In 2006, Matthew Jones decided to
donate his kidney1
to anyone who needed it—even a total stranger. He
turned to a special computer program to help him find someone to save. The
revolutionary new software
paired Jones with a woman from Arizona. The woman's husband had originally wanted to give her his kidney, but their blood types weren't compatible2. Jones gave his kidney instead, and the husband used the software to donate his kidney to another stranger in need.
Ten transplants3 later, the "donor4 chain5" Jones started is still going. The kind actions of one stranger are paid forward by someone close to the patient who receives the kidney. The people
participating in the chain don't know each other
beforehand. That is because the purpose isn't to just help a friend or relative—it is to help anyone who needs it. "My dream would be that we
eliminate the waiting list because we could turn every altruistic6 donor into 100 transplants," said Dr. Michael Rees, an expert in kidney transplants. As long as there are enough people like Matthew Jones to inspire others with their
generosity, donor chains could really change the world.
2006 年,馬修‧瓊斯決定將他的腎臟捐給任何有需要的人,即便是完全的陌生人也不例外。於是他便求助於一個特別的電腦程式來幫他尋找需要救助的人。這套創新的軟 體把他和一名住在亞利桑那州的女士配成對。這位女士的先生原本打算把腎臟捐給她,但他們血型卻不相容。因此改由瓊斯捐贈他的腎臟,而女士的先生則利用該套 軟體將自己的腎捐給另一個有需要的陌生人。
十次腎臟移植後,瓊斯所起頭的『捐贈鏈』還依然持續中。一位陌生人的善行,透過接受捐腎病患身旁親近的人而不斷傳出去(編按:本文中所提到 的"pay...forward"一詞,最早源於2000年所上映的Pay It Forward《讓愛傳出去》這部電影,其意思也正如電影的譯名所指)。參與捐贈鏈的人們在事前並不認識對方。那是由於其用意本非僅是幫助朋友或親人而 已,而是救助任何有此需要的人。腎臟移植專家麥可‧李斯醫生表示:『我的夢想是我們能捨棄等候名單,因為我們可以將每個心懷利他主義的捐贈者推展成一百個 移植手術。』只要能有夠多像馬修‧瓊斯這樣的人,用他們的慷慨善意來啟發別人,捐贈鏈真的就能改變世界。
1. Why did Matthew Jones choose to donate his kidney to the woman?
(A) The woman was his wife.
(B) He knew the woman personally.
(C) They were matched together by a new computer program.
(D) They live in the same neighborhood in Arizona.
1. 為何馬修‧瓊斯選擇將他的腎臟捐給那位女士?
(A) 那位女士是他的妻子。
(B) 他本身認識那位女士。
(C) 他們是藉由一個新的電腦程式配對而成的。
(D) 他們同住在亞利桑那州的一個社區裡。
2. According to the article, which of the following is true?
(A) The donor chain that Matthew Jones started has not ended yet.
(B) People who receive a donated organ also have to donate one themselves.
(C) The point of the donor chain is to only help strangers.
(D) The donor chain is made up of friends who already know each other.
2. 根據本文,下列何者為真?
(A) 由馬修‧瓊斯開頭的捐贈鏈至今尚未結束。
(B) 接受他人捐贈器官者,自己也必須捐贈器官。
(C) 捐贈鏈的用意僅是為了要幫助陌生人。
(D) 捐贈鏈是由原已相識的友人們所組成。
答案:1. (C) 2. (A)