Funeral.Com  最後的道別——線上喪禮

Internet funerals are growing in popularity.



  The death of a friend or family member is a sad time for everyone involved.
People have always held funerals to remember the recently deceased. In the past,
a funeral was an important _(1)_ that brought loved ones together in funeral
homes or churches. These days, however, funerals have gone online.

The most common way is to simply add an online broadcast of the funeral
ceremony. Funeral homes and churches can offer a live video feed of the event.
This way, friends and family who are unable to or can't _(2)_ to travel can
watch over the Internet as the funeral happens. They can even give their
thoughts and blessings online. As families become widely _(3)_ over the world,
more and more funeral organizers are starting to offer these kinds of services.

  However, this is not the only kind of Internet funeral service. Online, people
often make friends without caring about each other's real names, _(4)_ meeting
face to face. This is _(5)_ common in online games. One new trend sees gamers
gathering online to remember dead friends. For example, an online funeral
service was held for a woman who died _(6)_ playing World of Warcraft, and over
200 players joined in.

  Losing a loved one is always difficult, and funerals are an important part of
_(7)_ the loss. As the Internet becomes a bigger part of our daily lives, it is
only natural that it will become part of our deaths, too.

1. (A) position   (B) mission   (C) occasion     (D) solution

2. (A) spend   (B) afford    (C) deserve     (D) provide

3. (A) released   (B) scattered  (C) expanded    (D) delivered

4. (A) much less   (B) rather than (C) with regard to (D) in addition to

5. (A) similarly   (B) originally  (C) especially   (D) consequently

6. (A) because    (B) since    (C) where      (D) while

7. (A) dealing with (B) taking over (C) calling off   (D) putting out

1. In the past, a funeral was an important occasion that brought loved ones
together in funeral homes or churches.

a. (A) position n. 位置
(B) mission n. 任務
accomplish a mission  完成任務
= complete a mission
(C) occasion n. 場合,特殊的大事
例: On an occasion like this tragedy, saying a prayer together usually makes
everyone feel better.
(D) solution n. 解決方法
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C),置入後表喪禮是將摯愛的人們聚集在殯儀館或教堂的重要『場合』。

2. This way, friends and family who are unable to or can't afford to travel can
watch over the Internet as the funeral happens.

a. (A) spend vt. 花費
無 spend to V 之用法,spend 的用法如下:
spend + 金錢∕時間 + V-ing  花費金錢∕時間做……∕在……上
例: David's wife always spends too much money buying clothes.
例: Jill spends most of her free time reading books.
(B) afford vt. 負擔得起,買得起
afford 通常與助動詞 can 或 cannot 並用,形成下列用法:
can/cannot afford + N/to V  負擔得起∕負擔不起……
例: We can't afford to eat at that fancy restaurant.
(C) deserve vt. 值得,應得
deserve + N/to V  值得∕應得……
例: I don't think Mark deserves to be promoted.
(D) provide vt. 提供
provide sb with sth  提供某人某物
= provide sth for sb
例: The company provides every employee with two meals a day.
b. 根據上述用法及語意,可知應選 (B)。

3. As families become widely scattered over the world, more and more funeral
organizers are starting to offer these kinds of services.

a. (A) release vt. 釋放
例: The criminal was released from prison after seven years.
(那名罪犯被關了 7 年後出獄了。)
(B) scatter vt. 分散,散佈
例: The children scattered their toys all over the house.
(C) expand vt. 擴展
例: The company plans to expand its business next year.
(D) deliver vt. 遞送;發表(演說)
deliver a speech  發表演說
例: Ted was angry because his pizza was delivered two hours late.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (B),置入後表因為家族成員變得『散佈』於世界各地,愈來愈多的禮儀公司都開始提供這類服務。

4. Online, people often make friends without caring about each other's real
names, much less meeting face to face.

a. (A) much less...  
= let alone...  更不用說……(與否定句並用)
例: Jack can barely pay his rent, much less buy a new car.
(B) rather than + N/V  而非……
例: According to the psychologist, children more often imitate their friends
rather than their parents.
(C) with regard to + N/V-ing  關於……
= in regard to + N/V-ing
例: With regard to your request for a pay raise, the boss has decided to approve
(D) in addition to + N/V-ing  除了……(尚有……)
例: In addition to attending school during the day, Fred works at night.
b. 空格前有否定句 without caring about each other's real names,故根據上述用法及語意,可知應選 (A)。

