Film makers, photographers, and brothers Peter and Jeff Hutchens are heading back to China, where they lived as children. Their Chinese adventure takes them all over the country and gets them into interesting situations1—some fun and some dangerous. National Geographic Channel's series
Somewhere in China takes viewers with them. From the Silk Road to an
icy city, travel with Peter and Jeff as they meet interesting people and try new things.
Somewhere in China: Silk Road, the brothers want to look like the
tough Uygur men of Kashgar. Therefore, they
stop by a knife factory, since having a knife represents manhood2 to the Uygur. Then they visit a Kyrgyz village to play a game that
is similar to polo3. However, instead of a ball, a headless goat is used to
score points. The next day, the brothers take a camel ride through the desert.
Peter and Jeff's next stop is the Three Gorges4 Dam5, where they see the dam's effects
first hand. They also stop to see a 1,700-year-old city that is now underwater and then enjoy the valley's unbelievable landscape6.

彼 得和傑夫哈欽斯這對製片兼攝影師的兄弟檔回到他們小時候曾住過的中國。他們在中國的冒險旅程引領他們走遍各地,也使他們遇到各種有趣或驚險的奇事。國家地 理頻道《中國歷險記》一系列節目將帶著觀眾和他們一起冒險。從絲路到冰封的城市,請與彼得和傑夫同遊,和他們一起結識有趣的朋友和嘗試各種新鮮事。
在《中國歷險記:絲路》中,兩兄弟想讓自己看起來像個喀什噶爾的維吾爾族男子漢。因此他們順路參訪製刀廠,這是因為刀子對維吾爾族人來說象徵著男子氣概。 接著他們拜訪柯爾克孜族的村子,還玩了一種類似馬球的遊戲。然而,他們用來得分的是一隻無頭山羊而不是球。翌日,兩兄弟還騎駱駝穿越沙漠。