The Amazing Woody Allen 無人能敵的伍迪‧艾倫

From the man himself comes the words, "My one regret in life is that I am not someone else." However, if this man were truly someone else, then the world would not have laughed along with Woody Allen and his unique sense of humor. Born on December 1, 1935 with the name Allen Stewart Konigsberg, Woody Allen is an American actor, director, screenwriter1, and comedian2. His life off-screen3 is just as remarkable as his on-screen one.

  Allen came from a middle-class Jewish family in New York City. At the age of 17, he started writing gags4 for famous comedians. In 1953, Allen attended New York University and studied film before he dropped out to pursue a writing career and later stand-up comedy5. Oddly enough, it was comedy that brought Allen back to writing and directing films.

  Allen has also had many romantic relationships, most of them with his leading ladies6, including Diane Keaton and Mia Farrow. However, Allen brought a lot of attention on himself when he married Soon-Yi Previn, who was Farrow's adopted daughter from Korea. To know more about the man, you just have to watch his movies.


這名男子自己坦言:『我這輩子只有一個遺憾,那就是我不是別人。』然而這名男子若真是別人的話,那這個世界就無法跟著伍迪‧艾倫和他獨特的幽默感一起歡笑 了。伍迪‧艾倫於1935年十二月一日出生,本名為艾倫‧史都華‧康尼斯堡,他是一位美國演員兼導演、編劇及諧星。而他在螢光幕後的生活就和螢光幕前一樣 引人注目。


Building Your Vocabulary 

1. regret n. 遺憾;懊悔
The killer showed no regret when he was arrested.
2. unique a. 獨特的
The exposition displays many unique flowers from around the world.
3. remarkable a. 值得注意的;非凡的
Dr. Lin was awarded for his remarkable dedication to environmental protection.
4. attend vt. 上學;出席,參加
All the branch managers attended the meeting.
5. pursue vt. 追求,繼續進行
Johnny pursued a master's degree after he got his bachelor's.
6. romantic a. 關於愛情的;浪漫的
I had a very romantic dinner with my wife tonight.
Phrases for Learning 

1. drop out  輟學;中途退出
Bill dropped out of the game because of an injury.
2. Oddly enough, 主詞 + 動詞  奇怪的是……
Ada always gives me advice on relationships. Oddly enough, she has never been in one herself.
Extra Words 

1. screenwriter n. 影視編劇
2. comedian n. 諧星
3. off-/on-screen a. & adv. 螢幕後∕前(的)
4. gag n. 笑話,笑梗
5. stand-up comedy n. 單人脫口秀
6. leading lady n. 飾演女主角的女演員
Grammar Check 

...if this man were truly someone else, then the world would not have...
  本句為與現在事實相反的假設語氣。使用本假設語氣時,在 if 子句中的動詞用過去式,主要子句則用過去式助動詞。句型如下:
If + 主詞 + 過去式動詞, 主詞 + would/could/might/should/ought to + 原形動詞
If you joined the club, you could have a lot of fun with us.
不論主詞為第幾人稱,凡是 if 子句中的 be 動詞,均使用 were。
If I were you, I wouldn't marry Rick.

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