Silence of the Night Owls  無聲飛行的夜間貓頭鷹

by Bruce Bagnell

A bird that moves silently through the air has sent engineers back to the drawing board.

  What horror movie would be complete without a night scene using an owl or two hooting in the woods? NASA flight engineers are especially interested in these night owls, for they may hold the secret _(1)_ silent aircraft.
  Ornithologists, or bird experts, have long known about the great difference _(2)_ day-flying and night-flying owls. Like all other birds, day-flying owls create sound as they fly, while their _(3)_ cousins do not. A close examination of the latter explains why. Their primary feathers are jagged, much like the teeth of a comb. Their trailing feathers on the back ends of the wings, _(4)_, are fringed, much like the ends of a scarf. Furthermore, the rest of the wings and the legs of the owl are _(5)_ in soft, small feathers. The fringe on owls' trailing feathers helps reduce noise, and the soft, small feathers actually _(6)_ sound. The combined effects of the feathers make for silent flights.
  As everyone knows, aircraft _(7)_ are extremely noisy. Most airports around the world have strict noise pollution standards, which means that during a 24-hour period, only a certain amount of _(8)_ noise can be produced. If aircraft can be _(9)_ to be soundless or nearly silent, airports may be open for business 24 hours a day. The number of take-offs and landings could _(10)_, which would be good for business and more convenient for travelers. Flight engineers from commercial airlines to NASA are excited about the possibility of designing the first silent aircraft as they continue their studies of the world's only silent flying bird.

(A) designed (B) to (C) covered (D) increase (E) in flight (F) in contrast (G) absorb (H) nocturnal (I) measurable (J) between

1. NASA flight engineers are especially interested in these night owls, for they may hold the secret to silent aircraft.
a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
the secret to + N/V-ing  ……的秘密
此處的 to 為介詞,表『針對』之意;凡表示『針對』某一問題或事件的關鍵、秘訣、解決方法、答案或障礙等時,通常與介詞 to 並用;此類名詞常見的除 secret 之外,尚有下列:
a/the key to...  ……的關鍵∕秘訣
an/the answer to...  ……的答案
a/the solution to...  ……的解決方法
an/the obstacle to...  ……的阻礙
例: The secret to learning a foreign language is to practice every day.
例: If anyone knows the answer to the question, raise your hand.
b. 根據上述,可知應選 (B)。

2. Ornithologists, or bird experts, have long known about the great difference between day-flying and night-flying owls.
a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
the difference between A and B  A 與 B 之間的不同
例: Can you tell the difference between toads and frogs?
b. 根據上述,可知應選 (J)。

3. Like all other birds, day-flying owls create sound as they fly, while their nocturnal cousins do not.
a. 空格前為所有格 their(牠們的),其後為名詞 cousins(表親),可知空格內應置入可修飾 cousins 的形容詞或分詞。
b. 符合上述的有 (A) designed(被設計的)、(C) covered(被覆蓋的)、(H) nocturnal(夜間活動的)及 (I) measurable(可測量的),然僅 (H) 置入後符合語意,與其前的 day-flying(白天飛行的)形成對比,故選之。
c. nocturnal a. 夜間活動的

4. Their trailing feathers on the back ends of the wings, in contrast, are fringed, much like the ends of a scarf.
a. 空格所在的位置為一完整句構,可知空格內應置入獨立副詞或獨立副詞片語,以修飾整句。
b. 符合上述的選項僅有 (F) in contrast(相對地),置入後亦符合語意,表牠們的主要羽毛呈鋸齒狀,就像梳子的齒。『相對地』,在翅膀後端的尾部羽毛則成鬚狀,就像圍巾的末端, 故選之。
c. in contrast  相對地
例: Cats are easy to take care of; in contrast, dogs need lots of training and attention.

5. Furthermore, the rest of the wings and the legs of the owl are covered in soft, small feathers.
a. 空格前為 be 動詞 are,後為介詞 in,可知空格內應置入形容詞或及物動詞的過去分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) designed(被設計)、(C) covered(被覆蓋)及 (I) measurable(可測量的),然僅 covered 置入後符合語意,並與介詞 in 搭配形成下列用法:
be covered in/with...  被……所覆蓋
例: Anna was covered in mud after she fell into the pond.
c. 根據上述,故選 (C)。

6. ..., and the soft, small feathers actually absorb sound.
a. 空格前有複數名詞詞組 soft, small feathers(細軟微小的羽毛),後有名詞 sound(聲音),且根據句子的時態,可知空格內應置入現在簡單式的複數及物動詞。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (D) increase(增加)及 (G) absorb(吸收),然僅 (G) 置入後符合語意,表那些細軟微小的羽毛實際上可以『吸收』聲音,故選之。
c. absorb vt. 吸收
例: Sponges absorb a lot more liquid than paper towels.

7. As everyone knows, aircraft in flight are extremely noisy.
a. 空格所在位置為一完整句構,且空格前為名詞 aircraft(飛機),可知空格內應置入可放在名詞後修飾的形容詞、分詞片語或介詞片語。
b. 符合上述的選項有 (A) designed (被設計的)及 (E) in flight (飛行中),然僅 (E) 置入後符合語意,故選之。
c. in flight  飛行中
例: While the plane was in flight, one of the engines died.

