As November starts, you might notice something unusual. Men that normally have smooth faces might stop shaving their upper lips. By the end of the month, you might be seeing more
facial hair than ever. Thick, thin, dark, light, straight, or with a curl1 at the sides—it is a month for mustaches2 of all shapes and sizes. While it might seem like just another
ordinary November to you, for some men, it is Movember.
The idea for Movember started in Melbourne in 2003. A group of Australian men
came up with the idea to bring back the mustache that was popular in the 1980s. The name Movember was perfect since it
combined mos, which is Australian slang3 for mustaches, and November. It started as a joke, but the idea has grown and spread to Canada, Ireland, Spain, the UK, and the US.
However, Movember is not only for fun or fashion, it
is actually
for a good cause. In 2004, the campaign4 developed into an event to raise funds for prostate5 cancer. By doing so, it brought more attention to men's health
issues. Since then, Movember has raised US$47 million as it continues to make men more
aware of seeking early detection6, diagnosis7, and
effective treatment for the health risks they face. Basically, Movember is trying to change the face of men's health.