Water Stains on the Wall 雲門舞集:屋漏痕

One of Taiwan's modern treasures is back with another jewel1. Founded in 1973, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan will present its world premiere2 of "Water Stains3 on the Wall" at the National Theater in Taipei this November. It is the newest dance piece from Cloud Gate's founder and artistic director—Lin Hwai-min. Lin is known for creating abstract yet magical dances, and he gets his inspiration from the beauty found in Asian culture.

  The Cloud Gate dancers mix meditation4, martial arts5, and calligraphy6 with their highly trained dance movements to translate Lin's dances into works of art. For "Water Stains on the Wall," Lin created the dance piece to challenge his dancers to perform on a tilted7 dance floor, which looks like a sheet of rice paper. Different shades of black, floating clouds are projected onto the white stage while the dancers gracefully run, spin, and leap in and out of them. All this gives the image of summer clouds and water stains on the wall. For a trip into a classical Chinese landscape8 painting, Cloud Gate's "Water Stains on the Wall" should not be missed.

台灣的現代瑰寶之一又再度為觀眾獻上精彩作品。創立於1973年的台灣雲門舞集,將於十一月份在台北國家戲劇院進行《屋漏痕》的世界首演。這是雲門舞集創 辦人兼藝術總監——林懷民先生的最新舞蹈鉅作。林懷民以編排抽象卻又奇幻的舞蹈著稱,而他的靈感則是源自於他在亞洲文化裡所發現的美。

  雲門舞集的舞者將冥想、武術及書法融合在他們受過高度訓練的舞蹈動作裡,並將林懷民的舞蹈轉化成一部部藝術作品。林懷民藉由創作《屋漏痕》這部舞蹈作 品來挑戰他的舞者,讓他們在微微傾斜且狀似宣紙的舞台上進行表演。濃淡不一的各種黑色色調及飄忽的雲朵被投射在這白色舞台上,同時還有舞者優雅地在其中穿 梭奔跑、旋轉、躍動。這一切都交織成夏日雲朵及壁上水痕的意象。想要踏入這幅中國古典的潑墨山水畫,雲門舞集的《屋漏痕》就絕對是您不容錯過的壯麗舞作。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. found vt. 創立;創辦
Mr. Lai founded the company 20 years ago.
2. piece n.(藝術、音樂、文學等作品的)一件
The statue is one of the artist's best pieces.
3. abstract a. 抽象的
Beauty itself is an abstract concept.
4. inspiration n. 靈感
The writer gets his inspiration from daily life.
5. shade n.(色彩的)濃淡,深淺
Emily prefers a brighter shade of green.
6. leap vi. 跳躍,跳(三態為:leap, leapt [ lEpt ], leapt。)
George leapt to his feet when he saw me.
7. classical a. 古典的;經典的
Wendy just started to learn classical ballet.
Phrases for Learning 

translate A into B  將 A 轉化∕翻譯成 B
I couldn't translate my feelings into words.
Extra Words 

1. jewel n. 寶貴的人或物,珍寶
2. premiere vi. & n. 首演;首映
3. stain n. 污跡,污點
4. meditation n. 冥想;打坐
5. martial art n. 武術(常用複數)
6. calligraphy n. 書法
7. tilted a. 傾斜的
8. landscape n. 風景(本文中作形容詞用)
Tips In Use 

Founded in 1973, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan will...
  found 一字在此並不當作 find 的過去式及過去分詞使用,而是一個及物動詞,表『創立,創辦』,其三態為 found, founded, founded。found 除了用於創立組織或公司,亦可用在創辦學校或醫院等,而創辦以上這些事物的『創辦人』則用 founder 一字來表之。此外,以 found 形成的"founding father"(創辦人)亦是英文中常用的詞語,特別是中文在提到某國的國父時,英文則是要用"the founding father(s) of + 國家"。因此當您用英文提到『國父』一詞時,可別說成"country father"或"national father",以免貽笑大方喔!
The millionaire founded a school in his hometown.
More to Know 

  關於《屋漏痕》的創作,林懷民老師提及一段唐朝的典故:『狂草大師懷素,在洛 陽拜謁書法界的老前輩顏真卿。顏真卿問他,對書法有什麼見解。懷素說,他觀察到夏天的雲彩變化萬千,有如峻奇的山峰,經常揣摩學習,寫起字來「其痛快處如 飛鳥出林,驚蛇入草,又遇坼壁之路,一一自然。」顏真卿問:「何如屋漏痕?」據說,懷素欣然起座,握住顏真卿的手說:「得之矣。」』這件書法上的軼事令林 老師著迷,他說:『痕,漏光,乃至懷素提到的夏雲、飛鳥、驚蛇,都是大自然的狀態。醞釀多年,我決定以《屋漏痕》為題編舞,看看自己能不能觸及那「一一自 然」的境界。』因此林老師便再度以自然為素材,移山引水進劇場,在傾斜八度的白色舞台上,讓舞者用身體繪出一幅奇幻壯麗的潑墨山水。

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