The Greatest Escape Artist: Houdini 脫逃大師胡迪尼

  Harry Houdini was one of the best magicians the world has ever seen. Born as Erik Weisz in Hungary in 1874, Houdini moved with his family to America at the age of four. By the time he was nine years old, he was already performing as a trapeze artist. Houdini then began to develop his talents as an escape artist1. He first performed with his brother and then later with his wife, Bess. Escape artists perform their stunts by breaking free from something, such as a locked box, chains2 and handcuffs3, or a closed tank that is filled with water.

  Houdini usually made his escapes offstage4. This means that he appeared from behind a curtain after he had broken free. Later, his brother, who was also an escape artist, discovered something important. Audiences were more impressed when they could see the escape happen before their very eyes.

  Houdini performed acts all over Europe and was known as "The Handcuff King." For some of his shows, he would ask local policemen to tie him up and lock him in jail. Then he would escape by twisting his body in certain ways to break loose from the chains and handcuffs. Sometimes he even dislocated5 his shoulders on purpose to do it! But Houdini performed even more amazing stunts. One was escaping from a straitjacket6 while hanging upside down from a building. Another was escaping from a locked tank that was filled with water.

哈利‧胡迪尼是世人所見過最為出色的魔術師之一。1874年於匈牙利出生、本名為艾瑞克‧懷茲的胡迪尼,四歲時便舉家搬遷至美國居住。他年僅九歲時,便已 經在表演空中飛人的特技。胡迪尼接著開始發展他在脫逃術上的天賦。他最初是與弟弟一起演出,之後則是與他的太太貝絲同台共演。脫逃術藝人透過掙脫某物的禁 錮來展現他們的特技,這些物品包括上鎖的箱子、鎖鍊及手銬、亦或是裝滿水的密閉水缸。


胡迪尼在歐洲各地巡迴表演,並且以『手銬之王』的名號著稱。在他的一些演出中,他會請當地的警員將他綁起來鎖在牢房裡。然後他會以一些特殊的方式來扭曲自 己的身體,好掙脫鎖鍊及手銬的束縛。有時他甚至會刻意使肩膀脫臼以達成目的!不過胡迪尼還表演過更令人稱奇的特技。其中一項是在他倒吊於某棟建築之際,要 一邊掙脫身上穿的束衣。另一項則是從裝滿水的上鎖水缸中脫逃。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. impress vt. 使留下深刻印象
The artist impressed me with his paintings.
2. twist vt. 扭動,扭
Sam twisted his ankle in a baseball game.
Phrases for Learning 

1. break free/loose  (用力)掙脫;逃跑
The horse broke free from its stable.
2. before + 所有格 + (very) eyes  當著某人面前
The thief stole Lily's purse before her eyes.
3. on purpose  故意,有意
I didn't hurt your feelings on purpose.
4. upside down  顛倒地,倒置地
This box cannot be carried upside down.
Extra Words 

1. escape artist n. 脫逃術表演者
2. chain n. 鏈條;鍊子
3. handcuff n. 手銬(常用複數,本文中亦作形容詞用)
4. offstage adv. 在舞台後,幕後
5. dislocate vt. 使脫臼
6. straitjacket n.(精神病人用的)約束衣
Grammar Check 

Born as Erik Weisz in Hungary in 1874, Houdini moved with his family...
  本句原為"Houdini was born as Erik Weisz in Hungary in 1874, Houdini moved with his family...",但這樣便造成兩句在一起無連接詞連接的錯誤句構,其補救辦法為將其中之一的子句化簡為分詞句構,其法則如下:
1. 被化簡的子句中主詞與主要子句的主詞相同時,該主詞要被刪除,若主詞不同時則要保留;
2. 之後的動詞要變成現在分詞;
3. 若該動詞為 be 動詞時,變成現在分詞 being 之後可省略。
Zoe was lying comfortably on her bed, Zoe fell asleep. (×)
Lying comfortably on her bed, Zoe fell asleep.(○)

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