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2008.01.08 04:05 am







【2008/01/08 聯合報】@

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The Tall and Short of It 高人一等的秘密


Amazingly, we start off as tiny creatures of 40-50 centimeters in height. Throughout childhood and puberty we continue to grow and by adulthood, the _(1)_ of us are between 120 to 170 centimeters tall. What are the factors involved in producing such a dramatic change in such a short period of time?
  Genetics _(2)_ a key role in determining a person's potential height. But a number of environmental factors can also have a hand in _(3)_ tall we actually become. Nutrition, sleep, and exercise are also major factors. These three have a strong influence on the amount of growth hormone secreted, which in turn has an effect on our future height.
  During adolescence, people experience a growth spurt. This is when an individual can grow _(4)_ practically overnight. During this time, they should maintain a high protein, high calorie diet to maximize their height potential. Apart from a _(5)_ diet, it is wise to get 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Lastly, one should get involved in sports, especially basketball, cycling, and swimming, which are all good for helping _(6)_ the body during the growth period.
  In today's image-conscious society, not being as tall as everyone _(7)_ can be a blow to one's confidence. But remember that confidence comes from within. If you stand tall and think tall, then most likely you will also feel tall!
──by Jenny Chou

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A Bright Idea 靈光一閃


Watch any old cartoon, and you're bound to see a villain trying to outwit his innocent victim. _(1)_ As the story unfolds, our hero says, "A-ha!" and a light bulb appears over his head as he figures out what he's going to do to outsmart the bad guy.

  This "light bulb moment" is something that we have all experienced at one point or another. _(2)_ Researchers have been trying to discover what exactly happens in the brain when we get an idea out of the blue, or when we know, as if by magic, the answer to a difficult question. John Kounios, a psychology professor at Drexel University in Philadelphia, says that sudden bursts of insight actually set off "lights" in our brains. _(3)_ The subjects were given numerous random things and asked to show their connection. _(4)_ This light was actually electrical activity in the part of the brain that makes connections among unrelated things.

  Cartoonists have known for ages what brain researchers are just now discovering. _(5)_ In essence, when you're trying to be smart, you usually are.

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A Perfect Knit 編織熱


When many people think of knitting, they picture their grandmother working away to create a sweater that will be unfashionable and extremely hot. However, knitting is becoming a hip skill that is nothing like _(1)_ your grandmother does. Hollywood stars Julia Roberts, Cameron Diaz, and the character Charlotte from the hit HBO series Sex And the City, have _(2)_ knitting. These celebrities confirm the growing popularity of this craft.

  Knitting has become particularly _(3)_ among college students. Students at the University of Pennsylvania enjoy knitting for a variety of reasons. Some use it as a form of relaxation while _(4)_ see it as a creative outlet. Knitters at the university even claim it helps them concentrate during class. Knitting has become so popular that Smith College in Massachusetts now offers a _(5)_ in knitting.
  Students aren't the only ones jumping on the knitting bandwagon. Working professionals, women and men _(6)_ , are getting in on the craze. The new knitters tend to _(7)_ fast-paced lives, and knitting is a form of meditation. In coffee shops and empty offices, knitting circles have sprung up where people can come together, chat, and knit a pair of socks.

  Though knitting a piece of clothing may not be everybody's idea of a fantastic evening, for many it is the perfect way to end a hectic day.

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Mr. Johnson sat in the international terminal for two days, unable to board his flight due to forgetting a few essential travel documents. These two dreaded days in the airport could have been avoided if Mr. Johnson had only prepared in advance. By _(1)_ the advice below, your next adventure will be delightful rather than depressing.


  If you plan to fly in the future, there are some precautions you should _(2)_. First and foremost, be sure to call the airline a few days before departure to confirm your _(3)_. This gives you priority on an overbooked flight. _(4)_ Mr. Johnson, make sure you have all your necessary documents, tickets, and identification before you set out for the airport. On the day of departure, plan to arrive at the airport at least two hours before takeoff on international flights. As an added measure, check in at the ticket counter_(5)_ your flight is posted.


  Passport theft is common. Keep your identification and travel documents in a convenient, yet secure location. _(6)_ of people standing too close to you and report anyone who asks you to transport a package or bag aboard a flight.


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The Seven Wonders of the World 世界七大奇景


Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562 BC), the best-known ruler of Babylon, is credited with gracing a Babylonian palace with gardens that enchanted soldiers and spectators of the time. Even though the Hanging Gardens of Babylon are on the list of the Seven Wonders of the World, little information exists on the specifics of these gardens. Archeologists have even debated their precise location. Those who had provided information about the gardens never actually saw them with their own eyes. Their writings were based solely on the stories of soldiers and other travelers. Nonetheless, it is believed that viewers had to look straight up to see the botanical splendor of the hanging gardens.


  While Nebuchadnezzar was dazzling the people of Babylon with gardens, Rome was fast at work creating a wonder of its own. Zeus was the god of gods and every four years athletes competed at a shrine built in his honor. There were several temples erected over the years, but it wasn't until 470 BC that one befitting his greatness was finally under construction. The original temple was simplistic in design but after consideration, it was decided that a four-story statue of Zeus would make the temple worthy of a god of Zeus's magnitude. One aspect of this statue that caught the attention of historians is that Zeus was built seated in such a manner that if he were to stand up,he would un-roof the palace, thus signifying the power of the Greek god.


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聯合 更新日期: 2008/01/06 16:20 記者陳素玲/台北報導





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一.               如何取得產品

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比價王 2007 超人氣金榜出爐!這次我們特別找出人氣最佳的 TOP 40,有一推出就殺得血流成河的狠角色,也有歷久彌新、人氣始終不墜的經典銘機。哪些手機讓大家都想買?你的愛機人氣又如何?看比價王年度排行榜就知道!

[編輯部/訊息彙整 文字/朱麒璋、胡皓勛 構圖/朱法奇]


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冬日賀歲購物遊 香江熱鬧繽紛行


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