Visiting the Book Exhibition 書展參觀記
On Saturday February 19, I went to the Taipei International Book Exhibition. Upon arrival, I was attacked by a pack of employees from various publishing companies. They were trying to hand out as many fliers as possible despite the cold shoulder they were getting from patrons.
The exhibition hall was jam-packed with bookworms like me. It was little wonder since this annual event was a golden opportunity for book-lovers to buy books at bargain prices. While browsing, I came across an interesting magazine. However, to my disappointment, the employee told me that I could only subscribe to the magazine at the exhibition. With a look of dismay and a bit of graceful pleading, I talked her into giving me a copy free of charge. It was then that I felt all the trouble had been worthwhile.
1.引導句: 2月時去參觀國際書展。
2.發展句: 書展會場外有很多人在發傳單,場內則擠滿人潮;後來找到了一本喜歡的雜誌,
3.結論句: 成功說服該攤位員工送我一本雜誌,因此覺得值回票價。
1. employee n. 員工,受僱者
2.various a. 許多的
3.publishing a. 出版(業)的
4.flier n. 傳單
5.patron n. 顧客
6.bookworm n. 書蟲;書呆子
7.annual a. 每年的,一年一次的
8.dismay n. 沮喪,失望
9.graceful a. 優雅的;得體的
10.worthwhile a. 值得的
1.Upon + N/V-ing, S + V 一……就……
=As soon as + S + V, S + V attacked by... 被……攻擊
3.a pack of... 一群……(人、獵狗、野獸等) possible 盡可能地…… sb can
1.exhibition n. 展覽
on exhibition 展覽中 (= on display)
例: The sculptures will be on exhibition until the end of this year.
2.hand out... 分發……,散發……
例: The old woman got a job handing out fliers next to the freeway.
3.despite... 儘管……,雖然……
=in spite of...
例: The crowd lined up in front of the donut shop despite the bitter cold wind.
4.get the cold shoulder 被冷落
give sb the cold shoulder
例: Tammy gave Ray the cold shoulder after he forgot to call her on her birthday.
(自從雷忘了在泰咪生日時打電話給她後,她就對他很冷淡。) jam-packed with... 擠滿了……
例: The freeway was jam-packed with cars during Chinese New Year.
(過年期間高速公路上擠滿了車子。) a bargain price 以低廉的價格
例: I was able to pick up three pairs of boots at a bargain price during the sale.
7.browse vi. 瀏覽
browse through... 瀏覽……
例: Marla was browsing through the clothes when she spotted her aunt.
8.come across... 偶然發現……
例: Did you happen to come across my glasses? I can't find them anywhere.
9.subscribe to... 訂閱……
subscribe vi. 訂購,訂閱
例: I subscribe to this newspaper so that I can read English articles every day.
10.plead vi. 請求,懇求
plead with sb to V 懇求某人(做)……
例: The frustrated mother pleaded with her son to get up off the floor of the toy store.
(那個沮喪的媽媽拜託她兒子從玩具店地上爬起來。) sb into V-ing 說服某人(做)……
talk sb out of V-ing 說服某人不(做)……
例: Please don't try to talk me out of going on my trip. I'm going whether you like it or not.
(請別試圖說服我不去旅行。不管你怎麼想我都要去。) of charge 免費
例: You can have this free of charge. It's a gift from my company.
To one's disappointment, S + V
『to + 所有格 + 表情緒的名詞』可形成獨立副詞片語,通常置於句首,修飾全句。常見的
to one's surprise/delight/sorrow/satisfaction
例: To everyone's surprise, we were given a $5,000 raise last month.
David gave Lily the ______ ______ because she stood him up last night.
______ our ______, mother brought home a cheesecake.
答案: 1. cold, shoulder 2. To, delight
from 常春藤解析英語雜誌