Naked Science 7 科學新發現

The topic that is on people's minds all over the world these days is global warming1. Speaking of our planet, have you ever thought about how life began on Earth or how you would deal with a nuclear2 bomb exploding in your city? What about the possibility of humans finding a way to live on the moon? If you are looking for answers, then you are in luck. All of these questions and more are examined in National Geographic Channel's "Naked Science 7" series.

  In "Finding the Origin of Life", scientists explore how life started on Earth as well as why this happened on our planet. Instead of trying to find out the origins of life in the real world, they attempt to create it from scratch in a laboratory3. Can this mystery be solved?

  On the other hand, would you be prepared for a nuclear attack if there were one? NGC's "Dirty Bombs" episode portrays a nuclear bomb going off in a US city. The program follows the victims from the time of the blast4 all the way to the aftermath5. It also gives viewers useful information in the event that this kind of disaster actually happens in the future.


  全球暖化是近來全世界的人都在擔心的議題。說到我們居住的星球,您可曾想過地 球上的生命是如何開始的,或是如果核彈在您居住的城市裡爆炸,您又該怎麼辦?還有人類是否有可能找到在月球上居住的方法?如果您正在尋找這些問題的答案, 那您的運氣還真不錯。所有這些及其它更多的問題都會在國家地理頻道《科學新發現》系列中進行檢視。

  在《尋找生命源頭》當中,科學家探索地球上的生命是如何開始的,以及這為何會發生在我們的星球上。他們沒有試著在真實的世界中找出生命的起源,而是嘗 試在實驗室裡從無到有地創造生命。他們能夠解開這個謎團嗎?

  另一方面,如果真的發生核子攻擊,您做好準備了嗎?國家地理頻道的《骯髒炸彈》則是描繪出核彈在美國某個城市爆炸的情形。本集節目追蹤了核爆受害者從 爆炸當時一直到劫後的慘況。而且還提供觀眾實用的資訊——假設未來真的發生這種災難的話。
Building Your Vocabulary 

disaster  n. 災難,災禍
Many people died in the mining disaster.
Phrases for Learning 

1. on + 所有格 + mind (某人)擔心……
My son's grades are always on my mind.
2.attempt to + 原形動詞  嘗試∕企圖……
Simon attempted to fix the bike on his own.
3.from scratch  從無到有,從頭開始
Mike started his business from scratch.
4.On the other hand,主詞 + 動詞  另一方面……
I want to go out with you. On the other hand, I have to take care of my brother today.
5.prepare + 人 + for...  使某人做好……的準備
The course prepares us for studying abroad.
6.go off  爆炸
A bomb went off in that subway station.
7. in the event + that 子句  萬一∕如果發生……
I will quit in the event that I get transferred.
Extra Words 

1. global warming n. 全球暖化
2. nuclear a. 核能的
3. laboratory n. 實驗室
4. blast n. 爆炸
5. aftermath n.(災難、戰爭等結束後的)餘殃,餘波

On the other hand, would you be...
on the other hand 可單獨使用,亦可與 on the one hand 並用,形成"on (the) one hand...on the other (hand)..."(一方面……另一方面……)的用法,其中括弧內的 the 和 hand 均可省略。on the one hand 則不可單獨使用。
On (the) one hand, Andrew wants to study abroad. On the other (hand), he doesn't have enough money.

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