Mental Health Awareness Month 心理健康宣導月


  Every day, people have a hundred things on their to-do lists. They have to arrive at school or work on time, get assignments done, and make time for other people. Everyone deals with the stress of daily life differently. However, for some, these daily chores are very hard to face because of mental illness. These illnesses are related to stress and anxiety, and serious mental disorders require treatment. To bring more attention to these problems, the US celebrates Mental Health Awareness Month every May.

  Special programs are conducted at schools and workplaces. Many schools have workshops for teachers so that they can help students understand mental illnesses like depression. Commonly seen, depression is when a person has constant sad and negative feelings. Teachers are also trained to help depressed students set goals and focus on the positive things in their lives.

  There are programs that teach ways to get rid of stress and anxiety as well. While trying to manage everything that needs to be done, people often forget to take a moment to relax. Over time, stress can build up and turn into physical or mental health problems, or even both. One good method for fighting these problems is to spend at least 10 minutes a day relaxing. Going for a walk, exercising, meditating, and just sitting in a quiet place are great ways to keep your heart, body, and mind healthy.


人們每天都有許多待辦事項要做。他們必須準時上課或上班、做完被分配到的任務,並且為其他人抽出時間。每個人處理生活壓力的方式不甚相同。不過對某些人而 言,他們因為自身的精神疾病而很難處理這些日常雜務。這些疾病跟壓力和焦慮有關,而嚴重的精神疾病就必須接受治療。為了讓這些問題受到更多關注,美國會在 每年五月慶祝心理健康宣導月。

  有一些特殊的計畫會在各地的學校和工作場所裡進行。許多學校會為老師辦研習會,好讓老師能幫助學生瞭解像是憂鬱症等的精神疾病。憂鬱症這種很常見的疾 病是指一個人會持續出現悲傷及負面的感覺。老師們也會接受訓練,以幫助罹患憂鬱症的學生訂定目標並專注在生活中正面的事物上。

  另外也有一些計畫則是教導人們擺脫壓力和焦慮的方式。當人們試著努力完成每件需要完成的事情時,常常忘記要抽空休息。經年累月下來,壓力便會累積,進 而演變成身體或心理方面的健康問題,甚或兩方面都出現毛病。而解決這些問題有個好方法,那就是每天至少花十分鐘放鬆一下。去散散步、運動、冥想,以及只是 單純坐在一個安靜的地方,都是讓您保持身心靈健康的好方法。
Building Your Vocabulary 

1. mental a. 心理的,精神的
Sam doesn't know he has mental problems.
2. anxiety n. 焦慮,不安
Karen's fear of unemployment causes her great anxiety.
3. conduct vt. 進行(研究、調查等)
Rick conducted a survey on air pollution.
4. depressed a. 患憂鬱症的;沮喪的
I felt depressed when I heard the bad news.
5. manage vt. & vi. 設法(完成)
How did you manage to finish the big project all by yourself?
6. physical a. 身體的
Some sports may cause physical harm.
Phrases for Learning 

1. make time  抽出時間
Parents should make time for their kids.
2. get rid of...  擺脫∕除掉……
Al tried hard to get rid of his smoking habit.
Extra Words 

1. assignment n. 任務;作業
2. chore n. 日常雜務
3. disorder n.(身體機能的)失調
4. awareness n.(對某事的)體認;意識
5. workshop n. 研習會;工作坊
6. depression n. 憂鬱症
7. meditate vi. 冥想,默想
Tips In Use 

...teach ways to get rid of stress...
rid [ rId ] vt. 使擺脫;免除(三態同形)
get rid of...除去∕擺脫……
rid A of B使 A 除去∕擺脫 B
"get rid of"中的 get 即等於 be 動詞的用法,而 rid 則為過去分詞。rid 作及物動詞時,其後須接表地方的名詞或反身代名詞作受詞,再接"of + 所要擺脫的事物"。
The new mayor tried to rid the city of crime and corruption.
I finally rid myself of my fear of heights.

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