
No Borders 關愛無國界


Documentaries tell true-to-life stories about people and places that exist or did exist at one time. These films touch a chord in most people, opening their eyes to a world that can be heartfelt or horrifying. This month, National Geographic Channel showcases nine of the most gripping documentaries in No Borders.
  Afghanistan has been at war for nearly three decades. In recent years, it has been known as the home of Osama bin Laden, the terrorist behind the 911 attacks on the US. However, Afghanistan is also home to millions of souls, including eight-year old refugee, Mir. In the award-winning documentary The Boy Who Plays on the Buddhas of Bamiyan, filmmakers follow the cheeky and inquisitive child. Faced with hunger, thirst, and the day-to-day struggle for survival, Mir retains a smile that can warm even the coldest of hearts.
  In the depths of Southern China, independent filmmaker, Qinze Wang, finds himself among the Nu tribe. With no electricity, few roads, and "going out for dinner" meaning getting out your bow and arrow, the tribe has let time pass it by. Wang meets up with Ou Dede, the last remaining village musician. In a land where men pass down their craft to their sons, Ou Dede is stuck between a rock and a hard place. He has three daughters. Watch Ou Dede and His Daughters to see which offspring he chooses and what the future holds in a land that time has forgotten.
  No Borders is a passport to the universe and National Geographic Channel is offering unique stamps that will surely broaden your horizons.
──by Jerri Graham

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Lasting Impressions 歷久彌新印象派

Before the late 19th century, most European artists painted portraits or religious figures in an idealistic way. Impressionism, however, was dedicated _(1)_ subjects not as they appeared, but how the painters felt. Utilizing thick coats of paint, wide brush strokes, and startling color combinations, the artists painted simple subjects so that observers could appreciate the rough simplicity of the paintings.
  Initially, impressionism was not accepted because many believed that painting an impression of something, _(2)_ dealing in details, was crude and radical. Art exhibits, such as the famous Le Salon, refused to show impressionist works.
  Eventually, with independent support and growing appreciation for this fresh approach, the artists found a _(3)_ place in the art world. Monet became known for his use of water and its surroundings illuminated by a warm glowing light. Degas captured a dark, yet dreamlike world of ballet. Van Gogh _(4)_ a sidewalk cafe and gave movement to the night sky. Tahitians were caught in bright, daily life through Gauguin's paintbrush. These illustrious greats along with other artists, such as Pissaro, Renoir, Cezanne, Morisot, and Sisley, _(5)_ their genius to this unique movement.
  Impressionism changed the way people thought about art. In the past century, art _(6)_ its tradition of spontaneity and rule-bending. Artists today exhibit a freedom in their work that would not have been accepted _(7)_ the impressionists not strayed from the normal path. The colorful and stylistic doors they've opened have made a lasting impression on the world of art and how we see it.
──by Trudy Barnes

1. (A) painting(B) to painting(C) to paint(D) themselves to paint

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工商時報 2008.01.10 








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CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) agent Aldrich Ames walked into a Russian Embassy in 1985 and offered to sell them classified information. _(1)_ During this time, the CIA gave him two lie detector tests and he passed both with flying colors.
  A lie detector, also known as a polygraph machine, measures a person's blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and skin conductivity, while he or she is questioned. The polygraph machine can't actually measure a lie; it can only detect whether deceptive behavior is displayed. _(2)_ Most experts agree that the main goal of a lie detector is to elicit a confession, not to find out if a person is telling the truth.
  _(3)_ The most well-known way is to put a tack into one's shoe. When the examiner asks a question, the subject tells the truth, but then steps on the tack. This pain is interpreted as a lie, making real lies less noticeable. _(4)_
  If someone understands the polygraph test, it is possible to beat it. In an interview after he was convicted of spying, Aldrich Ames was asked how he passed the lie detector test. _(5)_
── by Marcus Maurice

(A)Since the invention of the polygraph machine in 1935, people have been coming up with outrageous ways to beat it.

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The King of HorrorStephen King 恐怖小說大師──史蒂芬.金


The master of horror, Stephen King, is famous throughout the world. In 1973, he released Carrie, a novel about a girl with deadly telekinetic powers. His first book was an immediate success and led to King's career as a popular novelist. Since then, he has had over 100 pieces published, many of which have been adapted into movies. The Shining, Christine, Cujo, Carrie, Shawshank Redemption, and The Green Mile are just a few of his well-known works.