8. ..., only a certain amount of measurable noise can be produced.
a. 空格前有介詞 of,後為名詞 noise(噪音),可知空格內應置入形容詞。
b. 選項中可作形容詞的尚有 (A) designed (被設計的)及 (I) measurable(可測量的),然僅 (I) 置入後符合語意,故選之。
c. measurable a. 可測量的
immeasurable a. 不可測量的
例: Parents' love for their children is natural and immeasurable.

9. If aircraft can be designed to be soundless or nearly silent, ...
a. 空格前有原形 be 動詞,空格後為不定詞片語 to be soundless or nearly silent,可知空格內應置入形容詞或分詞。
b. 符合上述的選項僅剩 (A) designed(被設計),且置入後亦符合語意,故選之。
c. design vt. 設計
be designed to V  被設計來……
例: This program is designed to teach people how to care for the elderly.

10. The number of take-offs and landings could increase, which would be good for business and more convenient for travelers.
a. 空格前有助動詞 could(能夠),可知空格內應置入原形的不及物動詞。
b. (D) increase(增加)可作不及物動詞,置入後亦符合語意,表飛機的起降次數『增加』,對公司營運有好處,對旅客也比較方便,故選之。
c. increase vi. & vt.(使)增加
例: The number of tourists this year has increased greatly.

1. complete a. 完整的,完美的
wouldn't be complete without....  要是沒有……就不完整∕完美
例: Dinner wouldn't be complete without dessert.

2. S + V, for + S + V  ……,因為……
for 可作副詞連接詞,表『因為』之意,使用時多置於主要子句之後,其前通常置逗點。
例: Zoe doesn't live with her parents now, for she got married last year.

3. the latter  後者
the former...the latter...  前者……後者……
例: Albert and Edward are brothers. The former is handsome, while the latter leaves a lot to be desired.

4. make for...  造成……,促成……
例: The constant rain made for a horrible beach vacation.

5. As everyone knows, S + V  大家都知道,……
例: As everyone knows, Eric always keeps his word.

6. take-off n. 起飛,出發
take off  (飛機等)起飛
例: The enlarged runway will enable jumbo jets to take off and land easily.

1. owl n. 貓頭鷹
2. hoot vi. 貓頭鷹叫聲
3. NASA n. 美國航空暨太空總署(為 National Aeronautics and Space Administration 的縮寫)
aeronautics n. 航空學
administration n. 行政機構
4. aircraft n. 飛機,飛行器(單複數同形)
5. ornithologist n. 鳥類學家
ornithology n. 鳥類學
6. cousin n. 遠親
7. primary feathers  主要羽毛,初級飛羽(生長在鳥翼末端節的羽毛)
primary a. 主要的;初級的
8. jagged . 鋸齒狀的
jag vt. 使成鋸齒狀 & n. 鋸齒狀突起
9. trailing a. 拖曳的
10. fringed a. 成穗狀的;有流蘇的
fringe n. 穗狀物;流蘇
11. scarf n. 圍巾
12. combined a. 結合的,聯合的
13. standard n. 標準
14. soundless a. 無聲的
15. landing n. 降落
16. commercial a. 商業的

  如果沒有一兩隻貓頭鷹在樹林間叫的夜間畫面,有哪部恐怖片稱得上完整?美國航太總署的飛航工程師對這些夜晚活動的貓頭鷹特別感興趣,因為牠們身上可能 藏有靜音飛行器的秘密。
  鳥類學家從以前就知道白天飛行和夜間飛行的貓頭鷹有很大不同。像其他所有鳥類一樣,白天飛行的貓頭鷹飛行時會製造聲響,但牠們的夜行表親則不然。一項 針對後者所做的詳細調查說明了原因。牠們的主要羽毛呈鋸齒狀,就像梳子的齒。相對地,在翅膀後端的尾部羽毛則成鬚狀,就像圍巾的末端。此外,貓頭鷹翅膀的 其他部分和腳上都覆蓋著細軟微小的羽毛。貓頭鷹尾部羽毛上的鬚鬚有助於減少聲響,而那些細軟微小的羽毛實際上可以吸收聲音。這些羽毛結合起來的效果造就了 無聲飛行。
  大家都知道,飛機在飛行時會產生極大的噪音。世界上大部分的機場都有嚴格的噪音污染標準,也就是在 24 小時內,飛機只能產生定量的可測噪音。如果飛機能設計成無聲或接近無聲,機場就可以每天 24 小時都開放營業。飛機的起降次數增加,對公司營運有好處,對旅客也比較方便。不論是商業性質的航空公司或國家航太總署的飛航工程師,在他們持續研究這種世 上唯一無聲飛行的鳥類之際,對於可能設計出首架靜音飛行器都感到非常興奮。

標準答案: 1. (B) 2. (J) 3. (H)4. (F)5. (C) 6. (G) 7. (E) 8. (I) 9. (A) 10. (D)

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