓜在半空中就爆裂開來,便稱作『空中南瓜派』。