Once Bitten, Twice Shy  一朝被蛇咬,十年怕草繩

From cute little garden snakes to ones with deadly venom, Taiwan is noted for its large diversity of snakes. Generally speaking, snakes do not attack humans unless they feel threatened first. Snakebites are, however, still a reality.

Few people can recognize whether a snake is poisonous or not, so all snakebites should be treated as if they were poisonous. _(1)_ Driving to the nearest hospital or clinic is your best bet. There are many myths concerning treating victims of snakebites. _(2)_ In actuality, there is nothing that can be done to prevent its spread. If you can't get to the emergency room right away, keep the wound clean, allow the victim to rest, and make sure that he or she drinks plenty of fluids. No matter what, don't take matters into your own hands.

Television shows often depict a person bent over the victim, sucking the venom out of his or her wound. _(3)_ If clean water is available, you should wash the bite and cover it with a sterile dressing to prevent infection later. Attempting to cut off circulation between the bite and the victim's heart could do more harm than good. _(4)_

Should you or someone you know become the victim of a snakebite, get the motor started and get medical treatment at once. _(5)_
——by Bruce Bagnell

(A) One myth is that you should prevent the victim from moving about to stop the spread of the venom.
(B) While this is highly dramatic, it is the last thing you should attempt to do.
(C) While preventing snakebites is the best cure, your car keys are the best medicine in case a snakebite does occur.
(D) This method may end up causing the person to lose their limb due to lack of blood to this region.
(E) This isn't the time to play doctor.

1. 第一題空格應選 (C)

a. 空格前提及 snakebites(被蛇咬傷),且空格後說到開車到最近的醫院(Driving to the nearest hospital or clinic...),得知空格內應談論處理被蛇咬傷的情況,且與汽車有關。

b. 選項 (C) 提及萬一被蛇咬傷(in case a snakebite does occur),車鑰匙(your car keys)是最佳良藥,語意連貫,故為正選。

prevent vt. 防止
prevent sb/sth from V-ing  
例: You should put the meat into the fridge to prevent it from rotting.

2. 第二題空格應選 (A)
空格前提及在處理被蛇咬傷的患者時,有許多迷思(There are many myths concerning treating victims of snakebites.)。而選項 (A) 點出有一迷思便是防止患者移動以免毒液蔓延(One myth is that...to stop the spread of the venom.),語意延續空格前說法,且兩句中的 myth 形成關鍵字,故 (A) 為正選。

a. move about/around  隨意移動
例: Stop moving about, or we won't be able to have our picture taken.

b. spreadn. & vt. 散佈,蔓延
例: Sam spread rumors about those he doesn't like in the office.

3. 第三題空格應選 (B)

a. 空格前說電視節目(Television shows)常描繪有人俯身替患者從傷口吸出毒液(sucking the venom out of his or her wound),得知空格應延續此話題。

b. 選項 (B) 中的 dramatic(戲劇化的)與空格前的 Television shows 形成語意關聯。且選項的主要子句 it is the last thing you should attempt to do(你絕不該這麼做)中,代名詞 it 指的便是空格前所描述的『俯身替患者吸出毒液』一事,句意連接,故 (B) 為正選。

a. dramatica. 戲劇性的

b. be the last thing  最不可能的事
例: Cheating is the last thing Mary would do.

4. 第四題空格應選 (D)

a. 空格前談論處理傷口的方法,並提及阻止血液循環的弊多於利(Attempting to cut off circulation...do more harm than good.),得知空格應繼續談論該方法的弊處。

b. 選項 (D) 中的 This method 乃指其前提到的方法,且其中關鍵字 lack of blood to this region (局部缺血)與 cut off circulation(阻斷血液循環)互為因果,故 (D) 為正選。

a. end up V-ing  落得……結果/下場
例: She couldn't stop going shopping and ended up maxing out her credit card.

b. limb n. 肢、臂

c. due to...  由於……
例: Our weekend was ruined due to the typhoon.

5. 第五題空格應選 (E)
空格前說萬一被蛇咬傷應立刻求醫(get medical treatment at once),選項 (E) 則說這並非扮演醫生角色的時候(This isn't the time to play doctor.),前後形成對比,且 medical treatment 和 play doctor 形成對照的關鍵字,故為正選。

Should you or someone you know become the victim of a snakebite, get the motor started and get medical treatment at once.
= If you or someone you know should become the victim of a snakebite, get the motor started and get medical treatment at once.


很少人能判定一條蛇究竟有沒有毒,因此被蛇咬後,都應該當作被毒蛇咬傷的情況來處理。雖然預防『蛇吻』就是最好的療法,但萬一被蛇咬傷,你的車鑰匙則是最 佳良藥。開車到最近的醫院或診所就是最上策。關於如何治療被蛇咬傷的患者有著許多迷思。其一為不該讓患者活動以免毒液蔓延。事實上,對於毒液的蔓延我們無 能為力。若你無法立刻趕到急診室,保持傷口的清潔,讓患者休息,且務必讓患者喝下大量液體。不管如何,不要自己處理問題。



標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (D) 5. (E)

1. venom n.(蛇、蜘蛛等的)毒液

2. threatened a. 受威脅的

3. snakebite n. 被蛇咬傷

4. poisonous a. 有毒的

5. best bet  最好的辦法,

6. concerning prep. 關於(= about)

7. emergency room n. 急診室

8. bent a. 俯身的(過去分詞作形容詞用)

bend vi. 俯身,彎曲
三態為 bend、bent、bent。

9. suck vt. 吸吮

10. available a. 在手邊的,

11. sterile a. 消過毒的,無菌的

12. dressing n. 包紮用品

13. infection n. 感染

14. circulation n. 循環

15. treatment n. 治療,處理

1. Generally speaking, S + V  一般說來,……

2. cover A with B   以 B 覆蓋 A

1. be noted for...  以……(事物)聞名
例: This hotel is noted for its free work-out equipment and hot springs.

2. diversityn. 多樣性
a diversity of...  各種各樣的……
例: She has a diversity of books which could make up a small library.

3. be a reality  實際上發生的事
例: Though severe regulations are set against drunk driving, accidents caused by drunk drivers are a reality.

4. mythn. 迷思;沒有事實根據的觀點
例: It's a myth that people can't point at the moon without losing one ear.

5. take matters into one's own hands
例: If you see someone in need of help, you should take matters into your own hands.

6. depictvt. 描述
depict A as B  把 A 描述成 B
= describe A as B
例: In her diary, Shelly depicted the famous singer as her dream man without any flaws.

7. do more harm than good  弊多於利
例: Taking too many vitamins might do more harm than good.

8. get the motor started  發動(車子的)馬達
例: Let's get the motor started and leave before traffic gets bad.

from 常春藤解析英語雜誌


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