  King's imagination is such that as readers turn the pages, they find themselves lost in King's world. Christine, a thrilling chiller about a car possessed by an evil spirit that brings death and destruction to all who get close, is a prime example of King's talent. Vampires coming alive in a modern-day setting are at the heart of Salem's Lot, a tale that sends chills up people's spines. Yet despite these far-fetched plots, what makes King's stories so effective is that he manages to make what he writes believable.

  King draws upon experiences and observations from his everyday life, things we can all relate to, to weave the world of his main characters. Most of his works are set in ordinary towns with ordinary people going about their ordinary lives. By doing this, King makes readers ask the question, "What if?" In life, there is a very fine line between reality and fantasy, fact and fiction. King's extraordinary gift is his ability to distort this picture and to make the impossible plausible.

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The Magic of Shoes 足下風情


When Cinderella exited the ball in a hurry, she left behind one of her favorite possessions: a perfect glass shoe. She fretted her days away until the pair was reunited. More than _(1)_ her real reason for seeing the prince again wasn't love. What Cinderella really wanted to do was _(2)_ her shoe back. For her, like many of us, shoes are more than mere accessories.
  Shoes possess a power to transform people. A boy wearing Air Jordans will attempt to jump higher and run faster than before. A girl playing dress-up will put on her mother's high heels and take a beauty queen's _(3)_.
  Shoes can also reveal a lot about the wearer. The girl in the painfully pointy shoes may not care about comfort. Being noticeably fashionable is her primary concern. On _(4)_ hand, nurses who spend hours on their feet may opt for unattractive, practical white loafers. Other shoes, such as Gucci's, are reserved for _(5)_ who want to flaunt their wealth. Wearing a pair is like driving yourself around in a BMW.
  When it _(6)_ to shoes, practicality doesn't always win out and social custom often determines our footwear choices. Choosing shoes that _(7)_ who you are can give you more than just covering for your feet. The right pair of shoes can magically transform your spirit, allowing it to soar to new heights.
──by Trudy Barnes

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The Mafia 黑手黨傳奇


In the quintessential gangster movie The Godfather, "Don" Vito Corleone operates a tight crime organization. He is an "honorable" criminal who works outside the system in pursuit of the American dream. This epic, and often brutally violent film, traces the Corleone family over a ten-year period.

In The Godfather, the word mafia is not mentioned once, but all viewers know they are watching the most ruthless secret organization that ever existed. On National Geographic Channel's Mafia, learn about cutthroat deals, gangland assassinations, and secret rituals of these global gangsters.

During the late 1970s, millions of dollars worth of heroin was smuggled into the US via Sicilian-owned pizzerias. The astronomical profits from the Pizza Connection led to brutal violence on the streets of the US. A turning point for the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) in the war against the mafia came in 1983 when godfather Tommaso Buscetta was arrested in Brazil. Desperate to protect his wife and children, Buscetta broke omerta—the mafia's sacred code of silence.

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Visiting the Book Exhibition 書展參觀記


On Saturday February 19, I went to the Taipei International Book Exhibition. Upon arrival, I was attacked by a pack of employees from various publishing companies. They were trying to hand out as many fliers as possible despite the cold shoulder they were getting from patrons.
  The exhibition hall was jam-packed with bookworms like me. It was little wonder since this annual event was a golden opportunity for book-lovers to buy books at bargain prices. While browsing, I came across an interesting magazine. However, to my disappointment, the employee told me that I could only subscribe to the magazine at the exhibition. With a look of dismay and a bit of graceful pleading, I talked her into giving me a copy free of charge. It was then that I felt all the trouble had been worthwhile.


