Mega Breakdown 超級拆解

  In this age of living green, most people are concerned with doing less harm to our existing environment. People around the world are choosing to use products and materials that can be recycled or are made from recycled goods. It is not uncommon for National Geographic Channel to feature programs on how factories are making products with that in mind. It is also not unusual to see shows on how structures are being built, especially huge ones.

  This month, NGC is doing things slightly different by bringing viewers the other side of the story. In "Mega Breakdown1," cameras follow along as massive vehicles are ripped apart, smashed, melted down, and recycled. One of these is the FH12 Globetrotter, a cargo2 truck by Swedish carmaker Volvo. After more than 160,000 kilometers of carrying cargo, this truck is headed for Volvo's factory in Sweden to be broken down into scraps3 and parts. Experts remove everything piece by piece, including its 350 horsepower4 engine. However, Volvo plans on reusing or recycling at least 90 percent of the truck. With any luck, the parts will be used for a bigger and better model.



在這個綠活的年代,多數人都很在意不要為我們當前的環境造成更多危害。世界各地的人們都會選擇使用那些能夠回收或是利用再生物品製成的產品和材料。國家地 理頻道時常推出各種節目,其內容正是關於許多工廠是如何在製造產品時將這點謹記在心。我們也常常看到有關各種結構體是如何建造而成的節目,特別是那些龐然 巨物。

  本月份,國家地理頻道的作法有點不太一樣,因為它要帶領觀眾來探索故事的另一面。在《超級拆解》節目中,鏡頭會捕捉多種巨型車輛進行拆解、壓扁、熔化 和回收的過程。其中一台是由瑞典汽車製造商富豪所生產的貨櫃車――FH12 Globetrotter。在超過十六萬公里的載貨里程後,這輛貨車即將前往位於瑞典的富豪車廠被拆解成小塊的廢鐵及各種零件。專家們將所有東西一一拆 卸,包括那顆具有三百五十匹馬力的引擎。不過富豪打算重新利用或回收這輛貨車至少九成的車體。幸運的話,這些零件會被用在更大更棒的車型上。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. existing a. 現存的,現有的(僅用於名詞前)
Zack wasn't satisfied with the existing contract and wanted to renegotiate the terms.
2. feature vt. 以……為主要內容∕特色
The film features a strong cast and exotic locations.
3. massive a. 大而重的,巨大的
A massive sign fell off the building and crushed several cars.
4. rip vt. 拆;扯;撕
Susan read the letter to her grandmother after she ripped the envelope open.
5. smash vt. 猛擊;使粉碎
The fire fighter smashed the window with an ax and entered the building to rescue the people inside.
Phrases for Learning 

1. mind  (做某事時)記住∕考慮……
My mom does everything with our safety in mind.
2. melt...down/melt down...  熔化……
I melted down my gold necklace and made a ring.
3. with any luck  幸運的話
With any luck, we will be home before dark.
Extra Words 

1. breakdown n. 拆解
2. cargo n. 貨物(本文中亦作形容詞用)
3. scrap n. 小塊;廢棄材料 scrap yard n. 廢棄場
4. horsepower n. 馬力(引擎的功率單位)
Tips In Use 

...remove everything piece by piece...
  by 前後有時會接兩個同樣的名詞,表『一個接一個地;逐漸地』之意,類似用法尚有下列:
1. one by one一個接一個地,依次地
2. step by step一個步驟接一個步驟地
3. day by day (一天天)逐漸地
4. inch by inch (一吋吋)逐漸地
5. bit by bit (一點點)逐漸地
6. little by little (一點點)逐漸地
Ann's condition improved day by day.
The streetlights lit up one by one.

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