Awards usually only go to the best. Only the highest quality books, the most
outstanding music, and the finest movies get all of the attention. Maybe the reason why people try so hard to be the best in their field is that they want to be
praised, to receive awards, and to have their pictures taken. Sometimes, though, you have to wonder: what about all of the people who are not the best and the ones who come up with art, music, or ideas that are not so great? In fact, what about those who are really, truly terrible?
Well, you don't have to worry. There are various ways that the not-so-great, the bad, and the
awful get attention these days. The most famous is an award show called the Golden Raspberry1 Awards, better known as the Razzies. The Razzies are the
opposite of the famous Academy2 Awards, or the Oscars. They are given to the worst of Hollywood, such as the worst films and the worst actors. Everyone knows that Hollywood does produce some truly terrible films every year, so the Razzies have an important job.
a good number of Razzies winners almost seem to be proud of their achievement. Many have actually attended the ceremony and given funny acceptance3 speeches. And the name? It has nothing to do with the delicious berry4 in this case. Raspberry is also a name for
sticking out your tongue and making a pthhhh sound, which usually means, "This is terrible!"
獎 項通常是頒給最好的事物。只有最優質的書籍、最出色的音樂,以及最棒的電影能集所有目光於一身。或許人們如此奮力想成為他們領域中的翹楚,原因就是他們想 受到讚揚、獲頒獎項,並且能上鏡頭。但有時您卻不禁納悶:那些所有未達巔峰者,以及其藝術作品、音樂或想法都不是頂好的人們,他們又是如何?事實上,那些 真的糟糕透頂的人又該怎麼辦?
您毋庸擔心。這些不怎麼樣、差勁以及糟糕至極者,近來有許多贏得注目的管道。最出名的便是一個名為The Golden Raspberry Awards的頒獎節目,它較為人們所知的名稱則是The Razzies(編按:此頒獎節目多譯為金酸梅獎)。金酸梅獎與著名的Academy Awards--又稱奧斯卡--恰恰相反。這些獎項是頒給好萊塢的最差勁代表,例如最糟糕的電影及最遜的演員。每個人都知道好萊塢年年都會出產一些大爛 片,因此金酸梅獎可說是身負重責大任。出人意料的是,竟有許多金酸梅獎的獲獎者幾乎看似自豪於自己的成就。許多人不但出席了頒獎典禮,還發表令人發噱的得 獎感言。那這個名字又是怎麼一回事?在這邊,它和美味的莓果可一點關係也沒有。Raspberry這個名稱同時代表的是把您的舌頭吐出來,然後發出呸呸 聲,而這個聲音通常意謂著:『這真是爛透了!』