
YinggeAn Artistic Treasure Right on Our Doorstep 鶯歌陶瓷展──國際多元藝術在您咫尺之間

A visit to Yingge this month will delight, surprise, and educate with an international flair.


  The many wonders of Taiwan are waiting to be explored. Whether it's the snow-capped mountains of Mt. Jade in winter or the sultry beaches of Kenting in summer, there are thousands of places to visit. One place of note is less than an hour outside of Taipei. Yingge is a must-see town for local and foreign tourists with a hankering for true craftsmanship.

  If you haven't had the opportunity to make the trip to this historic town, now is the perfect time as October 2 marks the conclusion of a monumental exhibition. Conceived by the late director of the Yingge Ceramics Museum, Wu Chin-Fong, the exhibit is an international collaboration. Working with the US-based National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts, the Taipei County Yingge Ceramics Museum has brought Taiwan an outstanding ceramics show.

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Paris is the City of Lights. Hong Kong is the most densely populated urban region on the planet. And Mexico City is the world's biggest metropolis that sprawls across more than 1,400 square kilometers but unfortunately sits on one of the most earthquake-prone areas in the world. These cities and the complexities that make them up could have remained a mystery had it not been for the National Geographic Channel. In their fresh theme week programsMegacities, they explore London, Mumbai, New York City, Las Vegas, and the aforementioned cities to unravel the intricate infrastructures of these urban jungles.

  What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Las Vegas? Gambling? Nightlife? Electricity? While the first two are integral parts of this city, electricity is the life force that keeps Las Vegas pumping. Air conditioners run continuously, slot machines ring out, and millions of volts of the blood of this city surge through the power lines. Without electricity, Sin City would come to a swelteringly hot halt.

  New York City is one of the most recognizable locales on the planet. Millions of tourists pay her a visit each year while 8 million call her home. Tourists and residents alike use the notorious New York subway system to get around the Big Apple. In 100 years, this intricate system has expanded from a mere nine-mile line to a four-borough system that combines decades-old hardware with 21st century software. On Megacities: New York, go underneath the city that never sleeps and discover what keeps it on the go.

  Like living and breathing human beings, massive metropolises are alive with an energy all its own. Only National Geographic Channel can delve into these wondrous creations of man and go beneath the cities we live and work in.

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A Bottled Boost 喝了再上!

Many people need an extra boost to keep going. While they may need more energy to get through the day, it shouldn't be _(1)_. A few months ago, Taichung residents were paralyzed with fear after one person was killed and three others _(2)_ after drinking poisoned energy drinks. On each of the bottles that tested _(3)_ for poison, the poisoner placed a small note that read, "I am poisonous. Don't drink me." Police arrested the culprit and later _(4)_ him with lacing energy drinks with cyanide.

  In Taiwan, energy drinks are usually marketed towards the indefatigable workers. These people put in long hours at jobs _(5)_ from factory worker to office employee. They want a refreshing drink that will give them more _(6)_ to finish out their long shifts. Widely available, energy drinks contain legal stimulants, vitamins, and minerals, and are usually the _(7)_ of a cup of espresso.

  Because there are a variety of energy drinks to choose from, most people automatically assume that they are safe to _(8)_. Often attracted to performance-enhancing products, athletes especially need to be careful of some false claims of these products. They _(9)_ believe that energy drinks are adequate substitutes for the training, rest, and recovery required in sports.

  A bottled boost may temporarily _(10)_ the trick. In the long run, however, nothing beats a hot bath, a soft bed, and hours of uninterrupted sleep to get you back on your feet.

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The Sweetest Song 鳥語天籟

Walking through a forest or even a city park, you cannot help but feel a wave of tranquility wash over you as you hear the music of nature. _(1)_ Each bird species has its own songs, with some mimicking those of other birds. Just as we speak to communicate, birds sing as a means of conversing. Not all songs are created equal, though; the length of a song varies from species to species. _(2)_ Nearly half of the 9,600 species of birds have a song to sing, with most of the musically-inclined birds performing early in the morning or in the late afternoon. Males tend to vocalize more often and the reason why they are so vocal comes as no surprise. _(3)_

  Though birds are not born with an inherent ability to sing, they develop their musical repertoire as they mature. A young bird starts out by singing what is called a "subsong." _(4)_ While some birds have just one song to sing, others have scores of them. The mockingbird, for example, can sing a few hundred songs. It seems as if they produce music non-stop without taking a breath. _(5)_ During your next visit to the park, close your eyes, open your ears, and listen to the relaxing sounds of birds chatting, singing, and trying to a get a date.

