Good Hope in Cape Town  前進開普敦 by Li Chen

Move over, Big Apple. Here comes The Mother City.

Good Hope in Cape Town.jpg

  Forget New York City, Paris, and London. Cape Town, South Africa, is one of the new creative meccas of culture and vitality. Cape Town is also a city of _(1)_ scenery, a melting pot of cultures with 11 official languages, a thriving economic center, and one of the host cities of the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
  As the second most populated city in South Africa, Cape Town is lovingly called The Mother City by its residents. It is also South Africa's most popular tourist _(2)_. The city offers a variety of options for people of all interests. A favorite among nature lovers, Table Mountain _(3)_ visitors to the best panoramic views atop its 1,086-meter high plateau, which is easily accessible via cable car. For shopaholics, the Victoria and Alfred (V&A) Waterfront is a great place to shop to their hearts' _(4)_. The V&A Waterfront breathes life into the economy through its 400 stores and 80 restaurants and bars, _(5)_ countless year-round cultural, musical, and sporting events. In addition, the Two Oceans Aquarium there is home to more than 300 species of marine life.
  If architecture is more your thing, _(6)_ the pentagonal Castle of Good Hope. This is the oldest surviving stone building in South Africa. It was declared a national monument in 1936 and is the _(7)_ Dutch fortification in the world. Moreover, it houses a collection of military and fine art, antique furniture, and even bones. Finally, history lovers can get more insight into Cape Town's _(8)_ past by spending some jail time on Robben Island. Former political prisoners _(9)_ you through what was once the prison cell of former South African President Nelson Mandela. As you can see, no matter what you are interested in, you will _(10)_ Cape Town. This is a city of new hope, creative freedom, and incredible spirit.

(A) guide (B) content (C) troubled (D) exposes (E) fall in love with (F) destination (G) as well as (H) breathtaking (I) best-preserved (J) take a tour of

1. Cape Town is also a city of breathtaking scenery, a melting pot of cultures with 11 official languages, ...
a. 空格前有介詞 of,後有名詞 scenery(風景),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
b. 選項中為形容詞的有 (B) content(滿足的)、(C) troubled(動亂的;不安的)、(H) breathtaking(令人驚嘆的)和 (I) best-preserved(保存最良好的),惟 breathtaking 置入後符合語意,故選 (H),表開普敦這座城市擁有『美不勝收的』風景。
c. breathtaking a. 令人驚嘆的
例: The sunrise at Ali Mountain is breathtaking.

2. It is also South Africa's most popular tourist destination.
a. 空格前有形容詞 tourist(觀光的,旅遊的),可知空格內應置入名詞。
b. 選項中為名詞的有 (A) guide(指南;導遊)、(B) content(滿足)和 (F) destination(目的地),惟 destination 置入後符合語意,故選 (F),表它也是南非最受歡迎的旅遊『目的地』。
c. destination n. 目的地

3. A favorite among nature lovers, Table Mountain exposes visitors to the best panoramic views...
a. 空格前的 Table Mountain(桌山)為第三人稱單數主詞,後有名詞 visitors(遊客),可知空格內應置入及物的第三人稱單數動詞。
b. 符合上述條件的選項僅有 (D) exposes(使接觸;使曝露),置入後亦與其後的介詞 to 形成下列固定用法:
expose A to B  使 A 接觸到 B;將 A 曝露於 B 中
expose vt. 使接觸;使曝露
例: Traveling exposes you to different cultures.
例: If you expose your skin to too much sunlight, you will get sunburned.
c. 根據上述,故選 (D)。

4. For shopaholics, the Victoria and Alfred (V&A) Waterfront is a great place to shop to their hearts' content.
a. 本空格在測試以下固定用法:
to one's heart's content  盡情地
content n. 滿意,滿足
例: Ted ate to his heart's content at his friend's birthday party.
b. 根據上述,可知 (B) 為正選。

5. The V&A Waterfront breathes life into the economy through its 400 stores and 80 restaurants and bars, as well as countless year-round cultural, musical, and sporting events.
a. 空格之前有名詞詞組 400 stores and 80 restaurants and bars(400 家商店、80 家餐廳和酒吧),而空格後亦有名詞詞組 countless year-round cultural, musical, and sporting events(終年數不盡的文化、音樂和體育活動),可知空格內應置入連接詞或連接詞片語。
b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (G) as well as(以及),置入後亦符合語意,可知應選 (G)。
c. as well as...  以及……
例: Mike is raising three children as well as supporting his parents.
(麥克不但要扶養 3 個小孩,還要奉養雙親。)

6. If architecture is more your thing, take a tour of the pentagonal Castle of Good Hope.
a. 本句無主詞,空格後有名詞詞組 the pentagonal Castle of Good Hope(形狀為五角形的好望堡),可知空格應置入原形及物動詞或及物動詞片語以形成祈使句。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) guide(帶領,引導)、(E) fall in love with(愛上……)和 (J) take a tour of(參觀∕遊覽……),惟 take a tour of 置入後符合語意,故選 (J)。
c. take a tour of...  參觀∕遊覽……
例: Do you want to take a tour of the Taiwan Beer factory?

7. It was declared a national monument in 1936 and is the best-preserved Dutch fortification in the world.
a. 空格前有定冠詞 the,空格後有名詞詞組 Dutch fortification(荷蘭堡壘),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
b. 選項中為形容詞的有 (C) troubled(動亂的;不安的) 和 (I) best-preserved(保存良好的),惟 best-preserved 置入後符合語意,故選 (I)。
c. best-preserved a. 保存最良好的
preserve vt. 保存(物品)
例: The prehistoric paintings in this cave have been perfectly preserved.