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中國時報 2008.01.09 

     拜油價節節高漲及環保意識風行之賜,經過15年的漫長等待,法國設計師蓋.尼可拉(Guy Negre)終於美夢成真,他巧心研發的「空氣壓縮車」已獲印度最大車廠「塔塔汽車」(Tata Motors)金援,今年將投資2000萬歐元(約台幣9億5430萬元)在印度設廠,未來大規模量產,指日可待。






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Show Real Asia 亞洲真風貌


Gucci...$100! Nike sneakers...$300! DVDs of the movies that are currently in theaters ...$50! These are the words that vendors across Asia scream, trying to entice people to buy their products. The only problem is that these things may look, feel, and smell real, but they aren't. They are counterfeit1 goods.
  This month, National Geographic Channel tackles the big business of bogus items in Faking China. The market for high quality reproductions2 generates plenty of revenue for antique dealers3. Master forgers4 can even make a career out of duping museum curators5 and experts. Be sure and tune in to Faking China so you know when someone is faking it.


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Breaking the Code 破解達文西密碼


Since its release in 2003, The Da Vinci Code, a novel written by American author Dan Brown, has sold over 17 million copies and been translated into dozens of languages. The book has captured the imagination of the masses, appealing to the detective that lies within us all. Combining the elements of a fast-paced mystery novel and conspiracy theory tale, the book has raised eyebrows and caused a worldwide sensation.
  Robert Langdon, a well-respected professor at Harvard University, is the protagonist of The Da Vinci Code. In Paris to deliver a lecture on his work as a scholar in the field of religious symbolism, he has an appointment to see the curator of the Louvre, Jacques Sauni€鋨e. Unbeknownst to Langdon, Sauni€鋨e has been murdered at the Louvre and his body is found posed like Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing, the Vitruvian Man. A cryptic message as well as a series of other clues have been arranged to help unravel a mystery. The French police summon Langdon to the Louvre under the pretext of helping them solve the murder.
  The Da Vinci Code is a page-turner that leaves readers burning for more. While readers have embraced it, critics have denounced the work and many of the facts as nonsense. Fiction or not, one name rings out above them all, the true Renaissance man, Leonardo da Vinci.



1.capture  vt. 捕獲;贏得

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A Hairy Situation 你有什麼『毛』病


Many people believe that there's nothing worse than a bad hair day. Bad hair days are ones _(1)_ nothing seems to work to make your hair look normal. Standing in front of the mirror for hours _(2)_ trying to make your magnificent mane look just right is a common routine for millions. Isn't it a blessing that most of us don't have the same daily dilemma with the hair on our arms and legs?
  Hair growth is caused by hair cells that form on a continuous basis. These hair cells _(3)_ inside the hair follicles. As new cells are formed, old cells are pushed out. The cells that are pushed out die and these dead cells are the hairs that we can see. The length of our hair _(4)_ on the duration of the "growth phase." This is the period of time that new cells are programmed to grow. After the growth phase comes the "rest phase." During the rest phase, new cells will temporarily stop _(5)_ while the existing hair will fall out and a new hair will take its place. The growth phase then starts again.
  The growth phase for the hair on our head lasts for several years, while _(6)_ for hair on our arms lasts only a couple of months. This explains the _(7)_ in the length. Thank goodness that it's not the other way around or we might all end up looking like balding gorillas!

──by Jenny Chou

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Stop Bugging Me! 惱人的害蟲


You awake to a cockroach crawling across your pillow. At lunchtime, you drop a piece of sandwich and soon _(1)_ ants have carried it off. By the end of the day, you will have swung an electric racket twenty times, killing several mosquitoes mid-flight. Pests. They seem to be plentiful and ever-present. Can anything be done?
  Total elimination is impossible, but you can _(2)_ some precautions to secure your home. Ants and cockroaches seek out food, so you should keep an airtight lid on un-refrigerated food and keep open food bags securely _(3)_. Sweeping floors and wiping the table after meals are good added precautions. Ant and cockroach sprays can catch these pests unaware and kill them quickly. Spraying a small amount around windowsills and cracks can prevent them from entering the premises. If you're _(4)_ on time, many kinds of sticky tape or powdered poisons can take care of business for you.
  Mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide humans exhale, so it's easy for them to _(5)_ us. Citronella candles, smoke, and mosquito nets create a shield they are unlikely to penetrate. If your primary _(6)_ is with their destruction, you may use a bug zapper or mosquito racket to quicken their demise.
  Above all, preparedness and cleanliness are the best defenses _(7)_ pests. If you create an unwelcoming environment, the pests will move on.
──by Trudy Barnes

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