Alice in Wonderland 魔境夢遊

  Fans of Tim Burton, director of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" and countless other movies, are in for another treat1 with his new movie, Alice in Wonderland2. The movie is based on Lewis Carroll's classic novels "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" and "Through the Looking Glass"3. However, there is one big difference—Alice is not an innocent little girl anymore. In Burton's fantasy adventure film, Alice is 19 years old and does not remember visiting Wonderland many years ago.

  Just like the first time, Alice tries to get away from her reality by following a white rabbit down a hole. She is taken to the magical world of Wonderland, where she is reunited with some of her old friends like the Mad Hatter, played by Johnny Depp. However, the reunion is not completely a happy one because Alice is still in the dark about why she is there. What's more, she discovers that Wonderland is being threatened by the Red Queen and only she can save the day. Why not follow Alice down the hole in "Alice in Wonderland" in theaters this month? You will be in for another hair-raising4 adventure.

  曾拍攝《巧克力冒險工廠》和其它無數部電影的導演提姆‧波頓,將再次以他的新電影《魔境夢遊》來讓他的影迷大飽眼福。這部電影是根據路易斯‧凱洛的經 典小說《愛麗絲夢遊仙境》和《鏡中奇緣》改編而成的。然而,最大的不同點就是——愛麗絲已不再是個天真無邪的小女孩了。在波頓這部充滿幻想冒險的電影裡, 愛麗絲已經芳齡十九,而且也不記得她曾在多年前造訪魔境。

  就如同第一次那般,愛麗絲試著逃離現實,於是便跟著一隻白色兔子進入一個洞穴。她被帶往魔境裡,並在那裡和一些老朋友,像是由強尼‧戴普所飾演的瘋狂 帽客重逢。然而這場重逢並非全然充滿歡樂,因為愛麗絲對她為何會來到魔境的原因仍一無所知。此外,她還發現魔境正面臨紅皇后的威脅,而且只有自己能夠拯救 一切。為何不在本月份到戲院裡跟著愛麗絲從洞穴進入《魔境夢遊》呢?您將能體驗到另外一場驚險刺激的冒險喔。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. innocent a. 天真無邪的
Tina is as innocent as a 10-year-old girl.
2. fantasy n. 幻想(本文中作形容詞用)
Unicorns come from the world of fantasy.
3. reunite vt. 重聚(多用被動態)
The lost child was reunited with his mother.
4. reunion n. 重聚;聚會
Our last family reunion was two years ago.
5. threaten vt. 威脅,恐嚇
The robber threatened the clerk with a gun.
Phrases for Learning 

1. be in for...   將要遭遇……
Since we lost our last game badly, we are in for a tough practice today.
2. be based on...  以……為根據∕基礎
The film was based on the singer's life.
3. be in the dark  一無所知
Polly was in the dark about her husband's gambling problem.
Extra Words 

1. treat n. 難得的樂事
2. wonderland n. 仙境,奇境
3. looking glass n. 鏡子(較古老的說法)
4. hair-raising a. 驚險的;恐怖的

Why not follow Alice...
Why not + 原形動詞?為什麼不∕何不……?
Why + 原形動詞?為什麼∕為何……?
"Why not + 原形動詞?"的句型原本是由"Why don't you + 原形動詞?"化簡而成的;而在"Why + 原形動詞?"的句型中,why 之後常省略助動詞 should 及主詞 you, I, we 等。
Why not try something new?
Why tell a lie? You could get into trouble for that.

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