5. This is especially common in online games.

a. (A) similarly adv. 相同地,相似地
例: Colin and I are similarly at odds with our former employer.
(B) originally adv. 最初地,原本
例: Originally, we wanted to eat Italian food, but we ended up going to an Indian
(C) especially adv. 尤其,特別是
例: The old man was especially happy when his grandsons came to visit.
(D) consequently adv. 因此,結果
例: Sam is often late. Consequently, he works overtime to make up for it.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C),置入後表在線上遊戲中,這種情況『尤其』普遍。

6. For example, an online funeral service was held for a woman who died while

a. because(因為)為副詞連接詞,其後須接含主詞及動詞的子句,故 (A) 不可選。
b. since 可作介詞,表『自從……』,其後可接動名詞,但置入後語意不合,故 (B) 不可選。
c. where 為關係副詞,其前須有表『地方』的先行詞以供修飾,故 (C) 亦不可選。
d. while(當……時)為副詞連接詞,在其所引導的副詞子句中,若其主詞與主要子句中之主詞相同,則此副詞子句可化簡為副詞片語,其法則如下:
1) 刪除副詞子句之主詞;
2) 其後動詞化為現在分詞;
3) 若該動詞為 be 動詞時,變成 being 之後通常予以省略。
例: The driver fell asleep while he was waiting for the traffic light to change.
→ The driver fell asleep while waiting for the traffic light to change.
e. 根據上述,可知應選 (D)。

7. Losing a loved one is always difficult, and funerals are an important part of
dealing with the loss.

a. (A) deal with...  處理∕應付……
例: The social worker had to deal with the orphan's mistrust of strangers.
(B) take over...  接管……
例: Sally took over the company after her father passed away.
(C) call off...  取消……(= cancel)
例: The concert was called off because of heavy rain.
(D) put out...  撲滅……;使……熄滅
例: The firemen quickly put out the fire.
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (A),置入後表失去摯愛總是令人特別難受,而喪禮是『處理』這種失落很重要的一部分。


1. involve vt. 使捲入,牽涉
be involved in...  涉入∕牽涉……
例: The media reported that the politician was involved in the scandal.
(媒體報導那位政治人物涉及該醜聞。) 2. This way, S + V  如此一來,……
That way, S + V  那樣的話,……
例: Let's go to a coffee shop. This way, we can do our report while having
例: You should do the dishes after you eat. That way, they'll be easier to clean.
3. care about...  在乎∕關心……
例: If you care about the environment, you should take action to protect it.
4. face to face  面對面地
例: Chatting with someone online can never compare to talking to someone face to
5. join in (...)  參加∕加入(……活動)
例: It is a pity that you can't join in the picnic.

1. funeral n. 葬禮

2. deceased a. 死亡的,已故的

the deceased  已故者

3. online adv. 網路上地 & a. 網路上的

4. broadcast n. 播送;廣播

5. live a. 現場直播的

6. feed n.(網路)傳送(= transmission)

a live video feed  現場錄影轉播

7. blessing n. 祝福

8. organizer n. 組織者

9. trend n. 趨勢



  一般最普通的方法是將告別式現場放在線上播放。而殯儀館和教堂能提供喪禮的現場錄影轉播。如此一來,那些不克前來或負擔不起旅費的親朋好友,就可以透 過網路觀看喪禮舉行。他們甚至還能在網路上表達追思或祝福。因為家族成員變得散佈於世界各地,愈來愈多的禮儀公司都開始提供這類服務。
  然而,這並不是唯一的線上喪禮服務形式。在網路上,人們交朋友通常不在乎對方真正的姓名,更別說是面對面相見了。在線上遊戲中,這種情況尤其普遍。有 個新趨勢是玩家們在線上聚集,一起悼念死去的朋友。舉例來說,有名女性朋友在玩《魔獸世界》時去世,就有超過兩百位玩家參加了為她所舉辦的線上喪禮。

標準答案: 1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (D) 7. (A)

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