Destination: Ecuador前進厄瓜多

Although Ecuador is the second smallest country in South America, it is bursting with things to see and do. No matter who you are or what you are into, you will enjoy every second of a vacation in Ecuador. Two of its most beautiful cities are Cuenca, in the highlands1 of Ecuador, and Quito, the country's capital. They are special because of their colonial2 buildings, which have made them World Heritage Sites3.

  If you love nature, Ecuador offers a large variety of unusual animals, insects, and plant life to investigate. If you long for adventure, there are high mountains to climb and exciting waves to surf. If culture is what you want, Ecuador is full of traditional markets that feature various kinds of native4 handicrafts5. A nice thing about Ecuador is that you don't have to plan much in advance. Everywhere you turn, adventure can be found. From swinging through the tree tops in the Amazon rain forest to eating guinea pigs6, a vacation in Ecuador will be the one you tell your grandchildren about.


如果您喜愛大自然,厄瓜多有各式各樣奇特的動植物及昆蟲供您一探究竟。如果您渴望冒險,那裡有高山可爬,也有巨浪可衝。如果您的興趣是文化,厄瓜多則充滿 各種主打當地手工藝品的傳統市集。到厄瓜多遊玩的一項好處就是您不需事先做太多計畫。您所到之處都能發現冒險旅程。從在亞馬遜雨林的樹巔之間盪來盪去、到 大啖天竺鼠肉,厄瓜多之旅將會成為您跟您孫子講古的最棒題材。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1.investigate vt. 調查
The cause of the fire is being investigated.
起火的原因正在調查中。 vt. & vi. 衝浪
The waves today are perfect for surfing.
3.feature vt. 以……為主要內容∕特色
This film features my favorite actor.
Phrases for Learning bursting with...  充滿……
The train is bursting with passengers.
這火車上擠滿了乘客。 into...  對……感興趣;喜歡……
Luke has always been into photography.
3.a variety of...  各種……
Joan has collected a variety of dolls.
4.long for...  渴望∕盼望……
These poor orphans long for a family.
這些可憐的孤兒盼望能有一個家。 advance  預先,提前
Please notify me in advance if you are taking a day off.
Extra Words 

1.highlands n. 高地,高原(恆為複數)
2.colonial a. 殖民地的
3.World Heritage Site n.(聯合國教科文組織的)世界遺產
heritage [ `hErJtIdj ] n. 遺產(本文中作形容詞用)
4.native a. 當地的,土產的
5.handicraft n. 手工藝品(常用複數)
6.guinea pig n. 天竺鼠
Tips In Use 

No matter who you are or what you are into...
  表『不管∕不論……』的副詞連接詞,可用『no matter + 疑問詞』來表示,常見的尚有下列:
no matter who = whoever    不管∕不論誰
no matter what = whatever不管∕不論什麼
no matter where = wherever不管∕不論何處
no matter when = whenever不管∕不論何時
no matter how = however    不管∕不論如何
No matter where you are, I'll find you.
= Wherever you are, I'll find you.

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