Every day, we see ads or signs about living greener lives. We are
encouraged to keep the world clean and improve the environment. Currently, most people know what they should do, but is it really enough? A new concept1 is taking a deeper look at our trash and challenging us. This concept is called zero waste, and programs supporting it are spreading. Zero waste pushes us to rethink how and what we
recycle. The main goal is to create communities that produce little to no waste. This may seem impossible, but zero waste programs are seeing a lot of success.
A great example of a zero waste program
in action is on Nantucket Island in the US. Since the island is small, the residents2 realized they were making more trash than they could
deal with. Therefore, instead of spending lots of money on
shipping the trash away, they decided to create less of it. Residents
are now
in charge of sorting their own trash and sending it to the right stations. Some stations are for food waste that is then composted3. Another collects objects like books and clothes that can be reused. There are also stations for
typical recycling materials, such as glass and metal4. Since the program started, Nantucket Island has only been sending eight percent of its trash to landfills5. Compared to Massachusetts, which sends 66 percent of its trash, the difference is amazing.