──by Nana Chen

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文│彭慈然 攝影|李芸霈


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【經濟日報╱記者 張義宮】
2008.01.11 04:05 am


內銷蓬勃 本土品牌搶市

台灣內銷市場方面也蓬勃發展,業界預測,今年台灣液晶電視規模可達110萬至115萬台,超越過去映像管(CRT)電視一年90萬至95 萬台的市場量,本土家電及IT品牌的大同、奇美、明基、歌林、東元、聲寶及三洋電積極搶市,競爭更甚以往。





歌林總經理李敦仁表示,2007年內外銷出貨量將可達成120 萬台的倍增目標,尤以第四季推出代工OLEVIA品牌的52吋、65吋高畫質液晶電視,率先供應美國市場,將可帶動其他尺寸的銷售,2008年則至少出貨200萬台。

外銷熱烈 代工業績旺旺



【2008/01/11 經濟日報】@ http://udn.com/

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2008/01/10 12:37




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M型左端抬頭 21檔好省概念股當紅




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文/洪瑤 審稿醫師/李鴻科(哈佛健診專業預防醫學中心家醫科醫師)


突發性腦中風 嚴重導致死亡

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強調以「嚴格的愛」為員工管理起點;「現地主義」為現場改善關鍵;「習慣品質」為產品價值的核心,豐田學傳技更傳心,本文從「經營心態」、「管理技術」、「產業體制」、「育才機制」等面向,全方位解構其驅動世界的Toyota Way。


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撰文/戴維斯(Paul Davies) 翻譯/姚若潔



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When You Wish upon a Star 迪士尼夢幻婚禮實現你的星願

On opening day, a crowd of thousands will gather outside the gates of Hong Kong Disneyland. Children _(1)_ by their parents will eagerly bounce from foot to foot in anticipation of the springing open of the gates. For others in the crowd, it will be a big day in more ways than one. For several couples, this date isn't just the opening of a grand theme park in Asia, but also their wedding day.
  _(2)_ riding the rides, eating your fill of American and Chinese delights, and seeing the sights at Hong Kong Disneyland, you can now have your own Disney-style wedding to remember. A Disney wedding is like stepping straight into a fairy tale _(3)_ you are the central character. In almost all good fairy tales, there is a castle in which the prince and princess live happily _(4)_. At Hong Kong Disneyland, this castle is the _(5)_ 400-room hotel on the shores of the South China Sea. The _(6)_ of a Disney-style wedding is the elegant reception held in the hotel's Cinderella ballroom. As a newly wed couple dances _(7)_ a waltz around one of the largest ballrooms in Hong Kong, a bride can become Sleeping Beauty and her groom Prince Charming.
  Whether you're just going to ride the rides or to marry your true love, anything is possible when you wish upon a star at Hong Kong Disneyland.

──by Jerri Graham

1. (A) in company(B) in companion(C) accompanied(D) accompanying

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Don't Rock the Boat 別再晃了!

Many people dread riding a bus or taking a plane not because they dislike traveling, but because they are prone to motion sickness, a.k.a. carsickness, seasickness, airsickness, and so forth. _(1)_ For example, if you are on a cruise ship, your body may think that you are not moving while your inner ear can feel the waves the ship is riding on. _(2)_ For someone afflicted with motion sickness, getting on a plane after consuming a large meal may lead to a disastrous time in the sky. _(3)_
  One way to avoid or lessen the effects of motion sickness is to move to an area in the vehicle that has the least amount of movement. On an airplane, it is recommended that one sit near the wings. _(4)_ Gazing out at the ocean towards the horizon while keeping your head still may also reduce your chances of getting motion sickness. If you are traveling by bus, opening the window for some fresh air may help.
  Should these practices not work, an over-the-counter medication may be just what the doctor ordered. _(5)_ So if you love to travel but suffer from motion sickness, help may be within reach.
──by Nana Chen

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Being Ernest 硬漢作家──海明威

Ernest Hemingway is one of the most famous American authors of the 20th century. He earned this position with his concise, forceful prose as well as his tumultuous, often newsworthy lifestyle.
  One of six children, Hemingway was born on July 1, 1899. From the publication of his first short story at 17, Hemingway dedicated his life to writing, building a career that spanned some four decades until his suicide at the age of 61. In these years, he wrote 15 books, lived on several continents, married four women, and won a Nobel Prize.
  A writer since high school, Hemingway started writing professionally as a cub reporter for the Kansas City Star. This was a short-lived position, as the fighting overseas soon grabbed his attention. The world was at war in 1918 and young Hemingway wanted a piece of the action. With this in mind, he volunteered as an ambulance driver for the Red Cross. The young man from the Midwest witnessed horrific battles, one of which resulted in his receiving an injury that would greatly influence his life and writing.
  Hemingway epitomized the great American writer by producing works that would impact millions. While his personal life was filled with lost loves, tragic accidents, and problems with alcohol, his writing remained unparalleled.




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