8. Finally, history lovers can get more insight into Cape Town's troubled past by spending some jail time on Robben Island.
a. 空格前有所有格 Cape Town's(開普敦的),後有名詞 past(過去),可知空格應置入形容詞。
b. 選項中為形容詞的僅有 (C) troubled(動亂的;不安的),置入後亦符合語意,可知應選 (C)。
c. troubled a. 動亂的;不安的
例: Mary looked troubled when she heard the news.

9. Former political prisoners guide you through what was once the prison cell of former South African President Nelson Mandela.
a. 空格前有複數主詞 prisoners(犯人),後有受詞 you,可知空格應置入及物動詞或及物動詞片語。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) guide(帶領,引導)和 (E) fall in love with(愛上……),惟 guide 置入後符合語意,故選 (A)。
c. guide vt. 帶領;引導
例: We used a compass to guide us in the right direction.

10. As you can see, no matter what you are interested in, you will fall in love with Cape Town.
a. 空格前有助動詞 will,空格後有受詞 Cape Town(開普敦),可知空格應置入原形及物動詞或及物動詞片語。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (E) fall in love with(愛上……),置入後亦符合語意,可知應選 (E)。
c. fall in love with...  愛上……
例: Peter has only fallen in love with one woman in his life.

1. thriving a. 繁榮的,興旺的
thrive vi. 繁榮,興盛
例: The real estate business is thriving now.

2. populate vt. 居住於(常用被動)
例: Both Tokyo and Taipei are densely populated.

3. option n. 選擇
have no option but to V  除了……別無選擇
= have no choice/alternative but to V
例: You have no option but to do your homework now.

4. accessible a. 可進入的;可得到的
例: That island is only accessible by plane.

5. breathe life into...  給……注入生命
例: The new movie has breathed life into the actor's stalled career.

6. declare vt. 宣布
例: The colonies in America declared independence in 1776.
(美洲殖民地於 1776 年宣布獨立。)

7. insight n. 深入了解
get insight into...  洞悉∕深入了解……
例: I'm taking a philosophy class to get insight into my own mind.

8. As sb can see, S + V  如某人所見,……
例:As you can see, our new apartment is much bigger than our old one.

1. mecca n. 發祥地
2. vitality n. 活力,生氣
3. scenery n. 風景,景色(不可數)
scene n. 風景(可數)
4. melting pot n. 文化鎔爐
5. official a. 官方的
the official language  官方語言
6. host n. 主辦者;(男)主人 & vt. 主辦
a host city  主辦城市
7. lovingly adv. 鍾愛地;親切地
8. resident n. 居民
9. panoramic a. 全景的
a panoramic view  (可盡收眼底的)全景
10. atop prep. 在……上面
11. plateau n. 高原
12. via prep. 經由(= by way of...)
13. cable car n. 纜車
14. shopaholic n. 購物成癖的人,購物狂
15. countless a. 數不盡的
16. aquarium n. 水族館
17. marine a. 海的;海生的
18. architecture n. 建築(學);建築物
19. pentagonal a. 五角的;五邊形的
pentagon n. 五邊形
20. surviving a. 保存下來的
21. monument n. 紀念物;紀念碑
22. fortification n. 堡壘,要塞
23. house vt. 收藏,存放
24. antique a. 古老的
25. prisoner n. 犯人
26. cell n. 小牢房
27. incredible a. 驚人的

1. a variety of...  各式各樣的……
2. In addition, S + V  此外,……
3. be home to...  是……的所在地∕發源地

  忘了紐約、巴黎和倫敦吧。南非的開普敦充滿了活力,是當今文化的新興發源地之一。開普敦這座城市擁有美不勝收的風景,是擁有 11 種官方語言的文化大熔爐,還是蓬勃發展的經濟中心和 2010 年世界盃足球賽的主辦城市之一。
  身為南非城市人口第二多的開普敦,被當地居民暱稱為『母城』。它也是南非最受歡迎的旅遊景點。這座城市提供了各式各樣的選擇給不同喜好的人。大自然愛 好者的喜愛景點之一,桌山,遊客只要搭乘纜車,就能輕易到達 1,086 公尺高的高原頂端上,將最佳的全景盡收眼底。對於喜愛血拼的購物狂來說,維多利亞阿爾弗德水濱購物商城是個能讓他們盡情享受購物樂趣的好地方。這座購物商 城有 400 家商店、80 家餐廳和酒吧,還有終年數不盡的文化、音樂和體育活動,是個充滿活力的購物地點。此外,開普敦的兩洋水族館內更擁有 300 多種海洋生物。
  如果你對建築比較有興趣,那就來參觀形狀為五角形的好望堡。這是至今南非保存最久的石造建築。在 1936 年被宣布為國家紀念館,同時它也是全世界保存最完好的荷蘭堡壘。此外,這裡也收藏了軍事及一般美術作品、骨董家俱,甚至是骨頭。最後,歷史愛好者可以藉由 參觀羅本島的監牢,更進一步了解開普敦動亂的過去。過去的政治犯將帶您進入前任南非總理曼德拉所待過的牢房。如同您所見,不管您的興趣是什麼,您都會愛上 開普敦。這是座充滿新希望、創作自由和驚人朝氣的城市。

標準答案: 1. (H) 2. (F) 3. (D)4. (B)5. (G) 6. (J)7. (I)8. (C)9. (A)10. (E)

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