Have you ever wondered what the most dangerous job in the world is? Well, this month on National Geographic Channel, you will learn about salvors1, people who face heavy
odds and constant dangers. Their job is to save ships and anything they can on board. They also must fight to prevent serious environmental pollution caused by shipwrecks2. NGC's five-part series, "Salvage Code Red3," takes viewers inside salvors' rescue missions to see how they use their skills to
rid the oceans
of damaged ships.
In "Firestorm4," a ferry5 carrying trucks and fuel tanks burns for two days. Salvors go
aboard to put an end to the raging fire. At the same time, their lives
are on the line because one mistake in the darkness could be
Then, a ship
is caught in the
stormy Irish Seas and later left stuck on a beach. The salvors must wait for low tide. Only then can they
work on clearing the debris6 and getting the ship to float again. However, the weather causes problems again, and the team wonders if the ship can actually be saved at all.
您 是否曾想過世上最危險的工作為何?在本月份的國家地理頻道中,您將得以認識必須隨時面臨種種困難和險境的海上搶救人員們。他們的工作就是要援救船隻以及船 上任何可以搶救之物。他們還必須竭力避免因船難事件而引發的嚴重環境污染。國家地理頻道《海上救難》一系列的五個節目,將帶領觀眾進入搶救人員的救援任務 中,看他們如何運用他們的技能來清除海上的受損船隻。